The line that connects two states

Submitted into Contest #30 in response to: Write a story in which the lines between awake and dreaming are blurred.... view prompt



So your laying in bed about to go to sleep you close your eyes and the line between awake and the dream state slowly go to a dream state. As you're falling asleep your mind goes into a state that is full of imagination and that is called the dream state is where your mind drift off into an imaginative state your finally asleep and your dreaming. This goes on for approximately close from 8 to 10 hours depending on what time you to bed what are you dreaming about perhaps you might be dreaming about you're a super hero and your saving a cat from a tree or your dreaming about your on a ten story building and you're about to fall your in this dream state for about eight to ten hours .but what's this your suddenly starting to wake up then as your waking up your still dreaming your dream suddenly becomes a blurr and you wake up not remembering what you dreamted about it was a sudden blurred that you can not remember. So you then get up and get ready to start the day you carry on then at the end of the day you get ready for bed and start the process over again you fall from the awake state to the dream like a line between those too that connects eachother. in the end the line that connects the awake to the dream state is one that is only a blurred out vision. but sometimes you feel like your still dreaming but your not .so why are you still in this state well we don't know that for sure but all we can tell you. is that your in a deep slumber that makes it feel like your awake but your not .your not aware of this but your mind is very aware of this . your in this state for so long that you may fallen to deep in this state and you have to find your way out .but suddenly you end up waking up from this state and you found your way out in the end you made your way out of the state but what's this you are suddenly sucked into another state but this one is way deeper than the last state you just came from. This may be the case is the state your now in is maybe scary suppencfull or in the nothingness but your never going to believe what I'm about to tell you ................YOU'RE IN A COMA !!!! But how did you get into this state ? I don't know for sure but your in this state for I don't know how long .but you have to find your way out or you'll be in that state forever or for enternity THE END.

February 24, 2020 00:08

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