Adventure Desi Drama

The crowd was milling around a small theatre as auditions were on for a reality show. The very many aspirants for the dance auditions were hopeful of winning the reality show grand prize. Little did they realize that many friendships would be formed in this fiercely competitive place. As all of them were hurriedly filling in forms and being called inside one after the other, silently standing in one corner was a frail looking girl. She had come on her own as it was her childhood dream to win a reality show and see herself winning a role in a big banner movie. As she was standing there, she was watching all of them happily chatting away with their parents and siblings, while she was all alone. Her turn came to be called in and off she went with many thoughts. As the judges prepared themselves to watch her dance, she side stepped a bit to say a silent prayer. She danced to her satisfaction though there were butterflies in her stomach. The judges were discussing with each other and finally they cleared her for the next stage of the auditions.

She was elated but there was no one to share her happiness with. She muttered a prayer of thanks and found her steps pacing towards the door. Reality shows are going to be a long one and an expensive one. Her thoughts wandered off to the ways in which she would gather all the money to continue with this....

She had put herself up in a friend’s room. So she went back and contemplated on how to move forward. Since there was no one to discuss the route forward, she decided to sit down and chalk out a plan for herself. As she was at work, she heard a loud noise outside. She jumped up and peered through the only window in the room. She watched a huge boulder fall into a roof top. Luckily there was no one inside the building. People from the neighborhood gathered and tried to help and see if anyone was hurt. As all this commotion was going on she thought she spotted a familiar face. She peeked to see if she knew the person, but no, it was just a fiction of her imagination, or so she thought. 

She went back to her plan but the thought of that person wasn’t fading away. She got up and peeked outside once again, the crowd had dispersed and so was this person. She left her thoughts outside the window and began working on her plan.

Later that day she took a stroll outside and wandered off further than her place of residence. She experienced a kind of freedom as the day progressed. The next round of auditions were in two days time. She quickly realized that she needed good practice as the difficulty levels were going to be tough. She de iced to join a dance. Lass to hone her skills. As she checked out on the affordable one nearby she realized many aspirants like her were also enrolled in them.

She began attending one and put in her heart and soul into dance. All the while another aspirant was following her and trying to make conversation with her. But, she knew things were not rosy on her side, so she didn’t encourage him much. But one fine day, he stopped her as she was returning from the dance class and mentioned that he was captivated by her grace and poise. She was thankful towards him and moved on. The auditions continued stage upon stage and she kept moving through all of them with elan. The gentleman was also moving ahead as he thought of her as his fierce competitor and was working equally hard. In the final round, just the two of them remained and it was now time to decide the winner. Since she was a graceful dancer and performed all the genres of dances the judges had offered, she was considered a winner. Nevertheless in all the melee both of them had come close to each other uniting themselves in dance. 

She grew fond of him as he did and they even exchanged a lot of information about their lives, their interest, their like and their dislikes. She knew that it was not going to work even if they try hard, but he was hopeful. Off they went in their two separate ways to lead separates lives, but the bond of love remained within. Circumstances might bring them together.

When all her responsibilities were over, she tried contacting him but he seemed aloof at this point in life. He would answer sometimes and mention that he was busy or he wouldn’t pick her call at all. She grew a bit worried and decided to confront him. As she reached close to his home, she saw many people milling around. She was reminded of the initial days of her struggle. Little did she realize that he was suffering from debilitating pain and suffering that by now he had given up upon himself. 

She raced forward in quick steps only to see his body being carried away into an ambulance and the ambulance speeding away. She waited for a while for people to settle down and to enquire with someone. Soon she spotted another contestant from the audition days. She went upto him, he didn’t seem to recognize her though. Later, she learnt that he was suffering from unbearable pain, Day in and day out and couldn’t take it anymore, so he took his life.

She regretted for having waited so long to get in touch with him, she regretted for not giving him a life, regretted for not understanding her true love.

She returned home and wept many tears. She realized that life is not what we think of, it is what it is. She narrated her experiences to her people and they decided to help her overcome her grief by finding her a good person to live the rest of her life with. By then it was too late....

November 14, 2020 12:30

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