Romance Suspense Fantasy

It is Four O'clock in the afternoon and Amy's eyes are so glued on her laptop with no care of what is going on around her. She is speedily typing away the assignment her boss gave to her. She is too focused that she does not know that on the other side of the company her colleagues are hurriedly going out of the building into their cars due to the first signs of the blizzard coming up. The winds are so strong and little snowflakes have started to fall. 

All throughout the day the media stations and channels have been hyped with the forecast of the blizzard. Poor Amy did not get to listen in on such information because she had an assignment to complete. She did not even sense the presence of her boss - Lucas White of Lucas Publishing House who at one point stood by her office door with a look of interest in his eyes. By that time Amy's ears were lovely covered with beautiful golden headsets and she was humming along with whatever song no one knows about that was playing. He swiftly went back to his office with a wicked smile on his lips that brightened his whole face.

Amy is then startled back to earth by the ringing of her phone. She searches for it in her handbag and brings it out when she gets it but what first strikes her is the time. It reads Six O'clock and when she sees it is her brother Ben calling her, she remembers how she had promised to head back home early to prepare dinner. She then hesitantly picks up the call. 

"Amy, where are you? Her brother's worried voice welcomes her. He has always been this protective of her ever since they lost their parents when she was sixteen years in a car accident that left them so devastated but Ben has been such a wonderful big brother she looked up to. She lets him know that she is still in the office but will be home soon. He then tells her to look outside. She thinks there is a surprise waiting for her. Maybe her brother was somewhere calling for her. She smiles and goes to open the window to see what was awaiting her but she is nearly knocked down on her feet by the strong wind that comes upon her but is saved by the bookshelf next to the window which she holds onto for support. In her attempt to avoid falling down, she pushes the window closed. While she is trying to calm down there is a short circuit and electricity goes off. She makes a loud scream that could wake up the ancestors from their peaceful graves. 

"Amy, are you still there? Is everything ok? What has happened?" Ben's concerned voice is heard from the other side of the phone. She gets chills but then calms down when she realizes it is the voice of her brother. Still in shock she explains to him what had happened. He tenderly speaks to her and promises to pick her up the moment the situation outside becomes calmer. He further tells her not to fear and stay calm. She nods her head and says goodbye to him. The moment Ben senses calmness in her voice, he hangs up the call.

Amy gets a torch out of her bag. This torch was gifted to her by Ben after the incident that happened to her last year where she got stuck in the elevator and electricity went off. By the time she was rescued she had this lost scared look in her eyes. Lucas was there to witness all this and from that day swore not to let anything bad happen to her. Amy of course did not know any of these thoughts. She has never been a girl who is scared of the dark but just hates anything to do with surprises. Anything that comes as a surprise without her being prepared for it does not settle well with her spirit. She turns the touch on and thinks of how her colleagues are doing in such darkness. She goes out in search of them but after checking most departments and coming out with no luck she gets a thought that maybe they had gone back to their homes earlier because of the weather. Come to think of it. No one had come to her rescue when she screamed.

She goes back to her office to figure out what she will be doing to kill the boredom. As she sits on her working table she is taken back to three years ago when she had just joined the Lucas Publishing House team as a graduate intern. This was immediately after her graduation at Reeds University where she had majored in public affairs with a minor in literature. She was so eager to start the job hunting process but as luck has it she got a notification of a job alert of an intern needed at Lucas Publishing House which has always been on her top list of companies to work at. It was a prestigious institution with a reputable background. It was well known for its amazing publications. She applied and before she could settle in at home after her graduation party, she is called in for an interview. It was intense with many applicants but she luckily got the job. It has not only improved her life but it has been her other home for the past three years. 

These memories take her back to a time when rumours circulated on the company premises of how their boss had a pregnant girlfriend. Amy was not someone who took in gossip but she has always desired to know more about her boss. He was professional and kept a private life that is why it was so hard to know what he was up to. All throughout the three years different rumours came up but then she is also reminded of those stories of how there was a mysterious secret door somewhere in the company. By the thought of this her interest is piqued so she jumps off the desk with a mission to find out this special door to some sacred room. She excitedly rushes out of her office to start the search but a warning kept in her head that she will be in trouble if caught. She brushes it off so fast and continues with her search. Amy has always been one who is determined to do anything once her mind is put to it.

Slowly by slowly she opens and closes the different doors to the different offices in the building. At one time she feels like giving up since she is not seeing anything interesting or new but her legs carelessly take her to the other side of the building which has her boss'office. It was not the first or second time she has been to this place because since she was promoted to be the company's publicist two years ago after showing competence in that field, she had had to meet up with Mr. Lucas White on many different occasions but mostly to discuss the scandals her workmates were involved in or at times how best they could increase on the sales of the different books, magazines and novels they published. Just as her workmates found Lucas attractive, she was no different. She silently admired him from a far and there are those times she enjoyed looking at him when he was busy discussing for her how he wanted things to be. Unfortunately she was saddened by the fact that he did not even spare her another glance unless he wanted her opinion on something. One of the moments she will never forget is when she almost slipped because of the water that had dripped from the umbrellas of her colleagues onto the floor since it had rained heavily that day and from no where she felt safe in the strong hands of someone who prevented the fall and when she turned around she got lost into the deep blue eyes of Lucas that were tenderly looking into hers. He quickly steadied her and walked away. Other than that day, things have always been professional between them.

She reaches his office door with a feeling it was locked but when she tries to open it, it quietly opens. She walks inside and she is mesmerized by the setting before her. Being in this office feels new every time she is in it but she is lucky to observe every inch of the beauty in place. Her favorite picture is a drawing by the window side of a family of four. A man who holds his wife in an embrace, a smile on the woman's lips and two kids, a girl of about four years holding her brother's hand who is about seven years. These two look so adoringly at their parents. At this moment snowflakes are heavily falling down on the outside of the premises but Amy has no care about it but she is lost in the yearning the photo by the window brings out of her. She imagines such a life with Lucas. After some time she is brought back to the present by a certain sound she can not get ahold of.

She tries looking around but she does not see anything. She almost thinks it was in her imagination but the sound becomes a bit louder. As she turns towards the other side of office that has the coffee maker, she sees something like a door. Could this be the secret door? She asks herself. She slowly walks to it and pushes it open.

What she sees makes her eyes to grow big. She gasps but quickly covers her mouth with her hands. Her heart beats so fast. She can not believe what is before her. This can not be happening. She feels like running out of the room before being seen but her legs are stuck to the floor. She is hot all over. She feels too weak to move. Her eyes are glued on the striking image of the man of her dreams running his hands on his thick manhood and out of his mouth comes the name "Amy" while he reaches climax. He then turns around and Amy is caught licking her lips. He moves towards her and before she could take off, she is pinned to the wall and kissed into oblivion. What started as a hunt for a secret room to pass time as the snow fell turned into a night of passion and desire for Amy and Lucas.

January 22, 2021 20:42

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