Thriller Fiction Mystery

It has been days since I last checked my phone. I haven’t felt anything in a while and it is hard for me to connect with people as I don’t feel like I belong in a crowded place. I just feel fidgety and nervous that I might make a wrong move. So, when Meg—short for Megan called and asked if I wanted to have a little get together, which she often can’t differentiate from the word party, I reluctantly agreed. I needed distraction, and while I am nervous of interacting with people because I have not been out in a long time, a party might provide some amusement that I lack nowadays. Meg was a roommate of mine that had moved out to an apartment with her boyfriend downtown, she has been oddly nice to me even if we had just met three months ago in art school and I don’t really mind her company. Although sometimes she does ask too many questions to my liking, I actually like her. I took the effort to finally wash my hair before going out, finally feeling clean. Meg decided to pick me up herself and arrived an hour later with her boyfriend’s baby-blue jeep, then proceeds to bombard me with questions with her chirpy voice, which I replied with an explanation of how busy I have been with all the assignments during the break. Going out always makes me feel nauseas but I had to go out tonight. 

Meg suddenly mentioned about how odd yet likable I am while brushing her brown hair during a red light. I replied with a smile and thanked her; my sister always says that I should thank people if they complimented me. She then started to trace a dried red stain on my jeans absentmindedly and asked me where I got it from,

“I have to paint some red flowers for Mr. Kaminsky’s class.” I replied curtly, 

She then proceeded to ask me about my sister, and mentioned how she never saw her, I explained that she studied very hard since she wants to be a psychiatrist and that she is swamped with all those psychology books. Meg wouldn’t understand, my sister doesn’t really want to talk to anyone but me.  The ride to the party is filled with useless questions and small talks, which I shouldn’t really mind, but Meg is especially adamant in making conversations this evening. 

We arrived at 8 in Meg’s apartment, everyone loves her place as it isn’t an area where there are security cameras or occasional police patrols and it is ideal for them to get high and do reckless things. Which is similar to my place, one of the reason why Meg chose to be my roommate in the first place. Some of her friends are already there and making themselves comfortable by crashing on the couch and floor. My sister would not approve of how these teenagers spend their nights, but she isn’t currently here, so I don’t really pay her dislikes any mind. Meg explains that she needs to give her boyfriend the car key and ask me to grab some drinks near the kitchen, which I obliged. I have never been a fan of drinking, but I did it once in a while whenever I feel like it. My sister always warned me to never drink too much outside as I always say some weird things when I am drunk; and I always listen to her as she knows better than me. Once, Meg told me that I mentioned that I brought in a dog a month ago when she moved out, but I never remembered bringing any dog home. Dogs are loud and they bark too much, kind of like some people. I never liked loud people. I prefer cats as I find them quite similar to me. I used to have another friend other than Meg, his name is Scott and we share a number of morning classes, but he had to transfer to another school during the end of semester and I never saw him again. His transfer was quite sudden as most of my professors are clueless and they still asked some students why he was absent. Scott, like Meg, is also a bit loud, I don’t particularly like them when they are talking, but they do know when to shut up. The party is not as entertaining as I thought it would, nothing extraordinary happened and I found myself a little nervous to interact with people that isn’t like me as I feel like any gesture might come off weird and wrong.  I don’t really talk to Meg most of the time either as she clings to her boyfriend the whole night. Meg is also bit of a social butterfly, she knows a lot of people, which makes it harder for me to actually spend some time with her, but I figured that the two of us might be able to hang out longer when I offered to help her clean up after the party, in which she gladly accepts. Only the two of us is left when the party is over at three, most of them left Meg’s place drunk and the sober ones left the party earlier. Brooke, Meg’s boyfriend actually left with some of his friends to some sort of bar halfway across town, which I don’t understand why as most of them are already wasted. I actually felt a little weird as I drank quite a bit of beer to pass time. 

Meg thanked me for helping while she is wiping the floor with a wet towel, I replied with a nod that I don’t care if she saw as I clean the table that is spilled with sticky syrups and beers. She saw that her friends had fallen asleep on the bed when she was about to clean her room, so I offered her to stay at my place. We usually share a bedroom and the spare mattress she usually used is still in the room. Meg agreed and suggests that we take a cab as her boyfriend left with his jeep. It has been a while since Meg last entered my place, she has only been in here once to grab her stuff ever since she moved out, so she started rambling about how she felt nostalgic despite only staying at my place for not longer than two months. The ride is quieter than before as it is late and Meg sense that the driver is a little snarky and moody. 

When we entered, nothing is unusual, yet Meg screamed so loud that I can’t help but try to silence her, she started rambling about how someone is laying in the cage, in which I reassure her is the stray dog I took home. I told her that my sister wouldn’t like her screaming and yet she didn’t listen. She doesn’t know that Callie like to visit sometimes. So, I watch as my sister finally get her to shut up, Callie and I are twins, so Meg couldn’t even find any difference and started saying how Callie is her friend. Callie doesn’t care about her. Callie then asks me to sleep, and I obliged as I finally could rest since Meg is finally quiet. 

I woke up with my body sore and my place clean. I assumed my sister Callie had cleaned it up, she does like to keep the place clean. She is still here, she disappears sometimes when I am not near the mirror, since she like to stand in front of the mirror, she also likes to follow my every move, I suppose it’s because we are very close—sometimes it feels like we are the same person. Callie started talking about how Meg has beautiful brown hair, in which I laughed and brushed off. Meg is a red-head after all. 

May 13, 2021 17:44

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