
Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Powers...What are they to you?

Are they lucky characteristics you earn or have from birth?

Or maybe a curse?

There is no right or wrong answer.

Tabitha Longreign was a normal kid, sweet, kind, caring and a little shy to be honest. She had many friends and many people adored her.

Yet she hated keeping a friend for long, when a friend was either ignored or rejected she would cover up the truth with the simple answer "I can't get attached, I'm sorry!" And because of her permanent sweet aura, no one blames or argues with the girl.

Here we are, on a normal rainy day, in a normal school, surrounded by normal people.

Tabitha was sat alone at a desk, scrolling through her phone before class started, a girl wandered up to her, a grin on her face as she twisted her fingers slightly. "H-hey" she stuttered, waiting patiently for the popular girls response. "Hi?" Tabitha mumbled, looking up at the girl from her phone, the girl looked astonished at the fact the most popular girl in school had said hi to her, it wasnt much of a deal but for most girls her age it was an honour to just walk behind her.

"So...are you new?" Tabitha smiled, looking the young one up and down. "Y-yes, I am!" She replied, her eyes wide and lit up with excitement. Tabitha noticed this and smirked, patting the seat beside her, "come sit down" she beckoned the girl.

A few nearby classmates where whispering and looked shocked at her action.

"Really!? Oh, I would be honoured!" She rushed behind her and sat herself down beside Tabitha, an eager grin spread across her face. Tabitha sighed, taking in a deep breath, "What's your name?" She asked politely. "Uh. Rachael" she replied, Tabitha smiled back, earning a happy glance from Rachael. A young boy sat behind Tabitha with a book, he positioned his glasses down so he could take a proper look at his surroundings. "New girl eh?" He whispered to Tabitha, earning an annoyed glare, "mind your own business!" She turned round, staring right into his eyes, he smirked "What? Your just going to throw her away like all the others, why dont they understand?" He sighed, shaking his head as the girls rolled their eyes at him.

"I dont throw them away! I cant get attached" she said through gritted teeth "it's a problem" she then flicked her hair into his face as she turned round to face Rachael. "Honey, aww your nails are so cute!" She proceeded to make conversation with the young girl, taking her hand in hers. She then closed her eyes, her hand still on top of Rachael's, a scene played in her head. A strange one, There where cars and lights and then..Rachael? That's when it happened, she was hit by a passing car going over the speed limit on the 20th June.

Tabitha opened her eyes again to see Rachael's concerned face, "You okay there?" She asked. Tabitha simply nodded and smiled, removing her hand from Rachael's and sat back in her chair, "why so soon?.." she mumbled under her breath, biting her lip as she gave the sweet girl a glance.

The boy noticed this, worried, he decided to bring it up after school, him and Tabitha wherent much friends but they wherent rivals or enemies either.

After school he ran up to her before she could turn down the path and leave. "Tabitha!! Wait up!" He yelled from the corner, Tabitha luckily turned round to see a red-faced boy, book and bag in hand as he bent over and caught his breath back.

"What do you want?" She said, giving him an annoyed look as she rolled her eyes. "What happened in class today?" He finally asked when he had got back his breath. "Finally" she sighed, taking the boys hand and pulling him across the street and over to her house.

"What?" He moved up his glasses and stared at the girl, confused and concerned. "I need to talk to you" she replied. They made their way up into her bedroom and sat across eachother on the bed. "So?" He started, raising his eyebrows. Tabitha smiled weakly and began her talk. "I have a power..I can read when people are gonna die and how...thats why I throw people away quickly..I dont wanna live through their life knowing when and how their gonna die" she paused, her mind at loss as her eyes wandered to every place except his. He stared intensely at the magical girl, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

"That's incredible!" He finally said, earning a frown from Tabitha.

"No it's not! I hate it! It's a curse..now I know Rachael is gonna die tomorrow after being hit by a car.." The boy sighed, letting out a deep breath as his locks fell across his eyes. Tabitha giggled and carefully removed the hair so she could stare into his eyes, she blushed and immediately pulled her hand back. "Well...you should go" she said slowly, placing her hand in her hair awkwardly. "Okay" he replied, "but..if you need help...itll be in the place you'll least expect it to be!" He winked and waved before exiting out the door, leaving Tabitha in a mess of emotions ranging from confusion to..love.

The next day she saw Rachael wasnt at school yet, today was the day after all. She peered behind her to see the boy, he looked hopeful but his smile soon faded as he saw Rachael wasnt in her place beside Tabitha. Tabitha felt lonely, guilty, and tired of this curse, a burden that held weight on her shoulders, that's when she felt someone lightly brush her arm as he sat beside her, it was the boy. She bit her lip as a scene unfolded within her mind.

Him, driving over to visit his grandma only to be in an accident after a drink driver span across the road..after school.

Tabitha didnt tell the boy that she saw the vision, she just sat there as a tear pricked her eye. She wanted nothing but to love someone and to be loved without knowing that they would die then and of this..

She sat upright, putting on a fake smile and smiling at the boy to put his worries at a rest. "Thanks" she smiled, a blush formed on her cheeks, but every thought of the boy brought a tear to her eye, but she kept it to herself.

Afterschool she stopped the boy before he left the building, awkwardly chuckling at herself as she spoke. "So..um, what you doing?" She asked, though she knew full well what he was going to do. And how it was going to end.

"Going to my grandmas!" He said excitedly, obviously happy about seeing his family, this made Tabitha realise. She couldnt just sit back and watch as thousands of people died, but what was she gonna do?

She couldnt deal with the emotion, she gave him a last tight hug and a last wave before rushing off home. Jumping into her covers and crying into her pillow.

Thats when his words came to mind..."if you ever need help it will be in the place you'll least expect"..

Wheres a place where you wouldnt usually find help?

Mmmm, the fridge?

The closet? Nope.


"My pants drawer!!" Tabitha exclaimed, opening up the drawer and throwing them out, searching through them quickly. That's when she found something, a hand written letter saying

"Maybe your power isnt a curse? Maybe you can put it to good use?

You could be a superhero!! And use the power and information for a good cause?"

Tabitha smiled at the young boys handwriting and traced her finger over the lines...wait. He might not have went in the car yet!?

Tabitha dropped everything and rushed out of the house, across the street and cautiously across the road to the boys house.

She knocked on the door, biting her lip and fidgeting, hoping they hadn't left yet...


She embraced the young boy, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him in. "Dont go...go another time" she whispered. The boy heard her and caught on quickly, smiling as he thanked her "you saved me" he replied, assuming that if he went he would of died. She nodded and giggled slightly.

That's when she realised..she was holding him in her arms yet there was no scene playing?

Maybe it was because she already helped him, saved his life. That was what her gift was for. To let people live a longer, happier life, and she overlooked it all this time ..

It wasnt a curse...

It was an honour.

July 02, 2020 12:12

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Neppi A
06:09 Jul 10, 2020

Hey Kaira, Such a cute story! Loved the concept. Good job!


Kaira Davies
11:01 Jul 10, 2020

Hello Neppi A, Thank you so much! I appreciate the good feedback :)


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