Mystery Thriller Suspense

"So, let me get this straight Miss Leone. You come back home from a long day of work. Your husband is still at work. You go to take a shower. You hear someone scream. You hear gunshots. You run out of the shower without appropriate clothes on. You get outside and there's no one. You don't report it to the police. Then, that night while you are asleep you wake up to screams. You hurry downstairs to get outside so you can investigate. You see a young woman get shot, but there is no blood, no witnesses besides yourself, and no one heard anything last night," Officer Jenkins said.

"Yes, sir. I know it sounds crazy and quite impossible but I know what I saw." "Mam, how much have you had to drink?" Officer Jenkins asked. "Sir, with respect I know what I saw, and if you would just believe me and investigate I really think it would be something worth investigating." "Mhm, well if you see anything else out of the ordinary you know who to call." Officer Jenkins said as he opened the door for Carrie Leone.

Carrie Leone did indeed know what she saw. She saw a young woman get shot. She went inside to call the cops and she was gone. But what had happened to her? Did she really get shot or was it some other type of weapon? All she knew is she had to crack this case, even though she had no history of being a detective but she did read a lot of Nancy Drew books, along with Steven King.

The next day she went out where she saw the woman. She looked around but saw nothing. When her husband came home he was worried about her safety. He knew that she was not a heavy drinker and even if she was she would know the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

For days Carrie would go out and look for anything even a little clue would help but she found nothing. Then, one night while looking at a car sitting next to the spot where she found the woman she saw something worth looking at.

She told her husband to go with her and they went to the car together. When they walked up to the car they both had chills up their spine. As they looked at the car, they were both worried. Carrie saw the smallest amount of blood on the car window, but the thing that she was going to find next was definitely unexpected.

"Babe, you might want to see this," Adam Leone, Carrie's husband said. Inside the car of the backseat were hundreds of files of missing girls. Luckily, the car was unlocked. Carrie used her jacket to open the door so her fingerprints wouldn't be left. "Oh, my God. Who would do this?" Carrie asked. "Maybe a criminal," Adam said as he opened the trunk. As she walked around the corner to see what was in the trunk she nearly fainted. She found a hammer, a knife, and a nailgun which all had blood on it.

"Honey. You are not going to believe this but Officer Jenkins badge is in the front seat of the car. Either, he was dumb enough to leave it there, killed her, and left all the bloody weapons in the car, or someone stole his badge to frame him." Adam said. "Yeah, I don't know. But what I do know is that Officer Jenkins is going to be mad." Carrie responded. "Haha, yeah. Sucks for him."

Carrie and Adam always have hated Officer Jenkins. They always suspected he was a dirty cop but never actually thought any further than that. Basically, everyone theorized that Officer Jenkins was dirty, but didn't want to say anything about it because they knew they would get into trouble; Jenkins trouble that is.

When the feds arrived, all the neighbors were out. Officer Jenkins was not on duty, coincidentally. "It's like he knew we were going to call, hmm." Carrie thought. "Carrie, we heard that you found evidence. Would you care to show us?" Officer Henry said. "Yes, of course as long as I can be part of this investigation." "We don't usually allow that but I'll agree to it. You can count this as our thanks once we crack this investigation. Deal?" Officer Henry asked. "Haha, that sounds like a good deal to me," Carrie said. "Well let's get to it."

"Officer Henry, I don't know how much experience you have with Homicides and things like that but here's what we found." "Excuse me, we?" Officer Taylor asked. "Yes. My husband and I. But to continue. First, we found hundreds of missing persons files. Bare with me. It gets better, or worse that is. And then, we find Officer Jenkins badge in the car." Carrie said as all the officers opened their eyes in astonishment. "Open the trunk. You are going to want to see this." Carrie said as she backup up. "Call the FBI! Now! What are you starring at idiot? Call the FBI!" Officer Henry yelled at Officer Taylor.

When the FBI arrived, everything went south. Everyone was looking for Officer Jenkins. His family. His friends. The police department. The FBI. Basically, the whole town. Officer Jenkins was nowhere to be found.

"Think. Think. Think. Where would Officer Jenkins be? If I was him, I would hide somewhere hidden and private. Someh=where where no one could possibly look. That's it! Adam! Come here!" Carrie said. "What's wrong? Are you pregnant?!" Adam said. "Haha, no honey. Funny though. Where would you hide if the feds were after you?" Carrie asked.

"Probably somewhere like our cabin. Barely anyone knows about it." "Yes, honey. That would be a place to look for Officer Jenkins. We always told him about our little cabin up in the Lolaker Mountains. He knows we wouldn't be up there at this time of the year. We're both working. We haven't even been there in years. He probably thought it would pass out minds because we haven't been there in forever." Carrie said. "You're a genius!" Adam said. "I know," Carrie said while smiling.

When they called Officer Henry he ordered 10 police cars to go up there and investigate. It was taking forever for them to respond to Callie if Officer Jenkins was there or not. "Is he there?" Carrie asked. "I'm not sure. They have a bad connection with the radios up there. I probably won't hear from them until they're out of the mountains." Officer Taylor said. "Okay, okay. I'll just wait for another hour," Carrie said in sarcasm.

Finally, she got a call from a friend who works with the FBI. "Hey, Carrie. We got him!" Agent Lemming said. "Yes!!!" Carrie said in excitement. "That monster will be getting what he deserves."

November 06, 2020 22:30

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Mustang Patty
08:45 Nov 16, 2020

Hi there, Thank you for sharing your take on the prompt. I found your story to be engaging and well told. I did come across some issues with punctuation - missing commas, and the like. A few suggestions for editing your short story before posting: Just a few techniques I think you could use to take your writing to the next level: READ the piece OUT LOUD. You will be amazed at the errors you will find as you read. You will be able to identify missing and overused words. It is also possible to catch grammatical mistakes – such a...


Payton Sweeney
15:37 Nov 16, 2020

Thank You for the feedback!


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