The pique of time- celestial inception.

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



            Celestial inception. 

In the beginning of conception itself, there was a man; a being who lived in a conscientious dimension unknown to the world which was yet to be dawned, this man was prompt and punctual and he moved in a circle like a hamsters wheel. He stopped for none but always desired for one to learn. A few valued him and many took him for granted, yet he always had a way to strike. This dependable geezer was time. Yes, the time in your clock, who ticked and who tocked, was alas a human we obeyed whenever he struck. You must think he lived in a prison of 9 to 5, but trust me, while he was on a run, he could make a dame laugh endlessly yet make a lad have regressions. All along, time wasn’t a what, he was a who; a mortal, a being. Time longed for a world, a planet of mortal beings who could breathe and perish timely and rightfully. Thus, he gathered his hours, minutes and seconds and collectively framed an inhabitable universe. 

And in due course, a human race was ruled by a man who was stern and unforgiving, yet also had an altruistic heart. The populace had the liberty and exemption to express and suppress and to lead an ebullient and vivacious life. It was a world full of beauty and wonder filled with humans who didn’t know how to admire. Eventually, the mortals turned malevolent and unpropitious, they were morally corrupted and deceived time’s benevolence. They had the consent to explore the bathos of the cosmos yet somehow they were busy collecting offal. There were brawls, wars, deaths, resentments and homicides. They destroyed nature and every living species, and brought about new maladies. Humanity had turned a divine welkin into an abominable abyss. Taking heed of this chaos, time was dejected and vexed, he grew anxious and thought of putting an end to human kind. This sphere, that he had once fabricated with love and stoicism had turned out to be nefarious and grim and had driven him to spare nobody. 

At last, the bottled up rage hailed on humanity with cyclones, earthquakes, locusts and diseases. Death had become the new normal and as the metaphor goes, “Time will show” became a fact. Time had accorded nature to punish the mortals for their iniquities and the wrath of quintessence blew so hard that it wiped out half of the humanity. Time could see the tears that touched the ground and heard the cries that screamed for help, so he decided not to be selfish like the humans and be bias with the people who weren’t guilty of blood on their hands. Hence, time had to do, what time does; put humanity to the test. A trial where humans would have to prove their worth to survive. Thus, time called for a convergence, it was a survival call to every living mortal on the planet. The congregation had gathered and the curiosity was broadening. After scowling with exasperation, time proffered a proposal to the mass; an overture which advocated the only solution to reclaim humanity. 

Time looked at the crowd with a hunch of remorse and said, “You mortals have tested my patience and have forgotten the intent of love. Thus, humanity has lost it’s essence and in order to procure it, a man and a woman has to travel world’s apart, to another galaxy, find the essence and restore it back. Which one of you is willing to commence on this expedition?”. Comprehending these stern words and a menacing mission, the throng stepped aside and repudiated. Amidst an inevitable silence, there came a loud, “I will go”, and it was from a notably fetching woman who seemed bold and brave while following behind came a man who agreed to accompany the woman, this particular chap didn’t really fit the smart squad yet his heroic decision depicted that he fancied risks. Before this dyad set out on this plucky journey, time gives them a puzzling phrase to remember which would help them to recognise the essence when they reach the destination. 

And the phrase said, “I always run but never walk, I sometimes sing but cannot talk, no head on which a hat to place, you always look me in the face”. The man and the woman heard everything time had said and brushed it off like an unsolved riddle, not knowing the significance it held. After a long road, and forty-eight days, the pair reached a galaxy which looked like a deserted island with hot sand and no water to quench a parched throat. As they got closer to the dry and broken ground, they encountered three objects placed parallel to each other and had a note which said, “I am the essence or am I?”. The first was a ring, the second was a crown and the third was a clock, the duo were muddled at the sight and couldn’t really fathom the concept behind the same. They tried hard to pick the right essence but were tentative as it was the only chance to save humanity. After many sceptic thoughts, the man remembered the phrase that time had spoken about and tried pondering on it. 

Post a long thought, he came to a conclusion that the essence was the clock itself, but the woman couldn’t understand it yet she trusted the man and decided to take the clock with no questions asked. As they were returning back, time simpered from afar and agnized that the humans were brave and had chosen the right essence. Eventually, the humans asked time about the significance behind the whole journey and time answered, “The essence was a piece of me, which humanity had lost, yet your bravery and the willingness to try gave the human kind a second chance” .

And that’s how humanity was saved. 

Moral:- “Time is watching you, he’ll tick until you are trying and he’ll tock when you stop”. 


June 27, 2020 19:01

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