Empath the Superhero

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Christine was an average American to the naked eye. Her appearance wasn't anything extraordinary, but that's not what matters anyway. Christine had a hidden gift that only those who took the time to get to know her would notice. Her secret power lay in her heart, dormant until awoken by the emotions of those she cared for. She had always thought she was overly sensitive herself, but in fact her intuitive nature was a blessing to those around her. For her it was a blessing and a curse being on an emotional rollercoaster that she had no control over. Instead of hating herself for it, she embraced it and did whatever good she could.

Ever since she could remember, friends and family approached Christine for her listening ear and guidance. She was wise beyond her years. She brought peace and stability to those who sought her council. Not a single person that you asked about her would have a bad thing to say despite the horrible experiences that she had throughout her lifetime. It was exhausting, the mental work she helped others with. However, she found every bit of it rewarding. See, when others hurt it hurt Christine. She also shared in their happiness and every other emotion she felt from them. She felt feelings the way you or I hear words. The communication was there, loud and clear. Her goal every time was to give her seeker a safe place to open up their heart and mind. Not many people are comfortable sharing with others, but many chose to share with her for good reason.

Her cousin had been her best friend since birth. Her personal confidant, and that's the exact role she played in her cousin's life. There were no secrets between the two women. They talked about anything and everything. She was particularly sensitive to the feelings of those she was closest to. They've been through hell and back together. Watching her cousin, happily married with a family of her own, gave her such a sense of joy. At the same time if a friend came to her in despair she would be there in that emotion with them until she pulled them from the depths of it. Christine couldn't bear to watch anyone suffer, let alone somebody she genuinely cared for. She knew suffering all to well and refused to leave anyone in such a low place.

Her brother trusted her with his life. There wasn't a soul on this earth that he could count on more. After everything they went through together as children, all that she had protected him from, he would be lost without her. He came face to face with the possibility of just that, losing his big sister. Despite the odds against her, Christine pulled through and eventually got back to being her bubbly self. He admired her for all that she was. Even if they didn't say it, so did everyone that knew her. She was special, one of a kind. After her accident she intentionally went above and beyond to help others. In her revelations about life being too short came a burning desire to make it better for every person she came in contact with. After all, there are enough people being ugly to others and making an already difficult existence that much harder.

Their mother struggled with her mental health. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia alone are difficult to live with, combined it was like an impossible task for her. Christine always gave her mother extra love when she needed it, and tried her hardest to help her see when her reality did not match up with what was really happening. She was patient and gentle with her mother. She showed her compassion and understanding in a way that nobody else could. She made sure her mom was taking her medications and being proactive whenever possible. To her mother she was the closest thing to a living saint. She did everything she could to give back to Christine, out of gratitude for her continuous devotion.

When Christine's best friend was pregnant; every time she had gotten sick or a craving even, Christine felt sick or wanted that same food without even talking to her that day. Her connection to people was remarkable. Some folks envied her for it and others praised her, but regardless of who you were you couldn't deny how spectacular she really was. Nobody was like her, she was truly irreplaceable.

Christine acted with purpose to make the world around her a better place for all of those in it. One day, when she was just a little girl, she had been playing outside when a scraggly stray cat had approached her. Instantly, she had reached out to the cat to make it feel as though it belonged. She wanted the cat to know that fear wasn't necessary with her. She scooped him up and carried him into her upstairs apartment to present him to her parents. Her father's immediate reaction was shunning the mangey looking creature his daughter had just walked through the door with. She begged and pleaded with him to help the poor thing. After much convincing, he decided to try with the mess of an animal just to make her happy. It took a lot of cat food, baths(which I wouldn't recommend bathing a cat unless you want your forearms shredded like you were attacked by a woodland beast), brushing, flea medication, and ear mite treatments to make it healthy again. They had named him Buster, and after his salvation he was the most loyal cat to ever roam the planet. He was so grateful for her that he spent every waking moment by her side. He would jump onto her lap and run his cheek along her arm, leaving a trail of drool in its wake. That cat loved her endlessly for her heart. Animals flocked to her in the same manner that people did.

Christine had this magnetic energy that drew any living being to her. She cared for plants just as she cared for animals. They responded with new growth and vibrant colors. She talked to them, sometimes even sang to them. Life had a way of thriving in her presence no matter what it was. Her only hope was to make a positive impact before her time here on Earth was over. Be the light you want to see in the world. That was advice given to her by someone that had what she thought to be endless wisdom. Since then, she had made extra efforts to do just that. Be the light in the darkness.

July 21, 2020 01:52

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