Coming of Age Fantasy Fiction

“It’s not enough time, it’s not enough time!” I drop to my knees and beg of the sun to stop rising, the earth to stop spinning, my heart to stop racing. The ground beneath me starts to shimmer with the familiar gold lighting that encapsulates my demise. My fingertips are on fire.

Buck kneels next to me, hesitant to touch my skin as he witnesses the clothes on my body start to burn. “Hey, hey,” he coaxes my vision from my worry and to his eyes, “look at me.” I do as he says, and he smiles gently. “I’m not going anywhere, and if I have any say, you aren’t either.” He gets over his phobia and places a hand on my cheek, fingers sprawling across my face.

I start to shake my head. “Not this time. The Creator said-”

“The Creator’s said a lot of stupid things,” he leans his forehead against mine. I search the horizon worriedly for the dawn of the solstice. “You have stopped this before. You cannot let this get the best of you,” he kisses my forehead soothingly and looks me in the eye, “you can do this. Don’t let The Creator deem it your time.”

My mouth gapes slightly at his words, and my eyes flash back and forth between his gaze and my coming destiny. The understanding of his implication sinks in, and I struggle, but successfully make my way to my feet. The earth shifts uncomfortably under my weight, but still I hold my position. The fire has captivated my hands entirely now, and the rock and rubble find comfort over my feet.

I look at Buck, his eyes shine with pride, and his expression smug. I shift my gaze to the rest of my friends; they cower behind the plane they took to find me, to liberate me. They did not know I would not be returning home. “Okay,” I finally say, eyeing the group in front of me, “I’ll be fine. Just,” I maintain eye contact with Buck, “please stand back.” He does as I say without hesitation, and I feel secure that if I don’t make it, my friends will.

I turn back and face the sunrise. The earth has overtaken my ankles, and creeps its way up to my legs. Fire consumes my forearms now, nearly reaching my shoulders. The wind will start soon, that’s how it always happens, and then the water will pour from my veins. It is only on the solstice that I cannot control the elements, it is only on the solstice The Creator confronts me. I fear this day every year, and now dawn is coming.

As the sun rises, I close my eyes. The Creator is coming.

I feel the wind whip through my body and find its way into my hair. It chokes me with its power, and the overwhelming burn in my lungs convinces me I am breathing fire. It is only when I feel a familiar stirring in my blood that I know it’s the final phase.

“No matter what you see and no matter what happens to me, do not intervene!” I yell to the crowd. I’m not supposed to have witnesses here, but the circumstances stand for otherwise.

My head snaps back when another gust of wind violates my person, and I fall to my knees again. The veins under my skin pulsate and threaten to spill, but the familiar booming voice of The Creator interrupts all further action.

“This has been a long time coming, hasn’t it, Solstice?” A beam of light blinds me as a silhouette of a man descends to my level. “We haven’t caught up in a while.” As he reaches the ground, he clangs his spear butt to the earth, causing it to shake and the dirt under me to crack. 

“Too long,” I strain, still choking on air, “you should drop by more often.”

“You’ll do well to keep your sly comments to yourself,” he threatens through clenched teeth, “you know exactly why you’re in danger today, don’t you?” 

With a wave of his hand, the fire is extinguished from my arms and the wind dies. My veins are no longer in danger of exploding, and the earth retreats from my body. I am freed, but I am powerless in his presence. “I do.” I answer, catching my breath. I look up when he points his spear at me. “I’ve been intentionally avoiding this day for too long.”

“Are you aware of the consequences you have undone to yourself?” He questions, stepping closer and aiming directly for my jugular. I nod. “You’re aware that violation of your agreement to annual solstice meetings with The Creator results in death?” I nod again and close my eyes, bracing for death. “Very well,” he commends.

In the darkness of my own mind, I picture Buck’s face. I imagine my friends cowering behind me, I imagine what fate they face after mine. The Creator knows all, so The Creator must know they’re here. I want to open my eyes, I want to open my mouth and scream Buck’s name. I don’t want to die alone, I don’t want to die painfully, I don’t want to die.

My body’s on fire again, I am sure of it. I am in a painful heat, not one that I’m used to. The Creator has been merciful in his decision to kill me with one of my elements.

I open my eyes when the pain becomes too much, and that’s when I see I am no longer on the ground. I am floating above The Creator, an awed, but shocked, expression paints his face. When I look down, black smoke circles my body, bent to my will. My body glows golden, but not from fire, no, from something else.

“What are you doing?” The Creator screeches, unsure of this new turn of events. “Y-you can’t be manipulating elements right now! You’re mortal!” He raises his spear to end my life. I make a fist and shatter it in his hands.

A voice that is not my own speaks from my mouth. “I am Soulless. Manipulator of Souls. Most powerful being alive. Destined to destroy The Creator.” It is husky, more masculine than my own, and I am frightened by it. In my mind, I ask, who are you?

The answer I receive: I am you.

“Solstice, stop this right now. I am The Creator, Your Creator! You cannot destroy me, I decide my own destiny,” he steals a quick look past me and sees the plane that brought my friends to my rescue. “Solstice, we are not alone.”

“I’m aware,” I say, this time as myself, “and if you touch them, I will make your soul mine.” I gently descend to the ground as Buck comes running out from behind the structure. “Buck, no!”

The Creator sees his movement, scans my mind and understands my attachment to him, and makes a decision. As he raises his hands, the smoke clouding my body grows in size as I run toward Buck to shield him. I jump in front of him as The Creator throws a ball of elemental magic at him. I counter with the black smoke, but I push my power behind it so I can attack The Creator directly after. When the cloud reaches him, I hear the screams of the undead, as well as The Creator’s plea of terror, and then nothing.

I collapse to the ground after Soulless leaves my body, and the earth covers me in a comforting blanket; I have regained my powers. Buck hovers over me worriedly and shakes me. “Alex, Alex, wake up.” The mention of my name wakes me violently. I gasp and sit up, the earth moves effortlessly to allow my movement.

“Buck, are you guys alright?” I question, looking from Buck’s face to my friends, who have gathered behind him.

They nod quickly. “Alex, who’s Soulless?”

June 21, 2021 17:49

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