Fantasy Drama Horror

How did I get in this position? What did I hope to accomplish here? I thought to myself as I stood over him with my Katana. The ancient blade that had been used so many times against so many souls, and here I was, about to take the life of him. The demon I'd waited for so long to finish off was right in front of me, out in the open with no protection what-so-ever. What was stopping me?

I jolted and sat up in bed, letting out a small cry and holding my face in my hands. Another nightmare, and just like the rest, it ended with me falling to my death from a building. I wanted to forget it, but I couldn't help but remember it. I couldn't stop it from happening. It was too vivid. I was ready to really throw myself from a building, allowing the angel of death to take my soul and throw me to the depths of Hell where suicidal people belong.

But the thought of death scared me.

I forced myself out of bed and walked around the house about twenty times, picking up from the night before and throwing dishes into the places they belonged. I vacuumed and swept, scrubbed and washed, and I dug through piles and piles of unfinished laundry to find something that didn't smell like sweat or mud. I dressed, combed, and brushed, then as I grabbed my bag and walked to the door, I realized that there had been knocking for the last ten minutes.

I tilted my head and looked through the peep hole to see if the mail was here early.

But there was nothing.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door, a gust of wind and a black mist pushing me back into the house, slamming me against a wall.

I yelped and sank to the floor, looking around the room with black clouding my eyes.

A tall, horned man was standing in front of the door, which had swung closed and locked. He was staring intently at me. He looked hungrily at me, to which I almost couldn't stand. I wanted to get up and run so bad, but something was stopping me. The man walked over in five long strides that said power and grace. Four large and dark wings extended from his back and he looked down at me, pulling me up by my hair and smirking. "Such a lovely mortal. Your scent brought me forth as did your lust for death. I shall take your soul once you have gone and died." He said, holding me against the wall tightly.

My breaths became short and I turned pale, staring at him.

A demon.... I'm... I'm going to die....

This feeling made me sick. I felt dizzy and petrified, my blood stopped flowing and froze, my head clouding with thoughts. I couldn't move and the overwhelming sense and thought of these being my last moments took over. My eyes became full of tears and they slowly streamed down my cheeks, burning my skin. I would never be able to finish the life that I had begun and I would never be able to have another or go up to Heaven.

My mother told me that Heaven was whatever I wanted it to be. I wanted to believe that I would go, but a demon here now, would stop me from going. He'd force me to kill and then kill me. I just hadn't known at the time.

The demon stood over me and pulled a long silver bladed and ivory handled katana out of seemingly nowhere, and held it out to me. "You will follow these instructions well, and I shall stop anyone from harming you. I don't want a clean soul to keep. I want a bad, torn, and stained soul. You are to obey every command I give from this moment and so on. Insubordination will get you killed. If so, I'll throw your soul into fire and watch it leave forever. No rebirth, and no Heaven, not even Hell." He said.

My first thought to this was 'No', and 'I could never', but... what if I could never reach the paradise of Heaven, and what if I could never be reborn into this world? Would it be worth it?

I reached up and took the katana by the handle, nodding slightly. At this moment, I had forgotten that he'd take my soul later on. I didn't want to believe it, so it was forced out of my head.

"I'll do whatever you say." I mumbled, as if in a deep trance.

The demon smiled and a mark began carving itself into my arm. It tangled and intertwined, like vines, growing up the bark of a tree, it climbed my arm until it reach my cheek. Once the marks were there, they began to burn and bleed. I hid my pain and looked at the demon. "What's my first command?"

He smirked and stepped closer, brushing his hand along my cheek and pushing my hair behind my ear. He held my face close to his. "Close your eyes."

Don't do it. I screamed on the inside, but I closed my eyes slowly, moving to kiss him.

I felt him flick me and I opened my eyes, holding my head.

The demon's laughter boomed through the building and he sat down on the couch. "There is a woman living at this address. She has a husband and three kids, who are 17, 13, and 5. Kill just the woman and carve out her heart. Bring it to me."

A family. Images of black umbrellas in the rain and three motherless children filled my head. I shook my head a bit. "But... what about the kids?"

The demon shrugged. "I couldn't care less."

I looked at the floor, reluctantly nodding my head and following the address and once I'd gotten there, I knocked on the door.

A blonde woman answered with a smile and greeted me.

"Can I talk to you out here for a moment?" I asked, hiding the sword behind my back.

"Sure. Just a minute though. It's family night." She smiled, stepping out and closing the door.

While she did so, I lifted the bade and closed my eyes. "I'm so sorry...."

"Here." I mumbled, handing the bag to the demon. It had the heart of the woman in it. It killed me to think about what I had done, but there was also a part of me that felt good doing it.

The demon took it out and smirked, holding it close to my face. "What do you think?"

I stared at the dripping organ for a moment and went to the bathroom, getting sick.

The demon laughed and slurped the heart down his throat in one go, walking over and holding my shoulders. "No one will know. I've wiped all memories."

I hope I die soon.

That was all I could think about as time went on. After a week, I'd gotten used to his orders and the blood. A month passed and I had almost enjoyed his company and getting away with murder.

Then came the year.

I sat down at the table and looked at the demon just a bit, almost a glance. My heart had been pounding earlier, when he would tease and call me names he'd came up with. I was loving his attention, and wanted more.

"Goodnight." He said, walking to the spare bedroom.

I walked to mine and laid down, closing my eyes and begging for time to go by quickly.

I sat up slightly and looked around. I was in a bright meadow, full of flowers. A dream. I smiled and laid down in the flowers, picking a few and smelling them.


I gasped and sat up a bit, the meadow changing into the hundreds of people I'd taken the lives of. Their blood spread all over and stained my hands and body. I fell down from shock and stared, horrified.

What was I doing?

My katana appeared in front of me. Clean, and ready to use. The fast smooth blade called to me and I knew what I had to do.

I got out of bed and grabbed my blade, walking to the demon's room and stepping over him, looking at my silver blade. It hurt to do it. I'm betraying the man who had become my master and boss. The demon who I wanted to listen to and be a slave to for the rest of existence. He was the one I wanted to have feelings for and the one that I'd grown to love.

It hurts to lift the blade now. I almost can't like it is too heavy a burden to carry. I am going to Hell for the murder of hundreds, but this might be the one thing I can do right for myself and everyone.

I just finished my prayer for forgiveness from God and all or Heaven, lifting my blade and closing my eyes.

"I love you...."

November 10, 2020 04:44

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Em P.W.
18:47 Nov 17, 2020

Really nice story! Short and simple, yet very attention-grabbing. My initial thought was she was going to kill him out of her desire to murder, but I'm glad she got a hold of her morals and saw what she was doing was wrong (although the after effect is still wrong XD).


19:34 Nov 18, 2020

Thanks, it's nice to hear that my story was good. It's my first one that other people have read so I'm happy to hear it's good.


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