Adventure Drama Fantasy

Goldleaf's first owner was Arron a nerdy middle school boy driven by imagination. He was the first to free Goldleaf's soul from his metal dice prison. The two would butt heads constantly as Goldleaf's experience and age clashed with Arron's pacifism, innocence, and ignorance. However, over the years, the two began to see the other's view and fought various enemies. Then the day came when Arron had to give up being a Dice Changer and go off to college. Goldleaf was devastated by the news. 6 years ago he was a weak arrogant fool; now he is a powerful and wise warrior. Arron was a weak cowardly boy, who now is a strong and confident man. When Arron gave his dice set back to the Angel, the one who gave Arron his dice set, simply said "Thank you for choosing the straight and narrow path." and put the dice set back into the box Goldleaf had tried to escape just 6 years ago.

2 years later Goldleaf's second owner would arrive. A curious young man with a very extroverted energy freed Goldleaf from his prison. The man had heard the stories of the Dice Changers, of an elf and half-orc fighting cultists and criminals. The man would ask about Goldleaf's experience in this world and his home world. He would ask about the battles and the decisions that had made him into the powerhouse that he was. Goldleaf rarely answered any questions as he was too busy reminiscing on the relationship he and Arron had. He felt like such a connection would never be possible to recreate. No matter how much the new owner tried Goldleaf was too hesitant to let go of the past. Goldleaf and the man fought a few criminals, but mostly demons of the world. Goldleaf's power was nothing like the demons had seen before and understood he was not from this world but another. Some even thought he was an angel. After some time though the young man had to give up the dice set and Goldleaf was sent back to the box.

Months later a new owner arrived. This time it was a shy girl. It took her some time to speak as she thought Goldleaf was merely an illusion or a thought in her head, but once she realized Goldleaf was, in fact, real, her mind was blown. Over time Goldleaf began comparing her to Arron. Her mannerisms, attitude, and view of the world. The girl would sometimes criticize such claims but Goldleaf knew what he was talking about even if it had been a long time since he had last seen his first master. However, the girl soon found comfort in Goldleaf's wisdom and strength. She found out how to deepen the bond between her and Goldleaf much quicker than his masters before her. Soon the girl understood that she was not Goldeaf's first master, but that she had a high standard to live up and so she took on the challenge. She pushed herself to be better and stronger. Her faith in herself grew and Goldleaf was impressed with her growth. What would have taken weeks for Arron to learn she did so in half the time. It was her determination that guided her and pushed her to be a better person. Yet, she too had to give up the dice set. Goldleaf told her he would never forget her and has yet to break that promise.

A year later and Goldleaf's new owner was a cocky jock boy who would summon him at every turn. If the kid wanted to bully someone for lunch money Goldleaf had to strike fear, if the kid wanted to stop his dad from abusing him he'd summon Goldleaf. If the kid was struggling with a school subject he would summon Goldleaf to figure it out. However, if Goldleaf refused to do the kid threatened to destroy the dice set, thus killing Goldleaf for good. However one night after a party, the boy drove drunk and crashed into a river. Goldleaf felt unimaginable pain. A pain unlike anything he felt before. Then the angel came and collected the dice set and saved both Goldleaf and the boy. However, the boy would later die from his injuries and Goldleaf was once put back into his dice box. The incident had deeply scarred Goldleaf and when his new owner arrived he felt it.

A few months later, Goldleaf had another new owner. This time when he had awakened Arron stood in front of him with a small but thick beard that wrapped around his face. "Hello, Goldleaf," he said. Goldleaf's eyes began to water. "Is it really you?" asked Goldleaf as he reached for a hug. It was the first time Goldleaf was able to embrace his first master. "I've missed you so much," he said as the golden swirls that summoned him sent him back into the dice set. Goldleaf yelled in excitement in his void prison. After some time and getting used to his new owner Goldleaf and Arron would talk about their adventures. Arron went to college for game design like he always wanted to, only to come back because Mia had stayed behind and was working at a local church the same place where Jack was working as a youth pastor. Nick had joined the Navy only to then transfer to the Coast Guard where he was off in a foreign country doing drug busts, and Trevor sadly died from a rare type of cancer. The news devasted Goldleaf and he could see Arron was still not over Trevor's death which must have meant it was recent. The news made Goldleaf think of his most recent owner and how careless the kid was. "Sorry to hear that." was all Goldleaf could muster. "It's fine, Trevor would've hated it he was here and we put the spotlight on him," said Arron. "Aye, I'd drink to that, if I had something to drink," said Goldleaf jokingly. Arron smiled.

It was the last few times Goldleaf would see Arron as he started working at a game company but once a year would visit. Goldleaf's previous owners would soon follow suit. Then soon enough they made it a big event. After a few decades, Goldleaf had enough owners that they had to travel vast distances just to meet Goldleaf once last time. Arron was in his 50s and yet Goldleaf still saw him as his favorite owner. Some of the owners grew up to be wise people and created amazing businesses, others weren't so lucky. Some of his owners treated him poorly, while others treated him like a king. Some died while bonded to him while others had to give him up. yet the impact and influence Goldleaf had on each and every one of his owners made him appreciate and with each owner he fought monsters and criminals many were easy, and few were hard yet at the end of the day Goldleaf was proud of who he became. He was proud that for once he helped people be better and think bigger.

Then while under the control of a new owner, he heard that Arron had died at the age of 67. Goldleaf asked his new owner to go to the funeral. Once there he asked to take control. People were shocked to see him as he stood out like a man outside of time. He walked to Arron's casket and laid eyes on his master for the last time. Tears fell silently a couple of drops hit the casket and Goldleaf's hand. Then he lost himself in grief as he fell to the floor crying. People hopped up to help and sat him down in the back. "Why did you die first? Why? Why?" wailed Goldleaf. From that day on Goldleaf mourned until finally death itself freed Goldleaf from his dice prison, his soul bonds, and finally from this another world.

January 22, 2025 00:59

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