Thriller Suspense

Leanna smiled as she thanked the couple who had been sitting in her section. They had left her a nice little tip the tip wasn't much but it was enough to help add to her pay check so she could at least cover her rent for the next month. Sighing and she glanced over the old dinner clock and smiled it was finally time for her shift to be over. Walking into the back she slipped off her apron and leaned against the wall slowly sliding down.

"Lea? Are you okay?" her friend Krissy asked when she came around to the lockers.

"Yeah girl I'm just tired. I worked a double shift today."

Krissy shook her head as she took a sit next to Leanna. The two girls had been working together for the last year when Leanna had suddenly appeared in the small town of Hills Well. Over the last year Leanna had built a life for herself in the small town.

"Lea you okay?" Krissy asked her friend calling her attention away from Leanna's though.

"Sorry, I'm so tired."

"It's okay look why don't you head home and get some sleep. I'm sure you'll feel better."

"I can't.. I promised Jake I'd work another shift till Alisa got here."

"Lea you've been double and triples since you moved here. You need to take a break."

Leanna knew her friend was right. She had been working alot since moving into the little town but she was trying to kept her head above water and save up money to get a place of her own. It wasn't easy. When she'd moved to town Leanna had nothing to her name only a little bit of cash she'd had stashed away when she'd left her old life behind. That had lasted maybe a few months long enough to rent a room at the local motel and then she'd gotten a job at the dinner not a week later.

"Okay. Tell Jake I'm sorry I couldn't cover Alisa."

"I'll tell Jake I found asleep in the back go home get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah see ya."

After grabbing her things from her locker Leanna headed back to room at the motel. The manager Mr. Tory had made a deal with her. She could stay at the motel as long as she needed to but she had to pay rent at least once a month. It hadn't been easy at first but she'd managed to keep up and so far there hadn't been any problems in face Mr. Tory and his wife had come to love Leanna as if she was their own child.

Taking her key to her room out of bag Leanna unlocked the door and walked into her little home. There wasn't much just a bed , fridge ,microwave everything you expect to find in a little off the high way motel. It was home though and she'd done everything she could to make it cozy. Laying down on the bed Leanna could tell that Mrs. Tory had been in. Because the blanket were fresh and there was a sweet little note next to her tv with a cover plate. Smiling to herself Leanna sat up slipped off her shoes and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

Standing up she moved to stand beside the window looking out at the little town she now called home. She caught her woundering about her life before she'd come here. That was hardest thing. Leanna had no memory of her life before this little town. All she could remember was arriving her sore, hurt and the cold feel of a hospital bed.

The nurse and doctor had she looked like she been ran over or beaten something terrible. The only clue she had was that name was indeed Leanna and that she had about one hundred dollar in her bag at the time she'd arrived at the hospital. When she'd come to the doctors asked if she knew where she was or how she'd gotten to Hills Well. Then they asked if she had any family or anyone they could call. When she told them she didn't know.

The doctors knew she had amnesia. When she was allowed to the leave hospital a few days later. One of the nurses had told her about the motel and the dinner. She remember how kind the nurse had been and how she had told her she'd hoped her memories would come back soon and she call her family. Only Leanna didn't want to call anyone. It had been almost a year since that time and in that Leanna had clues as to who she was before. The scars were one clue. She still had one bad one on her wrist and her ankle which meant she had either been cut or something. The next clue was the scar behind her ear it ran from behind her ear all the way across her neck. Almost someone had tried to cut her throat only they hadn't been able to. That was the only clues she had of what happen to her.

Stop it Leanna she though to herself. It's no good remembering what happen to you a year ago. All it does is make you angry for what ever reason. Just be grateful you don't have to deal with the pain anymore. she told herself. Pushing off the wall she walked over to grab her plate that Mrs. Tory had left her. Sitting at the small little table next to her bed she ate the amazing food Mrs. Tory always left for her. After she was done she threw away the paper plate and headed to the washroom to grab a shower.

After she was done with getting herself all showered and fresh. She picked out her blank and pink pjs and settled into bed. Even though it was only around six forty five in the afternoon. She was very tried it had been another long day at work. Leanna didn't bother turning on the tv at all. She just sat her alarm clock for six am and laid down. Smiling as she let sleep drift over her. She couldn't be think of how good of a life she had now.

Maybe losing my memory wasn't so bad. I have a good life here. I have a good job. Granted it doesn't pay much but the people I work with are friendly. Jake is a great boss. An Mr. and Mrs. Tory are wonderful people. Not to mention Krissy is my best friend and I've got a few other great friends. So what if I can't remember who I was before I came here what was my life was life. My life is here in Hills Well and I wouldn't have it any other way.

An with that final thought Leanna drifted off to sleep. Happy in her new life and not regretting not remembering her old one.

January 03, 2021 04:35

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