
Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Drama Suspense Thriller

He had taken everything from me. Friends , Family , peace of mind and left me a hollow soul deprived of happiness driven by rage, disgust and a devilish thirst to find this man for reasons I would never even think about if it wasn't for him. The journey was dangerous, tiring and emotionally draining, I found myself doing things I didn’t know I was capable of, I destroyed everything that came in my way, it was tough at first but the rage inside me allowed me to push myself beyond my limits and made me a relentless machine as effective as a black mambas venom. He awoke a beast inside me that had been sleeping for the 43 years of my existence. I still remember the first time I hurt someone in this mad quest, a security guard doing his duty, I couldn’t risk being caught inside a police station after robbing all the cctv tapes, he seemed nice, but it didn’t matter to me I managed to zap him with his own tazer and leave the building without any difficulty. In the last 423 days of grief, misery and fury I would hesitate before carrying a lot of task,  when I had to take someone else’s life for the first time, I couldn’t sleep for days. Even though she was an evil snake who deserved every bit of pain that bullet carried with it, I still couldn’t stop thinking about her life, if she had a family, did her kids go to school, it was killing me,  I was going to spare her life however until she told me it wasn’t just my family this man had destroyed, in her bid to convince me of how all this wasn’t that big a deal and just a mere symptom of a much bigger happening she made me a killer. I wanted her to experience something worse than death but in that moment I couldn’t have pulled the trigger any faster.

The suffering was finally going to bear fruit however as I had Bates right where I wanted. I had been setting this up for months now and would not let anyone jeopardize my flawless plan. I had Bates Cornered at gun point with no place to run in an isolated parking lot right below the loudest Tomorrowland new year concert ever with only 10 seconds to mid night. I could feel the vibrations of the bass shaking the floor as I saw him on his knees. A puny figure wearing some old, ragged clothes, on the verge of passing out after devouring bottles of alcohol. Once a champion of Healthcare and medical development for mankind was now a broken man living on rum and cigars.

The crowd above us screamed in excitement and unison “10” and I knew my moment was about to come. My ears were almost bleeding because of all the noise and In ten seconds the crowd would go even more crazy, fireworks would light up the sky making noises louder than those you would hear in a battlefield and the DJ would be screaming at the top of his lungs while the sound of a gunshot wouldn’t be heard even 10 miles away.

Bates started mumbling, I couldn’t tell what he was saying and didn’t give a damn, at this point I just wanted to shoot the soul out of him and hence gave him a flying kick across the face. My heel had smashed his jawline into his upper jaw leaving him a new red paint job for his ugly deformed teeth. The sound of his bloody coughs was covered by the partying crowd shouting ‘9’ above us. He still chose to move his stupid mouth and try to convey a message to me again, I grabbed his head by the hair shoved my gun up against his ear and told him to speak up or I would blow the ears off his face and make him feel as deaf as I currently was for the short life he had left to live. He waited for the crowd to finish their cry for the number eight and then wished for my peace and well being after Id finish him off. This scoundrel of a man expected me to find peace after what he had done. Howard, my beloved husband flashed before my eyes. He was the sweetest thing in the world, a hardworking man trying to provide for his family who would always make time for me and the kids. It was Trevors first school play and a bright sunny Saturday when I received the call. The informant told us than Howard had died on the spot after a drive by shooting which proved to be fatal. How was I, a woman who had never lived without the company of either her husband or her parents going to raise two magical kids let alone take care of myself. How was I going tell a 5 year old boy waiting for his father to arrive for his school play that his dad wont be able to see him give a performance ever. How was my 2 year old daughter going to live her life without ever properly knowing her father or how much he loved her. The thunderous roar of the number seven brought me back to my senses and I found myself slashing Bates in the ribs with the back of my pistol tearing through his shirt leaving a few scratches.

I had lost myself in a wrath of violent strikes. The crowd were halfway through their countdown and just finished chanting the number 5. I spit on his face and screamed right at him, at the top of my lungs I told him the damage he’d done to me was beyond repair. As the crowd moved to the number 4 He told me all he could say now was that he was sorry. Once again at the top of my lungs I told him I didn’t want his sorry and wanted to make him suffer and take out all my pain, anger , and distraught on him , the sole soul responsible for all my tragedies. My mind took over once again and this time it was Beverly.

A beautiful baby still surviving on my milk, she was sleeping in my arms and was the first person to see me after receiving the call. I was shattered, weeping more than Beverly ever had and felt completely hopeless, when I heard Beverly crying in my arms I knew I had to be strong, I was all these kids had left, she showed me purpose, she showed me who I needed to be and my mini collapse was over. After wiping the tears of my face the two of us grabbed Trevor and rushed to the hospital. At Howards funeral the kids were as broken as me and there was nothing I could do except encourage them to pray for their father and tell them that he would have wanted the three of us to move on and be happy. All that was for nothing as within weeks a speeding cop car rammed our Chevy Tahoe in the back and somehow managed to explode leaving the officer dead. We escaped a number accidents that could have been fatal before I finally started asking the questions. Within a few hours everything was clear to me, Howard used to work in one of Bates’s then rumored human experiment lab. Howards death wasn’t just an ordinary drive by shooting but a planned operation. A drive by shooting put out by Bates to make sure no witness of his infamous illegal human lab rats lived to see another soul. I observed a fat but sturdy man walk by our house multiple times a day, a woman posing as a hot dog seller who had only set up shop a few days after Howards passing. After hiding in our home till dawn and a few failed calls to the police I knew the three of us had to run. We had uncovered something that could bring Bates’s global Empire to its knees.  I told Trevor to carry Beverley like his life depended on it and sit in the front seat of the Tahoe as Mama takes them on a surprise vacation. After leaving the driveway I saw two black tinted sedans tailing us. I made sure we stayed on roads with slow moving traffic to make sure we could always be seen by tons of people and eliminate the possibility of being rammed by a fast approaching car. All was going well until we reached the airport where I was separated from my children and taken away for a more “thorough” check for carrying “suspicious baggage”. I tried to resist as hard as I could to get to my children who had passed security and were waiting for me with their boarding passes, but it was in vain.

 That was the last time I saw them. Ever since then I had been on the run with the aim of finding my two beloved children and making sure I could bring them back to me away from harm. Unfortunately, I Never heard of them again until I found Steve, one of Bates aides who I had spent months trying to find. He told me they were auctioned off to a rich family before being eliminated to erase all evidence when Bates was about to be caught. That was the first time I was able to kill without any hesitation, a bullet straight through Steve’s head. Not a day goes by without me remembering that dreadful day, every night I yearn for my family, nothing I could ever do would bring them back, killing Bates wasn’t going to be an act of revenge, just an outcome of a never-ending rage and a boiling hot desire to punish the man who hurt my family. When it comes to those whom I hold near and dear to my heart its  not gods judgement they have to deal with but my beastly wrath that even the deepest dungeons of hell would fail to tame.

Instinct took over my left arm when I felt him grab my right wrist as the crowd shouted “3”, After pushing him against the wall with the raw power of my left arm and breaking his ring and index finger with my right arm after he dared to touch me with his evil hands I realized he could’ve grabbed the gun straight out of my hands on multiple occasions when I was lost in thought and have me cornered just as I had him. Bates could barely stay up now, the alcohol was kicking in but In a shrill but loud voice he told me to finish the job and do what he didn’t have the guts to do to himself. TWO!! Was louder than anything I had ever heard and I knew I would be doing him a favor by putting him out of his misery. I saw his jaw bleeding, his stupid face that I’ve always wanted to torture and his red chest scarred with scratches and cuts uncovered by his torn shirt waiting to be shot, once a global tycoon who everyone saw as a hero was now drunkard who was on the verge of passing out after overdosing on alcohol. Bates wanted someone to put him out of his nightmare of a life, something he could never do being the wimp that he is. I knew exactly what I had to do. I took a sip from his bottle of wine then chugged the rest of the it down his shallow throat as I placed him across the floor. Wiped my prints off the gun and Placed it in his hand .The crowd went crazy again and I knew it was time. I pulled the trigger and shot myself on the left arm, then on my left leg, tore my clothes near my neck, around my waist and banged a few bruises into my upper torso and throat. I crushed my pepper spray and threw it a few meters away from him.  I took off my bloody heel that had just thawed his face and placed it right beside him in a tilted position as if it had been thrown in an act of self-defense, ripped some hair out of my head and scattered it all over his torso and face. I placed myself on the floor right across from him, placed the wine bottle in his other hand and smashed it hard against my head to knock myself unconscious right after I dialed 911.

January 02, 2021 04:02

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