There was a family that lived on many acres of land.The father,mother,and three children homesteaded there.they built a cabin to dwell in,and they all lived together until one day God told the father in a dream to build one house for each child. He had two girls and a boy. he had awaken his wife,and told her about the dream the heavenly father showed him,and they began to pray.the next day he began his project to build the houses all on the land God gave him. He built each one by the sweat of his brow,and many logs,and nails,and within a few years he had complete all three houses.the children were nearly grown so the father sat down with all three children,and told them he had built them each a home to call their own,to raise their family on land that God had given him. as he nailed the last log in place,and the extra furniture he had worked to buy was placed in each house the children now young adults can move in,and begin their lives. the family were at the dinner table eating for the last time,and they made a pact with each other as long as they lived they will always be together. As the young adult children abode in each home they made plans to raise their family the way their parent did them by keeping God first.One night a blistering wind blew so hard it rippled through the hay field,and a spark from a generator set the hay field on fire. the father Rising up quickly from the smell of smoke,and the crackle of flames the fire was headed to the three houses he had built for his children.He quickly got his wife out of bed,and went to each house,and wake up all the children,and get them out quickly. As they all gathered together they watched as all those houses went up in flames.they all began to weep,mourn,and bathe in their tears of loss. The father on his knees said to the Lord; why lord why did this happen.? I worked so hard on each house,and you took it away. the lord replied; my precious,and valued servant I did not cause this to happen. nature has a way of going it's own way,and bad things happen sometimes. As they all sat in that one house each one went into their old bedrooms to sleep,and rest from their traumatic ordeal.As the father and mother lied warm in their bed the mother asked the father;are you going to rebuild the houses. The father replied no,I see no point in building them back.the children can stay here until they married,and then they can work together,and rebuild the houses themselves. I am old,and tired,and can not work like I used to. Gently the father cuddled close to the mother,and said.We have lost our dream,but the pact has never burned down.WE ARE ALL STILL TOGETHER. No matter what we lose in this lifetime,no matter what trials we face,or what we dream families that pray together stay together no matter how close,or how far apart we are from each other. as long as you live you all will always be together.We have to let go of the lesser to obtain the greater even when we lose everything we have.
As the children grew older they married,and each of them had built their own houses. their mom ,and dad had already passed away. Every year for the rest of their lives they would go to the graveyard where there mother,and dadwere buried cry,and laugh. Each of them had their own experiences to tell and they would tell them to their mom and dad at the graveyard. One child said: if it was not for you mom,and dad I would of never had a life of my own. I love you,and miss you so much. Rest in peace. the children lived on that land and it has been home to generations of children when the parents die they never neglected to go to the graveyard to give thanks to the ones who started it all from the beginning. We must pass our legacys on to our children so they can pass it on through every generation.Stories such as this should be told to every man,woman,and child so they can learn the meaning of it,and follow it's guidelines. I am physically disabled,and not a very good writer. I have written one book,and trying to finish another one. this story that I have told was based on a thought, a feeling,and action which through the years I have experienced much loss. Despite my inability to live a normal life i live a life of love,and laughter. I see, i hear,and I listen to the still small voice within me,and i produce stories of courage,and hope despite the tragedies which befall us. If we create a legacy let us all create one,and pass it down through all generations to come. Every story had beginning,and an end. Mine began when I was born. I had dreams,visions,and goals, but to achieve them i had to experience tragedy just like the family in the story. I have lost it all before. Homes,cars,and everything i worked hard for,and all thats left is my frail body which worked hard for many years,but despite it all I kept goiing until I could not go no more. I have been physically disabled now for three years. doctors can only treat me. there is no cure for what i have. I am a writer, artist,and motivational speaker. when I write I express what the Holy Spirit reveals to me,and place it on paper. when i draw I see the image in my dreams,and visions,and place them on canvas. when i speak to others I speak as a mentor,and a teacher which is trying to teach people how to live laugh,and love depspite tragedy. i want to die knowing I touched the human heart with my writing,and my art,and every word i spoke to continue on through others that they may pass it on.!
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