Fantasy Fiction Mystery

Trigger warning: Violence

I live in a town where the old know the young. Where the kids make up stories of the old man with the creepy house. Where you can't even walk down the street without someone knowing you. Everyone knows you. So when someone new comes to town everybody knows. They were the talk of the town. People rarely come so when he came we knew something was up.

This man stayed in our town for one month, and in that one month, he totally destroyed this town. We went from a self-contained, innocent, and happy small town to a dull and bloody town. This town will never be the same. To the man who caused all this trouble Gaius we will meet again.

When Gaius first came to town the day was like any other day. I cooked food for me, my brother, and for the nice old man that sits at the corner of the bus station, everyone calls him Pop. He was the first to see Gaius. As I walked to give him his food he asked if I had ever seen him. I replied, "No but can you describe him to me". He said that he had brown hair with green eyes, but one thing that stuck out is when he said that his eyes told a story like a tragic and dismay type of story. As he zones out trying to think I notice something like a tag. It had the name, Gaius Laurent. Then pop said, "that's his name". I questioned "who"? He insisted that it was the man he had described. As he said that I looked at my watch and it was time to go back home. I say goodbye to pop and get on with my day.

As I'm walking down the street I hear loads of people saying they heard or saw that someone knew came to town. I asked one of the sweet old women who lived down the street from me what the man's name was. She supposed that his name was Gaius. I questioned if she had seen him or saw where he was living. She expressed that he lived a couple of houses down from us. I thanked her for her help and ran all the way home. Once I got home I went to my room and planned what I would do next. Without even being able to think I start looking outside for the house. As I'm looking I see him prying at one of my neighbors.

I knock on his door when he opens it's like he hisses at the sunlight. He then asks if I wanted to come in. I'm hesitant at first then I say yes. It's very dark in the house. As he pulls a chair for me to sit in the ask if I'm thirsty I say no. He then proceeds to pour him a drink. He asks me what brought me here. I explained that the whole town was talking about him and wanted to know what the buzz was about. I then ask what bought him to this small town. He hesitates before answering the says " I wanted to get away for a while". Time goes by and the sun is going down. I ask one last question before I go which was what time did you get here he said last night. After that, I proceeded to the door. Walking home I think to myself what a weird dude.

One week passed without seeing him at all. I went downstairs to watch tv when the news came on when I felt my soul drop when I saw Pop dead. Not only him but two other people I knew. I felt like a rebel without a cause. I didn't know what I was going to do. One thing I did know was that I would find out who did it. I make my way down to the hospital to see if it was a chance they have survived. It was too late he was gone. I wailed "why, why would someone do this."

I walked home when I saw Gaius was drinking something. I sneak up to his window to get a closer look. It was red, thin, but gushy at the same time. I quickly leave I start asking people did they know what happens. I asked Jessica Jones she's very popular she's always on every scene. She said she was in the house. I said, " Your lying you posted on your pingstagram". She then fumed "why does this concern me". I then said, "Pop died"! She stopped in her tracks and sobbed she then said it happened at 10:00 pm, then she ran. I then think about 10:00 pm. When it hit me Gaius left his house at 9:30 and came back at 10:50 covered in red. I didn't think anything of it but it makes sense.

I run home and open up my computer and look up the name Gaius Laurent. I try to look up background history for his name and nothing come up. Then I look up the census from now to since it started and he was in none of them. The more I look the less I find out when I find one picture of him from 1600. I then start piecing things together. It sounds crazy but he might be a vampire. I have to get more info so I spend the next two weeks finding clues and stalking him. When one day I find him looking in a mirror of himself with red eyes and fangs sticking out. He then sees me I duck He comes up to his window and looks around he then turns around and goes back to the mirror.

I hurry back home where I find my brother waiting for me he says "when were you going to tell me". I trembled as I said, " I was going to but I didn't want you to get involved". I then tell him the plan when he leaves his home we'll put a stake through his heart. It would be a whole week before we see him again. When I and my brother were getting ready I said we will ambush him and try to stab him. He nods and says " Look he's coming out". We hurry to positions and try to stake him. He turns and fights back. He throws me and my brother to the ground and slashes at us. He leaves us bleeding on a sidewalk as he gets away.

One year later I still remember him and what he did. Once I find him he will pay for what he did to Pop.

June 04, 2021 08:40

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