Mystery Thriller

My name is Penelope White. I live in a small town, just moved here actually, about three weeks ago. It's a charming to say the least. Everyone knows each other here. Everything about each other, secrets included. Everyone wants to know my secrets too. But I can assure you they really don't.

Every day at approximately three p.m., I wait for a package in the mail and then I go into my home not leaving the house until the next day. What do I wait for everyday? What do I do afterwards? I hear these questions as I roam the town, but I never answer them. I tend to be friendly to others, but still, I keep to myself. To my daily needs and back home.

I've caught the people of this town constantly spying on me whether I catch the long stares while walking by, or the children and teens looking through my windows when they think I'm not home. I find it rather intriguing how invested they keep their time on trying to "figure me out" as they say. They will in due time, but they'll be in for quite the surprise. And what a surprise it will be.

Nobody dares to talk too much to me, despite being intrigued. But they stare all the time. But today that has changed. A woman that I know from a long ago, stopped me today to ask about her daughter, who went missing about two days ago. I of course told her that I didn't know of her whereabouts. How can she not remember me? I wonder, but I don't fret, she'll remember me soon enough.

You see, tonight is the night that I decided I shall end the suspense and let everyone in the secret. The answer to the question. What is in the package that I wait for at three p.m.? I'm making it easy for them for find out, leading them out to the truth. This is a task for the teens, the adults wouldn't dare risk it and the children are not as clever.

I've already received my package for the day. So now all I must do is leave my garage door open. They enter to at their own risk. From the sounds of it, I think they have entered. Now we wait. I hear the shuffling and now complete silence. It's probably from the shock. Now to enter the room after being hidden not too far away. They look up terrified from what they see. The room and the sight of myself. They were scared expressions, but I wear and smile. I'm glad they have out truth. But I wonder what they'll do next.

"Hello children, does it look familiar?" I say to this as eagerly, never letting my smile leave my face. I'm so happy they are here to see it finally; I've waited so long for the right moment. Waiting no more, I ask "do you like what you see?" "Are you surprised?" I ask them this but get no answers in response. Instead, they just all scatter and scream at the top of their lungs. I can say honestly that I’m used to it. Every face more terrified than the last.

Moments later, I hear the sirens come a sound I find so pleasant and one I hear very often when I'm around. I'm sure your wondering what the children have seen, and I'd be more than happy to let you know. Even as the cops drag me away immediately recognizing my face.

In the that room was my trophies, my shrine if you will. There laid plastic everywhere, gooey red, sprayed across all over. Blood if you didn't figure that out. On the walls were newspapers of my trophies, my friends, my - meals. You see, I have a special appetite and I admire teenagers so much that can well just eat them up, - literally.

I meet a new friend in every town I go to and then I eat them and carry on to the next and so on and so forth. The blood that they discovered was one of the dear friends I met she was the tastiest out of the bunch let me tell you. The woman I mentioned earlier would find her the most familiar- awfully close to home I should say. I say, it's been quite fun, but I guess I should be on my way. I make eye contact with the woman from before, horror and reconcile spreads across her face. And I must say I couldn't be happier. My smile never leaves as I stare into her soul even as my other friends prepare to bring me home.

They've brought back home to my other friends, at the asylum we have so much fun there, and I suppose I should prepare for the next trip they're always more than the last. "Oh, but before you go, I forgot to answer the question of the hour- what do I wait for in the mail at three? Well that's easy, it's quite silly, but simple, you all may know me as Penelope White right? But I'm afraid I haven't been honest with you.

I have another friend one that I know so very well. We're in love and it is amazing. He works for the asylum and we have so much in common, it's a miracle we found each other. While on the outside he'd send me love letters and my favorite treat of all - updates for my next trip, and my favorite body parts to eat from the people we don't like much to prepare me for the final feast. When he sends the heart, he is letting me know to complete the big finale. Romantic right?

Now I know people don't agree with my routine, but I promise I do it with good reason. Their parents should not have terrorized us when we were young because now, we get the last laugh. Well, it’s been great darlings, my love tells me my time has come for the next feast. I’m afraid Penelope is no more but don't worry, you'll love Lucy Newton just as much. Until next time, love Ashley.

July 09, 2020 04:17

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Skyler Grey
21:59 Sep 09, 2020

holy... wow. that was disturbing. i love it.


Thank you!


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Karin Venables
10:49 Sep 01, 2020

Well that's thoroughly disturbing. I love it!


Thank you!


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Pamela Saunders
09:26 Aug 08, 2020

LOL - horrific and funny too. Thank you for entertaining me so well :)


Thank you!


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