To receive Comfort or some form of Comfort

Written in response to: Start or end your story with someone being soothed by a hug or words of comfort.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Funny

Ah! the hug that is given or the spoken words that hope to help someone see themselves differently and maybe even smile. Oh how can this be even equally explicit as a kiss on the cheek or on the lips.

"How far should one go before it steps over some certain "line" or possibly crosses a certain boundary that is placed between two people who may or my not share some form of attraction"? "How can this be the very thing, the hug either side ways or straight forward into a close embrace"? "Can this be the way to share in and participate as a willing partner"?

Sometimes words can be said that will be heard by one's ears, and in a metaphorical and a literal sense, but may be received on hesistate terms, with some doubt or not fully recieved as well as they were hoped to be. Yet when one receives a hug or words of comfort, it is only meant with the best of intentions, with the idea behind wishing to express and convey that which is meant to be a positive gesture. Even when the intentions are meant to be for good, they can still be misunderstood or misconveyed as half as such.

The person who reaches out and shares such a gesture or feeling, has no idea how they will responded to, or how their gesture will be recieved. They are unsure how to express their own way of showing that they, in som small way, may understand how the person feels and what all they are dealing with concerning their situation. We as humans always want to nurture, to cuddle, to bring in a form of closeness that may or many not well received.

What if, when one person chooses to share a hug or a kind word, to state how they are trying to be understanding and sympathize/empathize with the other person, even in a small non-threatening way. it means that the other person who is on the recieving end, may respond in kind and accept the gesture. Yet even in doing so, may retract or withdraw from the reception as though they have been "bitten by a snake". To say that they are not fully willing to recieve such a gesture, can be due to some past trauma, pain or hurt, that left a moment of fear and disdain.

But then finally, with some coaxing, and soft words tht can be easily understood, where they finally "give in" and with a smile, realize they were not needing to feel fear or even retract from the person who was giving them the hug and/or speaking in kind words of reassurance. To make them feel at ease and less of them pulling away, the person recieving such a gesture, can become more receptive and accepting of that which can put them in a less frigid mood.

It is when we all are willing to take the chance, worth the risk to try and be more open to that which can not hurt us or bring about bad memories from our past, that we become more human in all that we do and respond to. "How can we show others that we only want the best for them, no matter, (in the past),what they have dealt with, no matter, ( in the present), what they are dealing with, and (in the future), what they possibly, may or may not, deal with as part of that future, which is yet to be written"?

We all desire to be loved, even if it only a simple hug, or a single comforting word, that otherwise not spoken, would never have brought about a smile or a quiet polite thank you. All it takes is for one to speak a kind word, such as "Good Morning, "Have a good day", "So good to see you", or even doing a kind gesture, like opening a door or pulling out a chair, or even allowing someone to enter a building or enter into an elevator door first. These can be seen as an act of kindness, and for most, they will in some small way appreciative of this act of kindness.

The gesture can either be directly or indirectly, spoke about or spoken to, allow others to observe and notice that which was done to them and for them, with any need to be done in response likewise. To reach out and offer a hug is more of a personal gesture, and may or may not be responded likewise, especially with a stranger. But this may not be the case, as sometimes a stranger may respond by allowing the gesture to be given and accepted like a gift given, ever so slowly.

As we are creatures of habit, when we are no longer in our "comfort zone", "living outside the box", scared to show our vulnerabilities, letting down our guard in a more expeditied process. We allow ourselves to recieve that which allows something to be "attached" to us as humans and allows to "feel" better for it too. We should let us to weakness, or through kindness to show weakness, but yet we are filled with emotions and feelings, which can sometimes work to our advantage. When we are less critical of how we respond to something that we truly need to have, then and only then can we know the truth behind us as humans and what makes us humans being flexible and free thinking.

When we realize that not all people are evil, bad thinking orout to do us harm, not out to "get us" and "make us pay for others mistakes", then we are able to stop believing all that others say, do, or share (most of the time is false to begin with). It is then that we see others (who offer us a hug or words of comfort, then we will see how humanity brings out of us the good, which may lead us to become better at being human beings or at least a little more human.

Yes the hug that broke down barriers, which were built around ones heart, to suffocate the life from a once free beating heart. The words of comfort that melted the charred heart of a once stifled and stagnant person to become less frigid and more human. When it starts, there is no stopping it and it could go onward for all eternity.

January 25, 2025 08:25

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