
“Almost done packing?” Mom yells from downstairs, “we need to leave in five minutes!”

“Almost!” I yell back at my mom.

I don't want to move, I don't want to leave my friends. Dad said I would finally make friends at the new school, and that his new job would get us more money to do fun things. He thinks I'll be happier at the new house, but so far moving has been a nightmare, and we haven't even gotten in the car yet!

I set five books down in front of me. I can only pack one more, but all of my books are special to me. Mom and Dad said I could only pack eleven books, because I've read them all multiple times. They say I can get more books when we move in to the new house. I know we don't have enough room in the trailer or car for all of my books, but I don't want to give them away! How am I going to choose what book to bring, and what books to loose possibly forever?!

I think of the adventures the books took me on. The fire tree, a journey to an island where dinosaurs aren't extinct, and few people survive the cold nights filled with giant bugs and tiny carnivorous reptiles. Where I walked through the thick jungle with Alex and Alan, two close twins on dangerous research mission. Where I found an old civilization of previous explorers who helped us find the tree of elements. The thing keeping the entire island alive.

Albino, a journey with Cortney, an eleven year old girl like me, to find out she's no ordinary girl. Where I battle alongside white haired, red and blue eyed shape-shifters like Cortney. And survive in the forest, hunting and hiding from corrupt albino called shadows.

Assassin, where I journey into the world of a video game, fighting evil mobs and taking back the Overworld. Where I make friends with players, to help us on the quest for an army to fight the mobs. And trying to regain the trust of villages where the wanted assassin Playerhunter2000 has committed his crimes.

Halfblood, where I once again dive into a video game, but with a half-player. Trying to find help from the Overworld to win in a war to save our home. Where we meet with an old friend, someone thought to be an evil myth, and make an army of Overworld mobs.

Unnatural, an adventure in a normal world, with a not so normal kid named Anna. Where we have to hide from people looking for unnaturals to sell on the Black Market. Where we work with other people like Anna to escape cages and people. Where we run around the evil part of the world, trying to get out.

I look at the books, trying to think of what book to bring. I think until I get a headache. I stand up and start down the stairs into the now empty living room, hoping my parents can rethink their decision.

“Can I please take all my books?” I ask Dad.

“Clare,” he starts, “eleven books is enough, we can eventually get the same books after we move. Plus, you need to work on making real friends that you can play outside with.”

I walk out of the kitchen before Dad can say sorry to ask Mom.

“Can I please bring all by books?” I ask her.

“I agree with your dad.” Mom says. Of course she heard me asking Dad. I swear Moms have super hearing.

I stomp upstairs and try to sit on my bed, but fall on the floor because I forgot my bed had been taken apart and put into the trailer. I look at the books and start to think again. How could I possibly choose between them? Like I said before, I don't want to leave my friends behind. What am I going to do?

“Time to go!” Mom yells from downstairs.

I grab a random book and pack it. Then I run down the stairs to give Mom the extra books and but the box in the car.

“We have one stop to make” Dad says. Angry, I act like I didn't hear him.

We soon stop at a small brick building. We walk inside to give away my books. I hug my books all the way in.

“Is that Halfblood?” asks a girl about my age.

“Yeah.” I say, “do you want it?”

the girl nods vigorously and I hand her the book. There's no use resisting, I'm going to loose them anyway. I hold my finger up to my lips and point to my parents, hoping she gets than I'm trying to say they don't know I'm giving the book to her for free. I don't know if they'd be mad. The girl nods again and watches us go up to the counter.

It feels like getting to the counter takes days, but we eventually get there. When Mom takes the books, she notices there's only three of them. She looks behind us, and a small smile appears across her face. I look behind us too and see the girl walking away with her mom, Halfblood in her arms. She has a wide smile on her face.

“I'm proud of you” Mom whispers in my ear, and we start walking back to the car. I can't stop myself from smiling. That girl didn't even know the author was right in front of her.

When we get in the car, I open the box of books. I pull out the book I ended up “choosing” and see it's Albino. I smile to myself and open the notebook to continue the story. I read the last sentence I wrote. Jack and Jacob stop what their doing and get ready to fight. I think for a moment, then start to write, happy I can still make my own stories, and hoping others will continue my own unfinished stories.

Jack sniffs the air and his eyes widen.

“Wolves!” He yells as the first wolf springs out of the... I drift into sleep in mid sentence, and dream about the book. The wolves, the fight, the girl is in my dream too. An albino bluebird.

March 14, 2020 21:02

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Zilla Babbitt
21:27 Mar 25, 2020

Here for the critique circle :). This story is sweet and bitter at the same time. I like how you describe each book-- and I totally understand her conundrum! I love the "plot twist" at the end, where she's the author. I think the only thing lacking is a grammar re-read. This is super easy compared to filling plot holes, and makes an enormous difference to the reader. Fix the grammar and unnecessarily wide spaces between paragraphs, and it's way smoother to read. Keep it up!


Arry Weber
01:14 Mar 31, 2020

Good to know! I'm glad you like the story and will make sure to work on my grammar!


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