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High School Funny Teens & Young Adult

April Fool's Day is my favourite day of the year because you can do naughty things and not get into very much trouble. For example, last year I decided to put frogs in my teacher’s pigeon hole. Oh boy she screamed but all she said was, “Daniel you are not going to be on the good money today no matter what you do.” 

This being my final year before I went of to college. I put a lot of thought into April Fool's Day and along with my best friend Jason decided that as it was there last year they both wanted to make an impact, something that would be talked about, something that was remembered. We both had said that it will be probably our last together as both Jason and I would be going to separate colleges once we’ve left. That being said it wasn’t until May when we both started to think about what to do for April next year and in the end both myself and Jason came up with the idea pulling off 3 pranks, 2 of them smallish before finishing big on April 1st. 

So over the summer we kept in touch with each other, started brainstorming ideas on what to do and after much deliberation we both came up with their top 3 pranks. The first prank took place over Halloween which involved Mr Jackson our history teacher. He was given a lecture on the history about different games that were played over Halloween one of them being apple bobbling. After a brief history Mr Jackson then reviled a basket which was full of apples but he said sitting at the bottom was a few caramelised apples and the challenge was to try and see if you can grab one of the caramel apples. Unfortunately what he didn’t know was that we had found out what he had planned and managed to switched a few apples exchanging them for caramelised onions. So as Mr Jackson went to demonstrate on how it was meant to be done taking a massive bite only to bite into an onion instead of an apple. Nee to say he was not best pleased.

We waited a month or so till the heat went down before putting our next prank into action. Our next target happened to be Miss Garcia who taught computer science. We both snuck into the computer lab and the plan was to switch the letters M and N around on her keyboard. It wasn’t till a few letters starting going out that she realised something had happened but by then the damage had been done. After the holidays we started working on our final prank “ The Big One”and after careful though and both of us thinking should we do this? Before finally agreeing that if you’re going to go out, go out in style. On the morning of April Fool's Day we decided to put Bi-Carb soda and vinegar in the teacher’s toilet Jason had a box of Bi-Carb soda and I had a bottle of vinegar. We both crept sneakily into the toilets and then we simultaneously tipped the goods into the toilet. We were praying to God that we would not get caught. During the recess break, on the way back from the canteen, Jason and I saw our teacher go into the staff room toilet and waited. Foam, white smoke going everywhere! White water going down the steps like a wild rapid. It was huge. We were stoked. 

Jason and I just kept high-fiving each other and saying, “Good job mate.” When we got to class - BUSTED!!! We said, “It was just a joke for April Fool's Day Miss," but she wouldn’t listen. We had to go straight to the principal's office. Alright, it was just a joke. Why does everyone get so upset? “I’m ringing your parents," said the principal. This joke has gone too far.” “Oh no,” we said. “Pleeease, our dads will kill us.” “Yes,” said the principal. “You boys deserve it. I’m going to tell your fathers that you’re the worst boys in the school.” Jason and I looked at each other. Minds in sync, we knew our lives were over. No more fishing, no more hunting, football, soccer, cricket. No more anything that makes a boy’s life fun. We went back to class. I did forty five pages of Maths. I wrote two poems. I thought about all the jobs I could do for Dad. I felt sick. The bell rang. “Good bye mate,” I said to Jason. “I hope I see you again.” We hugged each other and I picked up my bag and walked slowly to the gate took a deep breath waited for my mom to pick me up then opened the door not saying a word. 

“Hi darling,” said Mum. “Did you have a good day?” My annoying little brother laughed. I gave him the death stare but kept quiet. After what seemed the longest drive ever we finally got home and even when Dad got home from the office he said nothing. Time seemed to just stop or move slowly so I just decided to keep my head down but every time my dad looked at me all I could think of about was “Is this it, is this the moment I get what I deserve”. I did all the jobs, I did my home work and even heard my little brother read. I asked Mum if there was anything I could do for her. I made an excuse and went to bed early. It was difficult to sleep because I was so worried why Dad had said nothing. 

Next morning I got up, got dressed, made breakfast, made lunch, packed my bag and read a book while I waited for my mom to drop me off at school again it felt like the longest ride of my life and to make matters worse just before I got out the car my mom said there would be a family meeting that night. All I could think about was this was it.

When we got to school there was the principal grinning evilly. “Did you have a nice night boys?” she asked sweetly. Jason and I just looked at each other, our minds in sync.

They had not called our parents 

April Fools on us!!!

April 02, 2021 15:30

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1 comment

Kady Kratovil
21:53 Apr 06, 2021

David goodman your story is really funny


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