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There once was a strong winded woman named Anna Jones.Today we all know that she is the most famous scientist in the entire world,but it was not always like the way it is the way we know her as today.When she was a young child she had always dreamed of being a news reporter when she finally was able to get a job as a news reporter she found that being a news reporter was not all it was cracked up to be.Then on a soft and quite December day she finally had the guts to quit her job.When she finally quit her job she found a slight bit of regret because she did not have a job now and she had to rely on her husband David Jones to help her family get food and many other things to survive and it was not helping that she had 3 kids Abby,Emily,and Cassie.Anna spent many hours looking restlessly in the Newspaper,but it was hopeless there were none job openings in the Newspaper.After a while she gave up and went to bed.The next morning she got up and got dressed and went to the store to get supplies.After she finished she took a little stroll around the mall,but then something caught her eye it was a sign saying 'Help wanted"on a fashion store window.Immediately she rushed over to the window of the store.This was her break to get a job,but there was only one problem she had no experience in fashion and also she had heard from her friends that doing fashion and making clothes is super hard.At first you walked a few feet away from the store,but finally went in to see if she could get a job.When she finally found the manager she was surprised to see the manager happily sewing a shirt from what Anna could tell with a big grin her friends boss was very very mean to her and was very strict while her soon to be hopefully new boss was very friendly looking.After they finished Anna was so excited but was very nervous if she would like or job or if it was just as worse as her old job as a news reporter.When she got home and put the groceries in the house she told the good news to her family the most excited family member was probably David at first she was offended,but then she understood why he would be so excited for her because after all he did have to work over time and by the time he got home he was probably exhausted after such a long day.After her family finally calmed down which seemed to take forever congratulated Anna that she had finally got a new job.At night time Anna could not sleep she kept on thinking about what it would be like to make clothes for everyone,but what if nobody likes her clothes and she just isn't meant for the fashion business and ends up getting fired and is back to looking for jobs openings.After she got ready to go to work and finally got to the store her boss began to talk to her about her job and asked her a bunch of questions like if she has ever had any experience in fashion before.After he was done he introduced himself and said that Anna could call him Mr.Cheese and that it was a pleasure to have her.Anna's job was to make clothes for people and then sell them.At first she messed up a lot and lost a couple of costumers but finally got the hang of it.She then started to like it she even made a new friend called Tracey that was also a design person.After her shift was over she went home and talked about her day and about how nice and helpful Tracey is.She then continued her work and she started to become a good friend of Tracey they talked about their life and where they are from.Anna honesty thought Tracey was a very interesting person with a great personality.Then after a couple of years business started to be slow and then one day Mr.Cheese said they were closing the shop for good because they had been bankrupt and they could not afford to keep the shop.Anna then became a very stressed because she was back to square one finding another job.She spent day and night looking for a job offering until when she felt like she was going to lose it she found a job offering to be a scientist.Anna could not believe she was going to hopefully be a scientist she honesty did not even like Science,but for the sake of her family she would do her best to get the job.So from that day forward she studied the whole world of Science until she was ready to go meet the boss and ask for a job as a scientist.She spent many many days studying the world of Science and then finally felt confident enough to go up to the lab and ask for a job.When she went to meet the boss she was shocked to see Mr.Cheese her old boss she worked for in the fashion store sitting in a chair in the boss's office.She asked him many questions.Apparently Mr.Cheese won a lottery of 10 billion dollars and bought the lab.Anna was a very close friend to Mr.Cheese and was probably his most favorite worker out of the fashion store,so of coarse Mr.Cheese welcomed Anna with open arms and tested her knowledge.According to Mr.Cheese Anna was very good at Science and was very impressed.After she was shown her workstation as a experiment person she was off working.Currently Anna was working on a formula that with a single drop it would instantly grow hair on where the liquid landed.After her shift was over she bought some groceries and went home David and her children congratulated Anna of finding a new job and doing so good that for dinner David bought her a Dunkin Donuts coffee as a reward and the kids got ice cream from Scoops and from that day forward she kept on working hard and doing her best and finally finished her formula for hair growth and continued her work and eventually became a world-known scientist and that is my story.The end.

December 18, 2020 00:28

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1 comment

Vinci Lam
01:39 Dec 22, 2020

Hi! I read your story. It moves along quite quickly, but one way to make it easier to read is to separate them into paragraphs! Breaking your ideas into smaller bits like this will make your whole story look cleaner and makes your editing process easier as well. Keep it up!


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