
I awoke in a sweat, as the night became another day, the past hours have left me without memory of all. I worry not; a voice still speaks to me, its a piece of me spiritually, not physically, but mentally and perfectly.

The innocence of man exists again one day, its a continuous cycle I see happening with pause whence we've gone overboard and went beyond our expected limits. This is what I dreamed, This is what she wanted me to see, perceive, and write for the world to read. for the starved to eat.

It's 3:33 a.m. and the windows cracked, with a candle lit, as an invitation to my mysterious owl friend, as her knowledge seeps to the blend of what I see and think, a chaliced wine a potent leaf.(this is for you the reader) "Close your eyes to see and hear me. I speak to you from within and deep, allow me some life through you and manifest back what next you must see."

Her breath breathed into me, I slept lucidly, as my eyes open I feasted my eyes upon a beautiful but familiar beast. Her hand gently touches me upon the and above the cheek. She touches the very soul of me.

" Do not scream or attempt to speak, regretfully what I do next will effect you painfully, emotionally , and even physically!" Suddenly a woman of great power appeared to me, from a blinding light, she sat upon my chest and inhaled nearly all my pain from breath, until nothing but a painful truth was left, I saw our world in shambled agony, The lady of the Earth publicly shamed and destroyed, by not evil, but weak minded and weak willed men that believe their headed to better times, see what I see, these are not the paths to prosperity! "

My mind wanders tirelessly in so many directions, my focus lost...

" Listen child your reading and writing but your not seeing feeling, or hearing me!" The woman sent her beaming sight directly inside of me from behind my own eyes I painfully saw/see what shes showing me( and will for the rest of my days). The flames of eternity death disease a storm is coming. Natural causes are not natural any more, the tide is rising, The raven's voice filled the air around me, "allow me to tell you a story of the bear, specifically the winter bear, listen carefully, and try to follow my lead." Startled of course, especially at the ravens timing, it's like time changed seasons over night, the presence of the owl, the lady the storm are gone, oh shit the coming storm, the visions she left me with, encased within memory for all time. The fires and screams of children, the wicked deception of women and men, a deceitful vermin running the game, the master of all, with an R in the name, puppeteer from above pulling the hate and greed strings, that doesn't really exist, its just a dependent currency game, they want immortality, they will lose everything with nothing to gain. The lady in the fire, Earth was her name, but she will not parish for she's an immortal being, not free from pain, curse, or sickness, from the cursed sickness of human beings.

A snowy setting for our next vision seen, the Ravens story of a war that started, the winter bear has awoken and has been seen, witnessed, after decades in the shadows doing shady dealings with scum from the west.

Multiple sides of a dangerous game been played, watch as it unfolds, as you all stare blindly in wonder and awe. 

Fables of secret masters attempting to enslave us all, are fables no more. For we speak now of the next great war, one like never seen before, a war to end all wars? Not likely for as long as humans walk the Great Earths floor! In these times we shall see the opening of doors, with deceptive sights on the other side. 

A shift again, a swift switch of seasonal time, and again the owl was in womanly form upon me," Have you seen enough to learn some things, do you understand what you'll do for me, and in return you shall receive my vision, my history, my wisdom. My dear," says she," if I don't break your spirit with this journey we are soon to embark upon, then perhaps there's hope for a change to come. A kiss upon the temples and her finger to my lips, my eyes begin to travel to a place of heaviness, as I drift drift drift away to a place beyond time and space, without a thing to feel or see but I seem to be aware of everything around me. There's no sense to be made of this current scenario, no logical facts to ponder upon, a science cannot be acquired, so all in all this is an existence that shouldn't exist, yet here we are and here we be, and never again shall we see this fabric of someone else's reality. Never again shall we return here, as a force unseen shoves me, and I begin to fall into a never ending nothing....

falling, falling, falling....

(when shall dying ever end?)

(If this of course is dying)

Encased and secured by wings of she, and safely awakened from the intensity of this dream... I awaken and rise in urgency, drenched in sweat and shooken up, alone in darkness, in the early hours, before the birds begin their sunrise songs, that bring the oranges and the reds that bleed across the skies, and this is where this chapter dies and the midnight dark allows the next to rise...

The fluttering vibrational voice of Ravens wings fly through my mind this night.....

Sacrificed thoughts to the winds,

Blown away beyond natural realms of thoughts,

Differently then daily observations,

Beyond the realms of three dimensional sight.

That cold you feel it's not the weather, it's the death of something coming, now and soon.

But the death of one phase means the birth of a new...


Pay attention my friend to the next new moon....

The eerie deepness of Ravens voice as it gave direction to my thoughts. 

Sleep young warrior sleep into a deepness.....

Stretched out across the cold sheets bare skinned for comfort,

Footsteps crunch in the snow outside my window, from someone or something. In and out of dreams partly conscious and aware, a smell of burning wood far off in the distance. Somewhere, a muffled speaking, I can't tell if it is near, or yells from far off, the sounds I hear sound fragmented, seeping from clouds that seep out of dimensional tears.

Distant cries from far off world's,

Tell of a future where stories bleed from pages of alternate existences onto ours,

This shouldn't happen

They shouldn't be here

Is it real?

Does man learn powers other than the ones they've hung over man for centuries as all the decency of man has been devoured?

Swallowed by beasts of greed wishing to live eternity in fleshy mechanics, or frozen cold till this futures considered old, no sooner to be awoke as egotistical pioneers?

A clock goes off in my natural instinct three thirty three, almost daily, the early a.m. is when I meet you, some seeds and crumbled crackers on a dish to greet you!

Good day Raven,

You've truly been a stranger, 

my concerns you were dealt a deathly blow from a hunters bow, as I chuckle.

"Hmm impolite humor,

We are not friends dear boy know your place do not be fooled by courteous conversation, for I will if taunted peck your eyes from out of you.

Apologies indeed dear Raven,

Your absence has been duly noted,

And curiosity has me jumping boundaries that seem inappropriate.

Small talk and chit chat is seldom my agenda, I flock with none and work for one,

He stated...

Lilitu indeed...

A presence different from us two invaded and engulfed the room, beginning to consume all silence, with a loud fluttering of feathered wings large enough to block out the glow from the moon. Her voice spoke to me from world's away as I felt her song vibrate my very soul making me intuned with 

Times outside of night and day, eve and noon. The room in which I reside began to fade away, as my body melts from the fingertips down to my toes and I'm left with nothing physical

just the image of my inner mind in a fragmented state.

Lilitu! She is here and then everywhere, and in my head with visual effects of images I could never alone imagined or thought. Like prophecy I saw what would one day be, and one day what would not. Fires lie across the Earth as humans cry out for the help of a forgotten God! "Lament for life" she whispers" and cry for forgiveness is what you will all do on a day of judgement when there's only a few men left to choose."

"Choose what?" I asked as if not a clue existed in these thoughts, but truly I knew. Truly I flew in the grasps of visual view as she embraced me within her embodied Goddess energy,

As I was a part of her and her a part of me, no words could ever explain how this felt to me, nor would sense be ever made, no physical evidence will ever be seen! The simple man deemed powerful will always seek a physical God and shall forever fail to see all before he, I see it all before me, and then everything went black and she whispered sensually in my ear, then kissed me, " this is gonna hurt" we hurled forward at such painful speed, I saw what seemed a million versions of me before she torturously restored me to the physical me.

Curled up barely conscious, not hardly able to see but just a blurry haze in front of me, a shadowy figure stood on the other side of a waterfall, he began to summon me,

" Rise good sir " said a gentle voice but with strength and force I felt myself put forth upon my feet, 

" Do not retreat, and feel at ease, not fear, they call me the healer, at your service please." The gentle voiced silhouette took bow and guided me into darkness.....

We walked what seemed eternity in seconds than minutes, and seconds again, and a blinding light hit my face like a solid wall, I lost sight,but felt myself begin to rise. I felt unclothed and every inch of me comforted by a warmth against my skin.

It felt like fingers rearranging parts of my mind, sensations and tingles surged through my body beneath my skin, I felt it within my marrow, oh so deeply within, and suspended sleep begins.

My body then placed into a pool of warm waters beneath the cool ground as I'm cleansed.

There were hands of those that washed me down that I could not see.

February 22, 2020 01:14

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