The thing in the Wardrobe

Submitted into Contest #38 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a magical portal in their home. ... view prompt

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OK, that's weird. Boma thought as stared at the strange glowing thing in the wardrobe.

It was a bluish and about the size of a small door.

There was an odd humming sound coming from it too, like the dull droning of an engine in the distance.

Boma stretched out her hand...slowly, not thinking about what she was doing. In truth, she was unable to stop herself.

It...called to her. That's the only way she would've described it , if she was thinking straight.

But she wasn't.

Not anymore.

One minute she was packing boxes in the new house, the next she was reaching out to something that was beyond anything she could imagine.

The closer her hand got, the louder the droning seemed. As if it were responding to her.

She couldn't feel the sweat on her skin, or her chest pounding.

In an instant, she'd lost all sense of who she was and what she was doing.

Someone grabbed her shoulders.


She spun around and slapped him.

In that moment the spell was broken. She was out of the trance and was staring her boyfriend's frightened face.

"What the hell, Boma?"he said, rubbing the side of his face. He looked like he were either about to scream or run for his life.

Boma didn't have a mirror to look at, but she was fairly certain she wore a similar expression.

She covered her mouth. " Oh my God! Wari I--I'm I-I-I didn't mean t-to---"

"What's wrong with you?" He said.

She couldn't find the words. She'd never hit anyone before.

Well, except for that one time in Boarding school when another girl farted in her face.

Spoiler alert,the said girl wasn't wearing clothes and what emanated from her butt was a little more than just...air.

Enough said.

"Baby, I'm so sorry...I-I had no idea..."

But Wari wasn't looking at her anymore. The thing behind her cast its glow on his face.

"What the f---"

She covered his mouth. "No swearing in the new house. It's bad luck."

He nodded, but his fight or flight expression remained. When he spoke again, his voice was low. "What is it?"

"I don't know." She said. "I've...I've never seen anything like it before---"

They both gazed at the...thing. Neither of them was conscious of the passage of time.

It was almost an hour later when Wari broke the silence.

"We have to go." He said, pulling her up and making the sign of the cross. He started muttering something under his breath.

At first, she couldn't make out the words. Then it dawned on her

"Are you...are you saying the Lord's Prayer?"She rolled her eyes again. " Dude, chill out. It's not that serious."

"This is some spiritual shi... I mean, stuff." He said speaking fast. This was something he did whenever he was nervous. The last time had been a few weeks ago when he thought she was pregnant. Wari spoke so fast, it almost sounded like another language. She knew he was scared then, but right now, he was terrified.

They were half way out of the room when she pulled him back in.

"Listen," she said. "We don't even know what this is."

"Exactly," he said. "All the more reason why we should call the realtor , get our money back and leave before a demonic entity kills us."

"Don't be absurd!"

"Look," he said. "This isn't one of those your SciFi movies. This is real spiritual shi...stuff. I know what I'm talking about. If my mum were here.---"

Boma rolled her eyes. "There you go again with that! And it's a good thing she isn't here,too. It would've taken me days to clean out the anointing oil. Your mum sees demons everywhere."

"They're real!" He said.

"Well, maybe so are portals to other dimensions and stuff like time travel. You know, I read somewhere online that there are parts of the world where small doorways exist. Doorways to other worlds. Like the Bermuda triangle---"

"And we all know how people vanish from those places, don't we?"

She shook her head. "It's not the same thing. This is different, I can feel it. It's like it's...calling me---"

"The way the serpent called Eve, right?"

"Dude, calm your tits."

He stuck out a finger. "Aha! Language."

She composed herself and brought her voice down. "I'm sorry I swore. But just...just hear me out. Not everything has to be so...biblical. It's pure science. Don't you want to know what's beyond this world? Aren't you curious about UFOs and Black holes?"

He sighed. "My dear, if you want UFOs, watch Discovery or Star trek. Better yet, I could get you a fresh batch of weed. Trust me, after smoking Okon's Marjuanna, you'll see aliens."

"Babe I'm serious. We should at least check it out."

"Can you hear yourself? A strange object appears in your house and instead of calling the police or an exorcist, you want to...walk up to it and say hi?"

She shook her head. "Babe, just hear me out..."

He was already fishing for his phone.

"Aren't you like the least bit curious?" She said. "It could be a magical portal to like another dimension--"

"Or a gateway to hell!" He said as he went down the stairs. "Just stay here, I'm going to get my phone to call the guy. Don't go near it!"


She stood there, alone with the glow. It was quite beautiful to look at.

She scoffed. Wari was too narrow-minded to appreciate these things.

What if this were a doorway to space, the future ...another place where magic was possible?

No. She thought. This was too great an opportunity to pass up.


He'd barely reached the bottom of the stairs when a thought struck him:

What if she...?

He dashed back up the stairs, screaming her name as he did.

What was I thinking leaving her alone with it?

He called her name again just as he reached the room door.

He was out of breath and a little sweaty.

I need to work on my cardio. he thought.

"Boma!" He called out.

But she was gone.

Just empty boxes and a wardrobe with that glowing thing.

But no Boma.

His heart was pounding as he stared at the bluish light.

For a split second, he could've sworn he heard her screaming his name. She sounded like...she was in agony.

In that instant, the strange light vanished and he never saw Boma again.

April 18, 2020 21:14

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1 comment

Crystal Lewis
11:13 Apr 28, 2020

Whoa. Short and sweet with an unhappy ending. Nicely done.


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