Tusks and Daggers Part Six: The Mirror to a Heart

Written in response to: Write a story where a character is experiencing parallel realities.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Horror

A black mirror floated in front of us, blocking the way.  Lord Kanama and Lord Karama stood back in confusion as the surface was hard for them.  Their coat tails fluttered in the morning breeze, my hand sliding through easily.  The trees around us decayed, cold sweat dripping off of my brow.  Pulling my arm back out, the silver surface rippled.  Everyone else tried to put their hand through, alas no success.  

“I think I have to go through this myself.” I explained anxiously, putting my long hair into a simple side bun. “I must defeat the spirit in this mirror.  See you soon.”  Stepping through, there was no change.  A sharp wind lashed at my bare skin, my green wool dress not feeling warm enough.  The bell sleeves hung over my arms, my blue rose scythe resting in my palms.  Two white blurs flashed in my direction, black eyed versions of Mary and Kara landing gracefully in front of me.  Glancing back, my friends were watching eagerly on the other side of the mirror.   

“You must be cleansed!” Mary hissed venomously, her black robes fluttering away. “Prepare to meet our wrath.  Now Kara!”  Leaping back, black balls of energy whizzed passed by my head.  Their green hair flew wildly behind them, the branch creaking as I leapt from branch to branch.  Nausea slapped me in the face, Evil Boran leaping onto the branch across from me.  The twins laughed maniacally, an idea flashing in my head.  Shifting around in my boot, I pulled out a mirror.  Black energy shot in my direction, the energy bouncing off of the mirror.  Black eyes glowered back at me, the energy wiping them out.  A strong fist slammed into the center of my back, a spiked club swinging down towards my head.  Throwing the mirror over my head, glass shards rained down over me as the club crashed violently into it.  Tossing the shards in my hands aside, the dirt blew around me as my boots crashed onto the ground.  His wild brown hair was pulled into a ponytail, only a pair of brown leather pants on the bottom.  

“Come on, Little Lottie.” He called out cruelly, my heart shattering. “I just want to be with you forever and ever.  Just kidding, I hate you with everything I have.”  Tears welled up in my eyes, his club smashing into my blade.  Blue energy swirled in my palms, mysterious blue symbols climbing up my arms.  

“You don’t have to do this.” I pleaded desperately, launching myself back up into the trees. “I just need to defeat the main spirit in this mirror.”  Chuckling evilly, he threw his club at my head.  Catching it mid air, he gasped in shock.

“Mina, living goddess of peace, please give me the power to destroy this weapon of darkness!” I chanted confidently, Boran rushing at me as I tossed it up in the air.  Blue flames licked the curved blade of my scythe, the tip touched the worn wood of his club.  An angry cry exploded from his lips, flames devouring his weapon.  Intense pain shot through my body, his body slamming into mine.  Bones creaked as his grip tightened around my torso, flames burning his skin.  Tears of frustration streamed down my face, his body turning to ash in my arms.  What game was this damn spirit playing at?  Cursing to myself, I ran forward looking for a sign of any thing or a damn clue at least.

“You must be annoyed my child.” A deep thundered, my fists clenched tightly. “How do you like your alternate universe?  Do you like it when everyone hates you?”  No one stepped out, something felt off.  The ground quaked underneath me, dirt pouring into an empty blackness.  Nearly losing my footing, the piece of Earth floated up.  Spinning around violently, Lord Kanama Lord Karama stood across from me.  Black chains twisted their hands like a glove, devious smiles darkening their faces.  A single white strand of hair floated onto my palm, blue flames devouring every last inch.  Black iron chains snapped in my direction, smoke curling off of my skin with every hit.  Leaping from each piece of floating land to the next, they kept whipping me over and over again.  Surprise widened their eyes, my face was inches from theirs.  

“Blue flames of light envelope these two imposters, and devour your hungry heart.” I commanded fiercely, black blood spurting all over my face as my blade sank into their shoulders.  Black flames licked their bodies, shrill screams of agony piercing the still air.  Dark clouds rumbled above me, hurricane level winds whipping me in the face.  Chills shot  down my spine, a tall black shadow landing inches from me.  Stepping back to edge, long fingers curled around my neck.  Trembling under his touch, white smoke curled off of his skin as blue flames made him let go.  Pushing me over the edge, my hair flew out of my bun as endless blackness rushed past me.  A white rotting blanket floated next to me, my fingers just barely grabbing it.  Floating down gently, the salty sea air made me sweat.  

“Little Lottie!” My mother called out cheerfully, her beautiful hair flying in the breeze. “It is time for dinner.”  Wanting to run up to her, the scene darkened.  A single circle of light hovered over my faceless mother, Mina rushing at her.  Drops of blood crashed to the top of my head, her death scene playing over and over again like a broken record player.  A scream of anguish exploded from my lips, fresh tears flooding from my eyes.  

“Make it stop!” I cried out, burying my head into my palms. “None of this is real!”  Cold hands wrapped around my neck, a second set of black hands ripping my head back.  Horror widened my eyes, my dead mother standing over me. The blood from her wound showered me in hot red blood, pure anger burning in her black eyes.  

“You should never have run away that day.” She gurgled, her grip getting tighter around my neck. “Now die!”  Closing my eyes, just waiting for the end.  Warm hands wrapped around my neck, Mina clutching me close to her chest.  Her blue spirit hovered in front of me, a blast of blue energy blowing the scene away. Her kind eyes quelled my fears, her thumb wiping away my tears. 

“I can’t be here for long, but Evie gave me some important information.” She explained cheerfully, a loving smile curling on her lips. “You need to find the well in the center of the mirror.  Jump down into it, and the mirror master will follow you down.  A blue light will seal the two of you in, so please be safe.   Once you two are trapped down there, you must beat her with your energy of light.  Good luck.”  Fading away, colored leaves fluttered in front of my face.  Dry grass crunched underneath my boots as I sprinted deeper into the sea of birch trees.  Shadow people popped up left and right, my scythe cutting them down.  My chest ached for fresh air, the world spinning around me.  Stumbling to a stop, a wooden well caught my eye.  

“Don’t you dare.” The deep voice screeched shrilly, a giant black hand reaching out for me. “I will not be trapped down there again.” Ignoring him and the electrical jolts of pain shocking my body, the wood creaked as I leapt down into the well.  Orange flames flickered to life, the dark inky tunnel illuminated.  Childlike wonder brightened my eyes, a decaying stadium towering over me.  The wood was rotting, black ash drifting around aimlessly.  Heavy footfalls echoed in the empty space, a black knight approaching.  Tears dripped from underneath his mask, my curiosity peaked.  

“May I ask your life story before I purify you?” I queried cautiously, his trembling hands ripping off his helmet. “I want to help you get released into Heaven or the equivalent of what it is in this realm.”  Long white hair cascaded down his back, his blue eyes shimmering with tears.  The corner of his lips trembled, inky blackness darkening his blue eyes. 

“Never, you wicked magician from another world.” He bellowed roughly, a black whip snapping in my direction. “You will not use your special magic on me.”  Lifting up my scythe, the whip wrapped around the handle.  Allowing him to drag me closer to him, a dot of blue twinkled in his eyes.  Soft grunts tumbled from his lips, my hand sinking into his chest. His black heart beat in my fingers, venomous darkness entering my soul. If I were to survive, then I had to do something now.

“Powers of light, purify his soul!” I called out confidently, his head cocking. “Flames of light, devour the darkness.”  No cries of pain came from his lips, just a look of relief.  White sparkles floated aimlessly around me, the stadium coming back to life.  Rotting wood turned to dark wooden seats, a man in black armor reaching out for his family with white hair.  Soldiers held him back, tears welling up in my eyes.  Terror gripped my mind, cold sweat dripping down my skin.  The sickening sound of a sword cutting through his neck nauseated me, his head rolling to my feet.  Tears poured down my cheeks, the screams of his family sickening me.  The scene faded away, blood dripping from my nose.  A fever began to color my cheeks, black electricity bouncing off of my skin.  

“Can you send me home?” He asked politely, my trembling body ready to explode.  Drawing a couple of symbols in the dirt, blood dripped onto the ground.  A blue circle spun around us, a dull humming noise ringing in my ears.  

“Send us home!” I wheezed, coughing up blood. “May his family be one again.”  Bright light bathed us, a warm smile flashing in my direction.  The light died down, Boran scooping me up in his arms.  Lord Kanama popped a pill into my mouth, the bitter taste poisoned my taste buds as it slid down my throat.  The lightning subsided, the blood slowing down.  My vision blurred, a blue ball of light floating up to the starry sky. 

“He made it.” I whispered, sweet slumber taking me to dreamland.  Boran’s voice was fading in and out, him clutching me to his chest like I was dying.  

“Papa!” Three white haired children called out, waving the knight I just helped go home. “You came home.”  A white haired woman with green eyes ran towards her husband, his strong arms spinning her around.  

“I am home now.” He yelled back at me, smiling warmly. “You can go now.”  Petals danced around me, one landing on my finger. A sharp clear of a throat, Mina sat across from me.  Her hair danced in the breeze of the field outside of her home, green grass tickling my bare feet. 

“It appears dreamland is universal across all realms.” She chuckled to herself, covering up her lips with her hands. “I just stopped by to tell you good job.”  Ruffling my hair, her red eyes twinkled excitedly.   Standing to her feet, she kissed my forehead.

“Where are you going?” I stammered desperately, grabbing her hand. “Can you stay for a bit longer?”  Her white robes danced in the breeze, her head shaking.  Clutching me to her chest, she lifted up my chin.  

“You have this. I have to go.” She promised me, her form fading away. “Now wake up  and continue your journey.”  

Jerking awake, everyone cheered as I woke up.  A train might as well hit me, hell that would feel better than I did.  Alarm widened my eyes, black covering my right hand.  My vision blurred, darkness embracing me as their voices faded in and out. 

July 29, 2022 03:21

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Corey Melin
15:31 Sep 14, 2022

Very intense and exciting thrill ride for this one. Kept me reading to find out the results. Shadow people stood out for me since I have experienced such. Good read as always


Yvette Francaise
18:48 Sep 14, 2022

I see shadow figures all the time. It is to the point that they seem normal. Thank you so much.


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