“So you want to say you don’t want to have kids?”
“Ask me anything, mom. Like literally.”
“Why though… you don’t want to have a little baby?”
“Yada yada yada. Keep on praying.”
“You realise that was rude.”
“And you realise I don’t want to talk like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m bound to satisfy you with a wholesome answer that you would find to your liking.”
“Oh! Don’t be so… you are getting so ahead of yourself.”
“Oh, really? I wanted to say the exact same thing.”
“Would you be so kind to hand me this…?”
“Pepper? Haven’t we got enough of that?”
“You mean metaphorically?”
“How’s dad been lately anyways?”
“Do I need to remind you? First wait, then add seasonings. Not the other way around.”
“I can’t wait… till I get the fuck out of here.”
“Beg a pardon?”
“You’ve heard.”
“Preparing a dinner for us five… it’s good to do something together after all, don’t you think darling?”
“Sounds like a terrible cliche if you ask me.”
“Of a family reunion.”
“Your other sisters come here pretty often.”
“And that’s why I am stuck here in this kitchen with you preparing these lovely dishes?”
“No. You know, your terrible attitude is why you never understand what’s important in life.”
“Tell me how badly you raised me.”
“Okay. I think we’ve got this.”
“You think it’s edible?”
“I think you underestimate the cooking skill of your old mother.”
“Maybe I do.”
“You smile. That’s a relief.”
“I’m human, you know? Your inability to see it sometimes scares me. All the time you’re only asking questions like would I have a baby…”
“But would you?”
“All I ask for is honesty, darling, you know that.”
“Then no. The last thing I want to have as an added burden is some little, freaking pooping machine around.”
“Excuse me? Little pooping machine? How can you say such things? It’s SOMEBODY, not some puppy.”
“What’s so wrong with puppies?”
“You have to clean after them and get rid of their shit just the same.”
“What about Brian?
“I don’t believe we’re having this conversation… What’s about that what about Brian? You want to know his opinion, then talk with him.”
“I think you should at least adopt.”
“Mom! What am I, some fucking orphanage?”
“You’re so selfish, I can’t believe. Blood out of blood, flesh out of flesh, and what has come out of it all?”
“You look pale. You need to go outside and use some sun.”
“For the love of God, don’t say what I should do, nor how I look.”
“Since when you’re invoking God?”
“Since when you care about me so much? We don’t see each other for months and then you start all of a sudden with this bullshit like going outside cause I look pale. We don’t see each other too often, you don’t know what I need, you don’t know me anymore and I don’t know you. Admit that, and deal with it.”
“Hi, honey!”
“Hey, dad!”
“I’ve been working my ass off all day today.”
“Good to know.”
“Good attempt at sarcasm, but you won’t ruin this day, nothing will, cause it’s a family get-together day! So, let’s stay positive.”
“I’d rather be HIV positive.”
“That was… tasteless, honey. Needless, too.”
“Yeah, I know I’m a persona non grata here. So give me one more chance to get this dry humour thing right and allow me to get the fuck out of here as soon as the dessert arrives.”
“You mean my two other, lovely daughters?”
“No. I mean I am staying for the main course. I have a set-up meeting half past six.”
“Where’s that?”
“Out of town. Some sixty minute ride from your house. So I’ll need to finish really early. And you’re asking because…?”
“I thought we’ll all go watch some stars with my telescope afterwards.”
“Dad. That’s very kind of you but I am not a five year old.”
“Suzie! Christine! Good to see you! Guess who’s here already?”
“Hi, sister!”
“Hi, Nina!
“Nina? Why won’t you say hi to your sisters?”
“Hi, Suz. Hi, Christie.”
“Dinner’s almost ready, sit down, darlings, it’ll be ready in a minute.”
“So, how are my daughters exactly? Everything’s A-Okay?”
“I have to say I am so busy lately…”
“Children get in the way, Suzie?”
“Not at all, I’m happy with my family.”
“How’s Nick? Has he learned how to spin the ball properly already?”
“I think he’s going to be chosen in the next draft.”
“Oh, really? That’s fantastic. That’s my boy!”
“Who’s he staying with today?”
“Oh, Josh took a day off.”
“That’s so wonderful of him.”
“How about Ginny? Christie?”
“Well… she learned how to spit actually. I know, I know, that sounds like something a boy her age would do, but… anyways, I have to unteach her that.”
“How productive.”
“Oh, come on! I’m fed up with such stereotypes! A girl can do whatever she wills.”
“But dad…”
“I mean it, honey… Anyway, Nina! You wanted to say something?”
“I said: how lovely.”
“Ekhm… don’t you think it may be time to settle down?”
“When… Are you getting married with your boy?”
“But you surely plan to?”
“Can you not use no each time I try to talk with you?”
“Yes. What would you like me to say?”
“(…) That was a real blast! You should have seen his face!”
“Okay, Dan. That’s enough, I think you’ve had enough wine.”
“Oh, excuse me, Mary? Am I not allowed to drink in my own house?”
“Apparently, it is OUR house as well as it is yours, and I advise you to stop drinking NOW.”
“Suzie, Christine… I’m sorry for your mother’s behaviour… It’s a real misfortune, that…”
“What did you just say?”
“Oh, I said that our marriage is a real misfortune. What’s wrong about that? It’s true.”
“Can you behave yourself for once? I won’t let you do this whole performance all over again, not in our daughters’ company.”
“Oh, the one who’s talking about behaving. That’s a good one. What of an earful you had to give Nina that she arranged for such an early exit, huh?”
“You really think that’s my fault? You must be joking! She left cause she knew what it was all going to end like, with you telling corny stories while being all ends up drunk!”
“Okay, first thing, I am not drunk. Second… (…)”
“I am really sorry for your father.”
“Is he asleep?”
“Yes. I think so.”
“Mom, is everything okay?”
“I will manage. It’s not the first time that he acts like that.”
“It must be unbearable.”
“Christie… I think it’s just the point that every marriage sometimes has to face.”
“But. It can’t be this way, I won’t let him constantly insult and lace into you.”
“Your father… He is ill.”
“What?… How so?”
“He’s terminally ill. It won’t be long till he’s unable to work anymore, or so the doctors say. That’s how he copes.”
“I’ve heard he’s been working tirelessly before, but I did not know why… I am so sorry.”
“You don’t have to. Besides, it is YOUR father. I will manage. But you?”
“We are adults.”
“Oh, Suzie, I wish it was so easy. I remember when my father died. I remember it very vividly. It was the most heartwrenching thing I’ve ever experienced and he was a true asshole, may he rest in peace.”
“Mom, what was that thing about Nina? Have you had a quarrel?”
“Yes, we had a quarrel, if that’s the way to put it. Of sorts. She doesn’t want to have children and I… I don’t want for her to one day become an old lady without anyone near her to support her.”
“But she’ll have us. And Brian.”
“No. It’s not the same. You see, I’ve had the same perspective as she now. When I first met your father, I was already well past thirty. I fear, what was meant for me will find a way and hurt her. Brian may leave any time. Your father is worried about that.”
“He is a good guy, Brian. He just doesn’t believe in God. But he’ll never do any harm to Nina, I can assure you.”
“How do you know that?”
“I don’t know. Nina let us know that she’ll be leaving early because Brian is in the hospital.”
“I didn’t know that. But doesn’t it just mean SHE is providing for HIM?”
“I think it works both ways. Remember when she was bed-ridden after that horrible accident?”
“Yes. It was a dreadful time. But he was there any day.”
“They really care for one another. It won’t be easy for it to break.”
“I’m not sure after all those years with your father… But, why wouldn’t she want to have children? Is it Brian's idea?”
“Maybe I didn’t use enough sound arguments… I don’t know how to convince her that it is for her good after all…”
“Mom… there’s something Nina didn’t want you two to know… And it’s time you should know.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m sure you have your premonitions but…”
“She had a miscarriage?”
“You don’t want to say she aborted the child?”
“No, she is infertile. Both of them are infertile. Brian too.”
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Wow. I'm still shell-shocked. Even with a difficult prompt, you create a story where each character has a distinctive voice, and you manage to convey a very complicated story in just dialogue. Amazing job.
If you get the chance, I would really appreciate it if you checked out my latest story. Have a great day!!! :)
Thank you! As usual I don't know how to properly handle a compliment but it, honestly, means the world to me that you stopped by, read the story and took time to comment.
Wow, I just love the character Nina:)
Amazing story.
Good job! Keep advancing.
I have highlighted your name for OASIS. Every week we choose a writer that needs exposure. ANd we have chosen you.
I don't want it to sound stupid but I am quite surprised if I'm being honest. I was absent from Reedsy for quite some time but I managed to put together two stories lately. And as crazy as it might be I did not know anything about that downvoting kind of thing and I'm still wrapping my head around all this. Actually I 've never thought about the fact that I specifically am not seen or read enough here.
Now if that's okay I'll ask some questions cause I'm not sure I understand the whole initiative correctly... I tried to google "marshmallow reedsy" and "oasis reedsy" but I did not find much really... So, you are a club/an organisation that wants to bring back the, let's say: "normal state of affairs" to the Reedsy community, right? You want for the community to focus on constructive feedback rather than up- or downvoting sprees, right? I don't know whether I've made it clear yet but, strangely enough, I've found about OASIS an hour (at most) before I've got your message. So my final question would be how do you communicate with each other and, if that's possible, what to do if I wanted to join you (assuming I am not that "active" of a writer here would that be right for me to be a part of the initiative even though I may be absent from Reedsy from time to time)?
Oh, and I forgot about one thing: many thanks for choosing me for this week!
Looking forward to hear from you again,
Welcome. Yes, I am trying to bring back the reedsy. I have written guidelines in my bio. You can check out there. If you want to become all you have to do is copy our bio and follow the rules. If you have any doubt then I will clarify it.