Drama Fantasy Inspirational

Asli looked out the window. All of Duaci was covered in a blanket of snow. Children built snowmen of made snow angels. She hated to ruin there perfect afternoon. But it was something that needed to be done. Duacin people deserved the truth. There king had passed on that morning. Asli, the queen was the only one to know of this. Other than the maid who nearly screamed from horror when she came to change his sheets. The maid jabbed pins into Asli's hair and tightened her corset. This would do. The queen never really cared for the king, something that surprised the maid. Their marriage was arranged and they honestly hadn't been married that long. So once she got through letting her country down she would run, far away from this place. probably somewhere west where no one would recognize Turkish Royalty. That was the plan, this in mind she stepped out into the open.

"I am sorry to announce this on such a splendid day, Your king is dead."

Petrified screams and scandalized gasps erupted from every corner of the courtyard. Now it was time to leave. Asli hurried through the crowd into the woods where her carriage awaited.

It wouldn't be long until they reached the dock. She took her hair down and took off her fancy jewelry. Asli was already wearing the plainest thing she owned. A burgundy dress with small frills on the shoulders. She had her hair wavy. She wore brown slippers as long as no one recognized her face she would not stick out one bit. You would think anyone would recognize a queen near the region they ruled. But that was not the case she usually had her face covered by a vale in public. Only in the past few weeks had her people seen her face. The carriage stopped and Asli's heart nearly did the same. Something very extraordinary was about to happen.

I cut through line, I was rewarded with angry glances.

"Who do you think you are?" Someone shouted.

"THE QUEEN!" I screamed back with immediate regret.

"The queen of nothing at all." They snickered

Those words from now on would be true. It wasn't that bad to be the queen of nothing. Even nothing is something. No one pushed me out of line they just glared. By 5:00 p.m. the boat had set sail for the colonies. I would be there within the next few days.

I made some friends on the boat. With a woman named Brileigh I ate strange food and I got seasick a few times. (More than a few.)

After a week or two we docked. I looked out at all the people walking the streets without a worry in their heads. This is where I belonged. I stepped off the boat and struggled to steady myself. It was harder than anticipated. I tripped and was caught by a nice looking young woman. She stood me back up on my feet and shook my hand.

"I'm Ellie Bronwyn!" She said cheerfully before shaking my hand.

"Welcome to Clove, New Hampshire!"

I smiled in return and then stood awkwardly.

"Your awful quiet, what's your name ma'am?"

"Asli Badem."

"Ahh... You're Turkish." She laughs.

"That's Correct." I nod.

"I can show you around if you would like."

"That sounds nice."

Asli saw many new things that day. Mountains, pumpkins and many many rivers. Ellie had said that some called Clove the River City. When the sun began to set Asli began to worry. She hadn't really thought about where she would live. All she could think was to get away from her region. She knew that she had family here, but how would she ever find them?

Ellie noticed her glum expression. "Are you alright?" Ellie worried.

"Yes, I suppose, maybe not."

"What seems to be the matter Asli?" Ellie continued

Why was Ellie so hospitable? Americans were very kind she supposed.

"I haven't anywhere to stay."

Ellie furrowed her brows, puzzled.

"I think my husband and I have a spare room."

"Thank you, really." Asli smiled her prettiest smile and followed Ellie as she walked through busy streets and soon enough they had reached her home.

To red headed boys rain through the house protesting bed time. Ellie laughed and kissed them both on there little heads. She sung them a little lullaby and they were asleep quickly.

"Ron and Oliver are sleeping, sleeping in their beds." She sang on and even Asli's eyes began to droop.

She had a little ration of food left over from the boat. She devoured surprising even herself with how hungry she felt. Ellie's husband was a nice man. He was Scottish encompassing some of the same features as his sons. They carried a polite conversation until he left to go to bed. Ellie led Asli to the guest room and blew out the candle on the bedside table. It had become obvious their family was not wealthy. Very different from what Asli was used too. Even so they shared what they did have. That was something she was sure to note. Another new thing.

Asli had started keeping a journal on the boat. She hoped someday someone would find out where the missing queen had went. She fell asleep with that in her thoughts.

A few months passed. Ellie and Asli would walk through town. They would buy groceries and make dinner. Apparently that is just what people did here. They best nights were when everyone helped make dinner. Oh what fun! Asli had come to love the music that filled the streets. She loved her freedom and no one one would be taking it anytime soon. Or so she thought.

It was an especially chilly January day. Ellie and Asli were walking by the frozen over river near the park. They watched the clouds and guessed if it would snow. Snow was a magical thing according to Ellie. So they both wished it would come. They were walking home when a voice came from behind them.

"QUEEN ASLILLI BADEM!!!!" Asli's heartbeat sped up.

"Aslilli? I think you have the wrong person sir." Ellie laughed.

But he was right. Asli was afraid of this. So she dropped her grocery bag and ran. She heard shouting coming from behind her. Not one but twenty voices. Whoever was leading Duaci had sent the armed forces. Asli ran a little faster. She ran where no one one dare follow. The frozen river. She could only make out two sentences.

"YOU NEED TO COME HOME!!" This was from a Duacin.

"You're home is here" This was not a shout at all. Just Ellie mouthing the words. At this point the conflict was to much for Asli. She screamed releasing all her anger. Than she did the unthinkable. Alone and petrified she stepped on to the frozen river.

January 23, 2021 04:35

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Brennan Bilberry
04:42 Jan 23, 2021

When I said I I meant she at the beginning it is or not of. Also I had there not their. Again my apologies!


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Brennan Bilberry
04:37 Jan 23, 2021

Sorry about the grammatical errors!


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