Dread Day Part 1

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic thriller.... view prompt


Thriller Drama Science Fiction

I live in a world, where everyone has a clone. A clone who could end up being your best friend. Or maybe A clone who could accidentally swap places with you. Or perhaps A clone who could take your own family hostage just to spite you. No matter what personality your clone has it’s always going to be there. It will never go away, not until you die. 

You see, a clone and it’s human are the same. You can’t have one without the other. The moment your eyes meet, your destinies are intertwined. 

By now you are probably wondering how all this wack came to be. Well, sit down for the next few minutes and listen to this true story. But before you start I want you to promise me one thing, believe every word you hear. So the day you look your clone in the eye a will make a whole lot more sense. 

But first, here is a bit of backstory so you can understand.



I was walking out of my office building as I saw a helicopter float over my head.  Of course at that time I thought it was nothing.  I was staring at my phone as I walked through the city. I looked up and saw something falling out of the helicopter and knew what was about to happen then and there.

Suddenly, everything just blew up. Then I realized it was a bomb from the helicopter. I knew things would never be the same. I looked around at the fires around me.You should have seen the panic in my face. I was so in shock by what happened I just dropped to my knees and started screaming. 

I pulled out my phone and called 911. Immediately they answered.

“Hello?” I said hoping for a response.

“Hello Ma’am. We know why you’re calling. You need to get out of the area and find safety as quickly as possible,” a voice responded on the other side. “Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I answered.

Then a building started to collapse. It was the Washington Monument, and it was falling straight towards me.

“It's falling!!! It's falling!!!” I screamed into the phone. “We’re all going to die aren't we?!”

“What’s your name miss?” he asked.

“Stacey!” I responded while running for my life.

“Miss Stacey, you need to hang up and call your family. There is a very little chance you will survive this!!!” he told me.

“I have n-” I was saying before the building crashed onto the ground. I barely got smashed but instead I was flung into the air by the force of the collapsed building and fell back down painfully on my, snapping every bone one by one.


Crazy, right? But wait, (pause for dramatic effect) there's more. Keep reading, it only gets better from here!!!



I woke up in a hospital bed with all sorts of wires attached to my body. 

“She’s awake!!!” I heard a doctor scream from the hallway. A bunch of other doctors burst through the door and came right up to me.

“How do you feel?” one asked.

“Confused,” I responded. “I don’t remember anything.”

“Oh yes. She doesn’t know.” another said.

“I don’t know what?” I asked.

 "You are one of the 169 survivors of Dread Day. A day where the most important buildings and landmarks around the world were bombed. The Statue of Liberty, The White House, The Eiffel Tower, you name it,” a woman said while ripping off the wires attached to my arms.

“Wow. I don’t know what to say,” I told them. 

“Don’t say anything honey,” said the woman as she ripped off the final wire.

“We have provided you a home but I am afraid we have very little supplies to give you. Our materials are low.”

“Yeah that for sure,” I said, noticing that the building I was in was still under construction.

I hopped off the bed and saw a bulletin board with a bunch of pictures pinned on it. In the middle, a giant paper with only two words on it, PROJECT REVIVE. 

“What’s Project Revive?” I asked.

“I’m afraid that's classified,” one of the two men told me. “Now, I should show you your house.”

He brought me out of the building to a small apartment in the tiniest neighborhood you could imagine. 

“I know it’s small but I am sure you and your roommate Stacey can make it work,” she said as he gave me a brief tour,

“My roommate's name is Stacey? Like me?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied. “Now you should go get changed and get a feel for your new house. Bye,” he yelled while running away. He was obviously trying to rush the conversation all because I brought up that my roommate and I had the same name. 


Ooh. We’re really close to the climax now!!! Keep reading!!!



I had waited two years and my roommate never came. I had asked all of the owners of the town if there was any problem numerous times but they always responded ‘She just hasn’t woken up from her coma quite yet.’

I knew something was up and something was wrong. That’s when I got home and saw mail in my mailbox for the first time. It was from Stacey Dawson to Stacey Dawson. I knew it must be her but it was so odd how we happened to have the exact same first and last name.

It told me to meet her in the back alley behind a candy shop of a local neighborhood called Fairwood. I knew I had to do it. It had to be her.

Later, that night I slipped out the front door and put on my converse. I got into my car and drove all the way to Mr. Lemons Candy Store in Fairwood and parked my car in the alley behind it.

I jumped out and was relieved to see a silhouette of a person standing in front of me. I ran up to and quickly started a conversation.

“Are you Stacey Dawson?” I asked.

The woman turned around to face me, her face as pale as snow and her eyes staring right into mine. That was my face!

“No, you are!” she replied.

Suddenly, everything went black.


Amazing, right? I don’t really know what happened but all I know is that I woke up in this room with only one small candle as light, my hands tied to a chair behind me and my mouth duct taped. A girl emerged from the shadows and came up to my chair. It was the other Stacey Dawson. 

“Are you ready?” she asked me.

Before I had time to process what she meant she kicked my chair back and I fell through what seemed like a never ending tunnel. 

When I hit the ground the chair broke allowing me to stand up. At that moment I figured out what Project Revive was. HUMAN CLONING!!!

September 24, 2020 12:32

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B. W.
19:07 Sep 24, 2020

Hey this is a really good story and you did great with it ^^ ya know what? 10/10 :)


Daniel Reardon
19:08 Sep 24, 2020

Thank you so much!!! That means alot. Why not we upvote each other to make up for the points we lost!!


B. W.
19:10 Sep 24, 2020

Sure ^^ i don't see why not


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Grace Reardon
12:33 Sep 24, 2020

Love this, the characters and plot are so interesting!


16:39 Sep 24, 2020

I know, right!!! A great piece of work...


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Daniel Reardon
12:37 Sep 24, 2020

Thank You Grace! That means alot!!!


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Grace Reardon
16:28 Oct 14, 2020

I know you have been taking a break from Reedsy, but I believe you have true potential and should get back to work! I am not just saying this as your sister, but as your fan, so please keep up the hard work!


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Simon Ward
12:14 Oct 05, 2020

Great idea. Felt a little rushed but i guess with only a week it is expected.


Daniel Reardon
13:28 Oct 06, 2020

Thank you! I decided to make a part 2 just for that reason.


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Daniel Reardon
12:38 Sep 24, 2020

Hi guys!!! I hope you liked the story. Part 2 of both Does Anybody Copy? and Dread Day will be out soon


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Grace Reardon
16:29 Oct 14, 2020

Also are you going to make a part II If so, I would love to read it!


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