Hello TROLLS!!

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a cautionary fable about someone who always lies.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

hello friends its meeeeeee

................................ ................................................................................................

yah im in my bed with a lollipop in my mouth and a laptop on my lap in which im writing this.......


so people are downvoting you.............


just WHY

WHY me?

you ask to yourself......

*scroll down pls*


yes as i was saying...

peple downvote you,

you get sad,

people downvote you,

you get mad.

see what i just did there LMAO......

lets get serious.....

*scroll down pls*

so we some how we come to know who is the troll and tell him or her to stop but the lie that they did not do it.....

lets stop downvoting each other..

reedsy is a great community but we are ruining it by downvoting each other and leaving bad comments about them.....................

btw guys it is sorta related to the pompt ...the lie part...

leave a comment on your opinion about this...............................

bye bye

April 09, 2021 08:05

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Akshara P
05:28 Dec 22, 2021

Downvoting shouldn't be an option.


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Akshara P
05:27 Dec 22, 2021

100% true 👑


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Eren Yeagar
06:22 Aug 31, 2021

tru 👑


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11:20 Apr 09, 2021

I agree, downvoting is wrong.


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Harley Quinn
08:11 Apr 09, 2021

hi guys what is your opinion on this?


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