Fantasy Friendship

Standing before the full length mirror, the woman twisted from side to side and gently ran her hands over her waist. "I have a very important question."

"What is it, Eira?" The man asked, poking his head around the door frame. "Wow, you look hot."

Turning her upper body so quickly an audible snap came from her neck, the woman shot him with an icy glare as frost started to creep up her cheeks; snowflakes fluttering down around her. "What. Did you just call me?"

"I mean no offence!" The man laughed, casually leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms over his binder. "I mean you look very beautiful; for a chick who's a couple thousand years old."

"Oh." Eira said, the frost retreating from her cheeks. "Thank you, Pyrrhus, for the compliment. It makes me feel... Happy."

"No problem," the man said with a wink. "Anyway, what was your very important question?"

"Yes," turning back to the mirror, Eira looked herself up and down for a moment. "Is this dress... truly appropriate for me to wear?"

"Absolutely!" Pyrrhus said, grinning from ear to ear. "This is the first party in about a hundred years you're about to attend. I am going to make sure you look your best."

Gently tracing her slim pale fingers over the tight clinging dress, Eira frowned. The floor length gown was beautiful, she had to admit, but the silky fabric clung so close to her figure it might as well have been a second skin. The bodice was maya blue and studded with clear gems and making it sparkle, halfway down her waist the colours changed and deepened into a royal blue, silver webbing through the material. The front held such a deep V it ended just above her navel and was strung together with delicate silver chains; a split ran up the left side to her upper thigh, showing off her long leg.

Walking up behind her, Pyrrhus gently grasped her shoulders before resting his chin in the crook of her neck, smiling softly. "You look beautiful, Eira. You have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you, Pyrrhus," Eira said, twisting slightly to run a hand over her backside. "What is it that modern women say? 'Does this dress make my backside look good?'"

Laughing, Pyrrhus let go of the pale woman's shoulders and walked over to the bed, sitting down and sliding a black button up over his shoulders. "The question is 'Does this dress make my butt look big?' And I'm not going to answer that, because you're scary when you're angry."

Shaking her head, Eira moved to sit down at the dressing table. Her long white hair was done up in an elegant bun, her white skin glittered lightly like fresh snow in the sun, her white eyes were surrounded by light tired circles, and her naturally pale blue lips were now tinted red. Looking down at her hands, Eira sighed at the sight; if her hands had been normal, they would have been considered delicate, but because of her constant low body temperature they were frost bitten and blackened. One would have thought that as a deity of snow and ice Eira have gotten use to her unique appearance, but after centuries trapped in her icy entrapment, she was still disgusted with with woman in the mirror. The woman who was known for being cold and heartless, slowly blackening like a frozen corpse, she who had sentenced hundreds to death in her realm of frigid wastelands.

"You're nothing like what the tales speak of you," Pyrrhus said, the fiery red and orange waistcoat accented with gold trim. "You are a very kind person. You don't need to be ashamed by who you are. The world is much more forgiving and understanding now; I mean, look at me now. I'm biologically and legally recognised as a man."

Pyrrhus' tanned skin glowed from beneath, warm and inviting, his charcoal black hair was still long and platted over one shoulder, his eyes flickering like the flames of a fire. Leaning over and resting one hand on the dressing table before carefully lifting up his other hand to show his own blackened and charred fingers. Humans had alway been more tolerant to the element of fire, all of its deity's worshipped in one way or another.

"And you look very handsome, old friend." Eira said softly, making a tiny snowflake form in her palm and flutter through her fingers. "You could not imagine my surprise when you sent me free, you had changed so much. But, I'm so glad you are happy now."

"And now I have my best friends back at my side," Pyrrhus said, gently pulling the snow deity to her feet and giving her a small twirl. "I could never ask for any more."

Linking their arms together, Pyrrhus led Eira through the maze of corridors; polished marble halls reflecting the sound of music. Stopping before a set of oak doors, the fire deity turned his head and gave the snow woman a encouraging smile.

"Are you ready?"

"As I ever will be."

"Keep your head you," Pyrrhus said, looking at the doors before pushing them open. "You are the deity of snow and ice, you need not lower your head to anyone ever again."

Walking through the doors, the pair gazed upon the mix of mortals, deity's and gods sharing the dance floor; some familiar faces showing through the crowd. Daichi, an earth deity. Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture. Alya, a deity of the sky's. Bastet, Egyptian goddess of cats. Susanoo, Japanese god of sea and storms. And many more. But at the sound of the large doors closing, all attention was turned to the top of the staircase; without a word said, all in attention bowed their heads to the pair.

"Greeting's everyone!" Pyrrhus said, smiling brightly. "I'm glad to see you are all enjoying your evening so far. I would like to introduce you to my oldest and dearest friend. This is Eira, the deity of snow and ice. Treat her with the same amount of respect you would treat me. But now, welcome everyone, to the Ball of Snow and Fire!"

The music stated up once again and the crowd went back to their prior business. Leading her carefully down the stairs, Pyrrhus offered Eira his hand with a bow.

"Deity of snow, will you do me the honour of dancing with me?"

"I accept, deity of fire." Eira said, delicately laying her hand into the offered grasp. "As long as you let me share this honour."

"Always, old friend. Anything you wish for, I will fight for." Pyrrhus said, kissing her knuckles before pulling her close and settling a hand on her waist. "I never wish to see you unhappy again, deity of snow and ice."

May 14, 2021 09:57

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Ruth Smith
05:04 Jun 28, 2021

Flora, What a lovely story! I adored the characters and the tale. There are a few issues. In the third paragraph you wrote " "What. Did you just call me?" I am not sure what this is supposed to say. Was it "What? Did you just call me?" or "What did you just call me?" 11th paragraph you wrote "sitting down and sliding a black button up over his shoulders." I am not sure what this is. What did he slide over his shoulders? Over all its a great story!


Flora Bell
02:57 Jun 29, 2021

Ruth, Thank you! I'm glad you like it. What's the term people use? It gives me the warm and fuzzy's? Yeah, warm and fuzzy is a good way to describe how I feel. Thank you again for pointing out my mistakes. I'll be sure to change this and make it clearer. It was meant so sound angry. Like how when people talk, they say the first word, then pause in a short question like to give you time to think it over, and continue with their sentence. Making it sound a lot scarier then it should be. Does that make sense? With the mistake in paragraph 11...


Ruth Smith
04:23 Jun 29, 2021

Flora, I can see how you wanted her reaction to being called hot to be angry. Maybe you can add some action to the statement. Or you can change the sentence to say "You didn't just call me THAT." Or "How DARE you say such a thing!" as she turned towards him, her icy stare piecing his soul. I think the 11th paragraph just needed something more than button. Your above sentence works better because I now know its a shirt he was putting on. I like how you describe what they both were wearing. I can picture them vividly. I tend towards t...


Flora Bell
05:02 Jun 30, 2021

Ruth, Great idea! Changing the sentence would make it much clearer on how she feels. I kind of envisioned Eira ask quick to anger but she thinks about her anger before continuing on with her actions; preferring to rely on her abilities rather then acting out on a visually emotional or physical level. Like ice; cold and unforgiving. I see what you mean about some words being able to show scenes clearer. Even though some words may be similar in intension, but only really to the writer, readers can't see the intension. I'll try to catch myself...


Ruth Smith
14:41 Jun 30, 2021

I am glad I can help, Flora. I think you have a very crisp style and your writing is colorful and descriptive. You just need a little help with the mechanics and that just takes practice.


Flora Bell
06:14 Jul 01, 2021

Yes, practice. Which I will not be able to correct! I have sadly found I can't edit any of my previous works after the contests are closed! That means all my mistakes are PERMANENT! Please excuse me while I go crawl under a rock in embarrassment. But, I know I have said this a lot already, thank you for pointing out my mistakes so I can learn from them. I'll try my hardest not to repeat them again.


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