Fantasy Fiction Contemporary

“She does not belong to our community. She can never be part of our Universe. She is an outsider trying to fit in. We are black magicians, sorcerors and above all, geniuses of the universe. She is an ordinary medium of our communication and oppression” commanded the leader of the black magician clan.

“Don’t mix with her. Just play with her. She is just a game”, added others.

He did not have any sword to kill but he still managed to damage her mind, body and reputation beyond any repair. Not by words, acts or deeds but by deception, he created a bad world for her. A world full of greed, lust, anger, betting, prostitution, penchant for gold and foul smell. A magical world of illusions inhabited by tantric practices and other-worldly norms.

Harry was the leader of the community of black magicians known for his grit and determination to succeed at everything. Even if it be dominating a human instrument to the point of her extinction. They just want power.

They are a community of around ten thousand black magicians. They sustain on demoniac power and thrive on satanic verses. They stay hidden from the rest of the world.

She was Leela, a devotee of Lord Shri Krishna. She never had any prized possession with her except Bhagwad Gita, the spiritual discourses by her God. It was the only solace she had in their world.

She was brought into a new world of magicians through her instrument and exercise of powers in the game played by the whole community. They said – “It was our best game to have ever played”. Witchcraft and black magic practices on her created dimensions (magical extensions or a mirage world) of the cities, where she was made to live with the community. She was made to suffer incessantly.

There seemed to be a purpose for everything that happened. However, everything was kept hidden from her. There was a reason for bringing her into the magical world, which was their creation and food. Her life energy was instrumental in their making and her bad was the food of all black magicians. She being a pure devotee having an extraordinary spiritual power, was their only hope in their creation. Harry used to joke more often – “It is her heart what I need”. When others looked at him in astonishment, he used to add – “but after her death.

"Till then, her life is more important to me", he mumbled.

Harry, being a senior member of the clan, commanded authority in terms of Leela who was treated more like a slave than a daughter. Before the game, she was a part of Harry’s family.

"Patience is a virtue,” she kept on saying whenever they created troubles for her. However, both the worlds had to co-exist. She managed hard to maintain a decorum in their world.

It was the worst. Then it became bad. And then it was better for her. The torture came from all quarters of their existence. They being extremely powerful wanted her allegiance. But she maintained that – “There can be no allegiance in the territory of love and love gives freedom”. She loved them but they hated her immensely.

“Why was I brought to a different magical world full of sorcery and witchcraft?” was not the only question she had. Many questions remain unanswered. Only they had answers to her questions which bothered her. Her faith and devotion was tested and tried by Harry and his men. They not only made fun of her everything but also wanted to know why was she so different from them. They laughed at her existence only. Highly eccentric, they used to say – “You are our slave. We breed on your bad for no one can be you”.

She had to hear everything bad – beginning from curses, to their frustrations, skirmishes and blemishes against her.

“What wrong did she do?” saying so, Harry laughed and cried both at the same time. He cried at times because no one could be made to suffer like her. She was the only one indispensable for their world at the cost of her independence and life. Yet they maintained her slavery more than anything else. While one faction in the community maintained that she be treated badly like a slave, another wanted a better treatment for her. But everyone agreed on one point that she was an outsider. Few called her an alien enemy.

Her life energy, her life and her body was instrumental for the community. She was left with the bare necessities of life – food, clothing and shelter. Her right to privacy was infringed. Black magic spells were casted on her as if she was a mere black magician's doll. She was dominated at all levels of her exustence. However, she never succumbed to their whims and fancies. Her surroundings, food and water were contaminated and impure. They were all subject to various incantations.

She was, but an intelligent creation. Her intelligence was not only admired by the fellow beings of the community but was used by all means through tantric practices and other means.

By stroke of fate, they became her care taker parents, relatives and friends. The community was made to take care of her till she died her eventual death. She was given to Harry when she was a baby. They did not forget the primary reason of her existence which was service to them. But they wanted her servitude, which was intolerable to her at all costs. She was all alone in her journey of faith and tolerance.

They always jeopardized her inner sanctum. Being endowed with superhuman faculties, she could work for her living in the magical world even though she was drained of her life energies. Her whole body was subjected to all forms of torture.

Since her childhood, she was played with like a game but only in accordance with the rules. All of which were declared by Harry to others in the community. The game continued even after the change of her world. It still persists. With no allegiance from her towards the community, there ensued a battle of egos between Leela and Harry. After a long fight of 3 years, Harry understood the implications of such a fight on the well being of his community and inducted Leela as a family member.

“She is now a Gait like us even though different from us. She is now part of our world. I declare this with pride”. Saying so, Harry ended his conversation with his fellow sorcerer – Adam.

April 04, 2021 10:36

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