- Look , Tom! Get ready ¡ there was a letter in our mailbox .
- A letter ¿ - showing all my indifference to something I did not considered worthy to give importance in that moment of extreme addiction to the game.
- Read ¡ ( no ¡ Should I have to read in the moment I was thinking to leave home? No way ¡)
- Ok. In this document - along with it John, my skinny eighteen years-old cousin showed me the paper, signed as well as sealed by the president of our sponsorship- they say..
- They ¿ Who ¿
- Our sponsors. Here it says that they are taking the sponsorship from us, due to reduction in the budget.
- Away ¿ Budget ¿
- Yeap ( now I think he got it )
Frowning his eyelid, he screamed :
- I knew that ¡ - taking the sponsorship contract to thow it to the trashcan.
- So, what can we do now?
That, was a difficult question to answer.
- Do you think we can find another sponsor?
- No kidding ¡ what the hell are you thinking about ¿ ¿ It was so difficult to find this one! . We spent three years to find it and we still have debts to pay – now he was seriously mad , while I was not really in the mood to talk about money, as I normally never have it.
My bro just kept staring at me, waiting for a possible answer – any.
I kept looking at him, trying to figure out the answer he wanted to have.
Judging by the anger printed on his face, I thought it could be a good idea to tell him something .
But he was quick to throw a rispid :
- Do you want to spend more three years on finding another sponsor ¿
As I obviously had no answer for that, I decided to keep me silent.
It was clear for us that we would not be able to spend that time without an income.
So, what should we do ¿
I could not think about an answer.
Then, I looked up , to the sky.
It has no answer, of course.
But that morning seemed to be special : the computer was not on.
Together with its shadows covered the sandy mountains around us, in the middle of a game, one that we had to kill the enemy using tomatoes – in front.of the roon we both rented with the money from the game sponsorship we had
In the gamer, I used to spend my days in front of the computer , playing besides almost always eating junk food, together with.my cousin, a skinny blond haired eighteen years old boy – just like me - who visited America in three occasions . On the contrary, I have never been there, but I wish I had …
It is true that, when you are troubled, your sensibility gets sharper.
Therefore I looked at the sky again, feeling that there was something weird in that morning air, rousing my understanding.
- What could it be ¿ - I asked in deep confusion, as I was looking for the answer, and never being able to find it.
Well, it is probably only my imagination.
Moreover tossed the paper to the trashbin.
Looked at my cousin, tying his shoes.
- What are you doing, lazy fella ¿ - I asked him, avoiding his eyes.
- In boring laziness
- As usual – I said, almost murmuring so he could not get angry with me.
- Always the same, right ¿
- Right. I am getting pissed off, bro – chewing
Don’t you think we should do something ?
- Do you have an idea for that ¿
- Me ¿ It is exactly what I am always looking for, cause I do not have any therefore I think I should ask my mother for cash.
- How about creating our own game ¿
- Own game ¿ sounds fun, but what exactly do you mean ¿
- I mean that it would be great idea if we could ask your mom tl lend , I said l-e-n-d some cash to expand our abilities We need money to start this business, like special programs, .
- Well, the old lady has not too much money, but she will surely ask what is it for that’s why I think you have to be more specific
- Fine. So tell your mother we are going to make smattering living by doing business, as it is so difficult to make ends meet without cash.
- Are you serious ¿
- Serious.
- So I think I will tell her – also, we started to play a other game , the whole day.
- I think we could imagine an ordinary tourist life for the characters
- Looking like you and me, as well as playing like you and me .
- In summary : living life – we had decided
That night, I called mom.
- Fine, dear, I will make a transfer – fortunately, the game was not that expensive after all
- Thanks mom ¡
- When you have money, you have everything – my cousin said to me.
- That’s right. So, we better do it..
The same day we got new appliance together with new softwares, from America.
- I think the action must happen in a big american city, where players can learn what life was about.
- Do you know what life is about ¿
- I guess that all the difficulties that seems to destroy your life is in reality something that creates a different way of facing the world.
Is a new chance to change your mind therefore, your life.
- Holly philosopher, you ¡
As soon as everybody had the appliances and the programs installed , both felt the heat of excitement of the scenery.
- Miami beach, of course – my friend said- starting to programme the game, using the rememberevies he had in order to build the game of his dreams..
With that breeze.
The salty smell of the air.
The girls – ah ! Those girls, driving me crazy
- Don’t get so excited boy. Remember we are here to make money.
- You are. But I am not sure about me – on being honest, I think that was how problems started.
- Look that chick – so he went after her, using a main control
- I am in a hurry – she said, rispid.
- - c'mon, babe, give it to me
- - what ? – she opened her eyes after turning around.
What was supposed to come next was too obvious : she slapped him.
To make things worse, a policeman was passing by the street of the game.
- It is the enemy.
- She us calling the police!.
He wanted to see his identification.
- Passport, could be ?
- - a foreigner?
- I mean..
- How can an outsider come to this land to behave like this ?
- Sorry, mister, but I got really excited to see the beauty of your country.
- I see.
- He could ask for forgiveness – she intervened.
Obviously, he kneeled down in the middle of the street, where sky many people were passing by .
The face of the girl turned red, first.
Then, she did not say a word about it, walking away.
- And now? The lady left ! Besides this guy is disturbing the traffic.
You are coming with me. To the police station.
- What ? But what have I done ??
- You are disturbing the routine of the people nd the car drivers.
- That is not enough. See other people standing in the corners, selling stuff in the middle of the street and nobody is saying anything
- But you are a stranger without showing no identification…
- I left in the hotel – the character of the game was himself.
- So let’s go to the hotel.
- Ok ,is a block from here
As it should be, altogether went to the imaginary hotel, in front of a drugstore selling covid-19 mask.
But he could not find the hotel in the game’s map, vast and full of doors, buildings, cars, people.
The narrow streets in that map lead to large avenues and parks.
One of the difficulties was to get out of the crowded bank line, in order to accomplish several deals.
Like in real life, the player could only get out of it with a lot of patience plus a pint of determination.
We needed sagacy to get rid of the police, using lies for it, if needed.
- I thought it was here.
- I see.
- Maybe, one more block.
- Lying, disturbing the street traffic, no identification.
Now, you will follow me, taking me to the police station, by using a core control.
- Such a shame ! - j said to my friend, who left the game.
- You don’t fit to it.
- Yes.
- It is your fault.
- Yes, it is.
- So ?
- I think I have to kneel down again
Then, he did it.
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