Fantasy Fiction Bedtime

During days long past, Bertrand lived alone in a manor house outside a quaint country town. Bertrand stood handsome, tall, wealthy, and strong. Living alone was not his choice. Many said he drove women away being so possessive because of jealousy. His only marriage lasted a few years before she took their son and ran away with another man. Since she left, he reached the point of isolation. Settling into a routine at home, he spent his days inside minding the house and the staff. He tried to learn painting but failed. His attempts to learn magic arts left him frustrated. He journeyed into town only for needs. Bertrand began enjoying his isolation. He grieved his lost son, but that situation was hopeless. One night attempting a magic spell, the housekeeper informed Bertrand someone knocked at the front door. Perturbed at the disturbance, he walked through the foyer to open the door. The weather outside stormed. Thunder and lightning rattled and shook the house. Who could be knocking at the door in this weather, Bertrand wondered? He contemplated a weapon but decided against it. He was shocked when he opened the front door. Before him stood an old crag dressed in ratty clothes. She was soaked, looking pitiful. “What do you want?” Bertrand asked. “I’d like a moment of shelter, till then rain passes,” she said. “Out of the question,” Bertrand answered. The old woman’s eyes lit bright as she mumbled a few words. Bertrand did not remember how or why he let her into the house. He just remembers her standing inside, dripping on the carpet. “What just happened?” Bertrand demanded. “How did you get in here?” The old woman shimmered, and light swirled around her. Bertrand went for a weapon when the old woman stopped him. “You are not in danger. Turn and look at me. You are in for a surprise,” She said. Turning around, Bertrand beheld a stunning beauty. Long flowing red hair covered an hourglass figure. Green eyes danced with mischief. “Who are you?” Bertrand asked. “I am a witch from the forest. We heard your pathetic efforts at spells. I volunteered to come teach you. My name is Katherine. I am staying until you have mastered basic magic,” she said. “My pathetic spells?” Bertrand stammered. “Yes, pathetic, even bad,” Katherine said. “Some caused problems in the forest. Others mutated animals. This happened because you did not know what you cast or how far it would go. We will fix that.” “How do I know I can trust you?” Bertrand asked. “You don’t,” Katherine said. “After breakfast tomorrow, we begin.” Katherine looked at the housekeeper and said, “Where shall I put my things?” The housekeeper looked at Bertrand, who nodded. The housekeeper responded, “Come follow me, madam.”Katherine followed the housekeeper down the hall to the guest rooms. “Here is your room Ma’am. I will come for you in the morning for breakfast.” With that the housekeeper departed. The next morning, the housekeeper lead Katherine into the dining hall where Bertrand waited. “Breakfast will now be served,” said the housekeeper. Breakfast consisted of eggs, a meat and bread. It was simple but good. Katherine learned to expect the same meal each morning. The food tasted wonderful yet dull. It was a man’s house. The meals, based on meat and a starch, while tasting good never varied. Katherine understood Bertrand’s situation with the former wife. The former wife ran a house based on creativity and spontaneity. Meals became events. Food from the four corners of the earth graced the table. Maybe to compensate for her leaving, Bertrand required meals opposite from his former wife. Magic training began after breakfast and lasted till lunch. The difficulty of the spells and potions increased daily. Accidents happened frequently but with little damage. Katherine’s skills countered mistakes, preventing damage. Bertrand began to realize his teacher was quite accomplished in the magical arts. Her grace and competence in her skills impressed him. “How did I rate such an accomplished teacher?” Bertrand asked. “We realized that you were performing well considering there wasn’t a teacher,” Katherine said. “The mistakes you made, happened because you experimented alone. We believed the potential existed for you becoming a great wizard. The coven chose me to help you because of my skills as both a witch and a teacher.” Bertrand winched at the words witch and wizard. He never thought of becoming a wizard. He wanted to develop magic to consume time. Living alone, even with a staff, began to wear on him. He found the presence of the witch both comforting and invigorating. Daily lessons became both a challenge and pleasurable. Most days they worked twice a day, after breakfast and either afternoon or evening, depending on the lesson. Katherine explained she belonged to a coven in the nearby woods. She had duties there requiring her absence at times. Bertrand discovered his disappointment at her absences. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months of training. Bertrand’s skills increased in large increments. Katherine found herself pushing him more. Her pushing resulted in Bertrand becoming a promising wizard. But more then skills grew between them. They gazed at each other longer, touches lingered moments longer. Feelings developed that surprised both. Katherine suggested they leave the castle for meals and entertainment. Conversations lasted long into the night. Then one night The new feeling burst from hiding. Katherine lost her footing and fell into Bertrand. He caught her by taking her into his arms and holding her till he was sure she was safe. Katherine, for part, eased into his embrace. Pent up passion exploded from both. They both stepped back blushing. Bertrand apologized for taking advantage of her. “Dear Bertrand, you cannot do anything to me without my consent,” Katherine said. “I am powerful beyond your imagination, so much more then you.” With that she eased back into his arms. Bertrand took her back allowing his passion life.The staff rejoiced at the blossoming romance, while distant because of her being a powerful witch. They reserved judgement of Bertrand’s possessing true desire and not under a spell. The romance continued to grow but as fate decrees, something went wrong. Bertrand took Katherine to a party of the rich and powerful in the small town. Bertrand beamed with pride at the woman with the flowing red hair on his arm. Looks of jealousy came from all the men. Katherine felt his discomfort and whispered in Bertrand’s ear, “Don’t let their looks bother you. I am here with you.” Bertrand smiled and pulled her close. The problem lurked In the crowd because a powerful wizard, who desired Katherine for many years attended. He saw her and drew a deep breath of want. Katherine saw him and said to Bertrand, “That man is a powerful wizard. I have spurned his advances many times. Can we go home? I don’t trust him.” “What can he do?” Bertrand asked. “You are powerful enough stop him.” “I am,” Katherine said, “but we are in public and I want to remain a secret.” Even as she said this, the wizard strolled to them and smiled, a smile that would freeze water. “Hello Katherine, you look incredible tonight, as usual,” said the wizard. “Bertrand, is that you? It is so good to see you out again since your wife ran away. I hope you find Katherine’s company fulfilling. Bertrand sizzled inside. “Yes, I find her an incredible presence at my home. She not only is pleasant company but is teaching me the knowledge of a wizard. I have grown in talent and skill since she arrived.” The wizard’s eyes narrowed, “We must see how good you are. One day I must drop by and visit.” Katherine replied, “That’s unnecessary and a waste of your time, but thank you anyway.” Frost seemed to appear between the group until Bertrand broke the ice. “Come Katherine, we must leave. We have entertained the good people long enough.” As if caught eavesdropping, several people scurried away and busied themselves elsewhere. Bertrand smiled at their discomfort. Taking Katherine’s hand, Bertrand said goodbye to the host and then left. Bertrand smiled as they walked away, “Well that was fun! I or we will be the talk of the town tomorrow. And it is only our first outing together. Who would have dreamed of this happening?” Katherine never smiled. “Bertrand, this is not good,” She said. “The wizard is evil and up to something. His actions are never good. I need to speak to my coven tonight. It will require my absence overnight. I leave as soon as we are home.” Bertrand asked, “How bad can it be?” Katherine threw some things in a bag and hurried out the door. Bernard barely had time to acknowledge her kiss before she was gone. He watched her until she left his sight. He had no clue to her urgency in leaving. Katherine waited till she left his sight before pulling a wand. She circled the wand several times with a chant. A portal opened and the home of her coven appeared! Katherine summoned the leadership with a call for help. “I am in dire need,” she said. “I was sent to teach Bertrand magic. The lessons went well but we fell in love. Our love became public at a celebration in the town. Entwine, the wizard, attended the party and made comments to us about our relationship. He promised to come to our house to visit. You know that Entwine has pursued a relationship with me for many years. I spurned his advances because he is evil. I fear him using Bertrand as a threat to make me become his lover. I do not know what to do.” The senior witch raised her hand for silence. “I am saddened that you fell in love with this man. You know a relationship with him would fail. You are three hundred years old. While you preserve your looks, he will not. He ages faster and dies soon. There is no magic that will allow him to age like a true wizard. We know about Entwine’s desire for you. It plagued you through time. It is unfortunate this happened. Entwine followed you to this town. He has every intention to make you his mate. We must discuss this in private. Go to you sleeping quarters. We will summon you when we have decided.” Katherine left the room to go sleep. Arriving in her room, she cried into her pillow. Just because you know something is wrong does not prevent you from doing it. She knew better then to fall for Bertrand. But how does something that is wrong feel so right. At the point of sleep, a loud knock startled her. Opening the door, a senior witch stood with a panic beckoning her to come. “Bertrand is in trouble,” the senior witch said. “Entwine guessed you would come here. He went to the house last night. We can only assume the worst. A group of us are coming with you to see what happened. We need to go.” They arrived in the main hall to see a group of powerful witches and a wizard waiting for them. The wizard circled his wand and using spoken commands opened a door into Bertrand’s study. ‘Well, well. Look who is here,” Entwine said. “I’m afraid you arrived too late. Look at my artwork! I paint well, even if I do say so myself.” On the wall hung a gorgeous painting that included Bertrand. Bertrand looked so realistic. Suddenly it dawned on them Bertrand looked realistic because he was frozen in the painting. Katherine screamed for Bertrand, “What have you done to him?” “I preserved him for you, Katherine,” Entwine said. “Three times a year, he will be freed from the painting for 24 hours. He stops aging this way. You can be with him those three days. The rest of the time you stay with me.” Katherine pulled her wand, “Never.” Entwine pulled his wand and shot a spell at Katherine. The entire group that came with her shot back. Entwine buckled under the onslaught of magic. As they prepared to finish Entwine, he yelled, “Go ahead and kill me. That way he stays in the painting forever. I alone know the counter spell to free him. “ Katherine asked, “Where is the staff? What have you done with them?” “They are with him in the dimension he is in. Why would I send him away alone?” Entwine said. The wizard who accompanied the witches stepped forward casting a spell, freezing Entwine in place. “We should have done this many years ago. This day you are cast to outer darkness forever. Join me, witches, casting the spell that sends Entwine away. The witches formed a circle, raising their wands in the air while chanting a spell. Light circling Entwine moving faster and faster. Entwine screamed threats and in pain as the portal opened pulling him inside. The portal slammed shut sealing Entwine in outer darkness forever. Silence filled the room. Katherine spoke, “Couldn’t we wait till we freed Bertrand? Now he is in the painting forever.” The wizard spoke, “I know the spell. Only an act of unexpected act of love can free Bertrand. It must come from a stranger yet known by Bertrand.” Katherine walked to the painting and rubber the canvass. She stepped back because her hand penetrated the canvass. The wizard spoke, “Apparently Entwine intended for you to join Bertrand. The spell to send you to him is still active. If you enter the painting, you too must wait for that love of a stranger.” Katherine pulled a chair next to the painting. She wiped a tear from her eye. Stepping onto the chair, she looked back before stepping into the painting. As she stepped into the painting, the scene shifted on the canvass as Bertrand now had Katherine in his arms. The witches and wizard closed the house. They set protections preventing vandalism. Dawn on Easter Sunday rolled around, and the painting shimmered. Bertrand and Katherine along with the staff stepped out of the painting. They celebrated 24 hours of freedom. Bertrand held Katherine in his arms. He said, “You didn’t need to enter the painting. You should have gone home.” Katherine replied, “I did go home. Home is with you.” At dawn the next day, the painting shimmered pulling everyone back to the painting. Bertrand and Katherine decided they would change the scene each time they returned to the painting. After many years passed, Bertrand’s great grandson visited the house. He spoke to his father about his love of the house. His great grandfather owned the house. Talking to his grandfather, he asked about living in the house. The grandfather lived in the house briefly. His mother, Bertrand’s ex-wife left with him in the dead of night when the grandfather was a child. They returned after Bertrand disappeared. The grandfather gave the blessing to the grandson to live in the house. One day after living there several years, the grandson’s wife came and stood beside him. “Why do you stand here looking at this painting so much?” “Two reasons. First that is my great-grandfather, the original owner, in the painting. I was told about this property many years ago. I asked my dad if I could have the house. It has been vacant for so long. It came to my grandfather because Bertrand disappeared. My grandfather became owner after they found my great-grandmother. With his permission, we moved here. The second reason is the painting seems to change scenes several times a year. Have you noticed?” His wife answered, “I’m so glad you said that. I thought I was losing my mind.” Several months later, the wife came screaming to her husband, “Come quick! The painting is bursting with light!” They both ran to the painting just in time to see everyone emerge from the canvass. The man and his wife stood there too scared to speak. Bertrand also stood in silence. Finally, he spoke, “We try to exit the painting when you are gone. We thought you were out of town. My apologies for scaring you so.” “How…what…How long have you been doing this?” The husband asked. “Why are you doing this?” Bertrand answered, “You need to sit down.” For the next several hours, Bertrand and Katherine explained everything. The staff went to the kitchen to prepare food. When Bertrand finished, they sat in silence for a time. “So, for three to four times a year, you can leave the painting for 24 hours, the husband asked. “That’s correct,” Katherine replied. “We have been doing this for so long, unable to break the curse, we have come to like it. Most of the staff’s family is gone. I do not know what is happening with my coven of witches. We do not age this way.” “That must be why the house is in such good shape,” the wife asked. “Yes,” Bertrand answered. “The wizard who put us in the painting preserved the house so we would suffer forever. It turns out we enjoy this.” The husband said he was prepared to break the spell, but Bertrand declined. “So, this fairy tale doesn’t have a happy ending where everyone is saved,” the husband asked. “No,” Bertrand replied. “Just consider us relatives who drop in from time to time. The staff has prepared food. We are starving. Can we go to the dining room and eat? I have a lot to tell you about the past.

April 08, 2021 21:24

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