Creative Nonfiction Happy Funny

<The Banters are back! We hope you’ve missed their silly bantering. They’ve been gone a long while but they couldn’t resist a dialogue-only prompt…their favorite writing style! Enjoy!>

Matthew, do you think I’m frumpy?

Do I think you’re grumpy, Martha? Sure, sometimes…

No, Matthew. I asked if you think I’m frumpy. FR not GR! Geez, I swear that new hearing aid we got you is no better than the previous one, and this one cost a fortune.

I can’t help it Martha if they don’t make hearing aids that are perfect for my ears! You speak so fast and sometimes when you speak, you’re too loud for me. It sounds like you’re shouting so I have to turn it down.Then I can’t hear you at all. So what can I do? Anyway, what did you ask me again?

I asked you if you think I’m frumpy. The word starts with FR not GR.

Oh, you want to know if I think you’re frumpy. This sounds like one of those questions that if I answer it honestly I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Do I really have to answer it?

Yes, you do!

Well, before I do, can I ask what has brought this on all of a sudden.

Yes, you can. It’s this article I just read online. It’s about outdated fashion, trends, that old women… women in their 60s and older still wear and should avoid at all costs. If you consider that I haven’t shopped for clothes in probably the last 10 years, I’m guessing that my wardrobe is full of what they consider outdated styles.

Well, how much does that really matter? Like I see you wearing pretty much the same thing day in and day out, and most of the time it’s your old housecoat unless you have to go and get some groceries…

In other words, I’m frumpy. Great! But, I agree. I tend to wear the same things all the time. I just don’t have much need to dress up anymore and you never seem to notice what I’m wearing when I do. So why bother? 

Martha, are we going to argue? I’m really not in the mood. I can feel myself getting cranky. Can you get to whatever point you’re trying to make or I’ll go back to reading the paper if you don’t mind?

No, no dear. It’s ok. I don’t want to argue either. It’s just that this article has triggered me. Like, one of the styles they consider outdated is baggy clothing. It’s interesting because they show a picture of a young woman wearing what looks like a man’s jacket two sizes too big for her, a buttoned up white shirt that she’s left hanging out of her pants and of all things, a purple tie. Now I wouldn’t be caught dead, wearing something like that, but I’ve seen pictures of Billie Eilish dressed like that. So if it’s OK for Billie Eilish, why isn’t it OK for me?

Martha, who the hell is Billie Eilish?

She’s a current top music icon, kinda like Taylor Swift, but not anything like Taylor Swift … at least not in her looks or her music.

OK, you’ve lost me Martha. I don’t know either of them. Let’s get back to what you were talking about. What was it anyway?

I was talking to you about old ladies like me wearing outdated clothes and suggesting I shouldn’t wear anything baggy. 

Yes, I must admit I’ve noticed you wear a lot of baggy clothing like loose fitting sweatshirts.

So you do think I’m frumpy! I thought so. But here’s the thing: those sweatshirts are so comfortable, Matthew! And more importantly, they hide what I hate anybody seeing: my 79 year-old bloated two-baby belly! I look terrible in anything that shows what I look like below the waist, so I prefer to hide it. Yet this article tells me that anything that fits perfectly will give me confidence. Having others see my big belly does NOT give me confidence! Who are they kidding?

Well, don’t let it get you all riled up Martha. It’s not good for your blood pressure. What other things does the article have to say?

It states that wearing too much jewellery at my age is tacky. That’s not really a problem for me because I don’t have a lot of jewellery and we have very few occasions that call for jewellery anyway. So I’m safe on that one. And the other one I’m safe on is directed at those older women who use vibrant hair colours like pink, blue or purple. The article says that shows their age even more. 

Purple hair on an old woman? Oh Martha, thank heaven you never colour your beautiful silvery grey hair! I’ve heard your friends, and even your daughters comment that they would love to have that kind of grey hair when they reach your age. 

Aw…how sweet of you to say that Matthew. 

Well, is there anything else or can I go back to my paper now? 

Yes, there’s this one that I’m wondering if you would agree with. Long ago you advised me to wear wire-framed or frameless glasses because it makes the glasses less apparent. Given you’re a photographer, I trust your judgement on that and I always liked that style too. But now they’re saying that that just makes someone my age look older.

So what do they advise?

Well, they’re saying the recent rage is to wear those thick-framed glasses that nowadays come with large lenses. The frames are often black or in some cases have really funky colours.

Haven’t I’ve seen you wearing those ugly big black framed glasses that take up half of your face lately? I think they’re awful! 

Oh, you noticed?

Of course I noticed, but I didn’t dare incur your wrath by commenting. That said, give me your old wire-rim glasses any day! Dare I ask what else these almighty fashion gurus have to say? Sounds like a bunch of Gobbledygook to me! I wonder just how much companies are paying them to write this crap?

Ya think? Like how’s this for a contradiction in the same article. Remember how I told you they suggest that clothes that fit right, like a cinched cardigan, give you confidence? Well further below in the article they say don’t wear clothes that “hug just the right places and make you look like a sardine”. And you know what else? They tell me to ditch high heels!

But your legs look great in heels! 

Well, thanks for that, but you may have noticed I haven’t worn them in years. For one we never go anywhere that I need to wear heels and secondly, I keep tripping or falling over even in flat shoes. I sure don’t need an article to tell me that. That’s only good sense. 

So if you disagree with so much of what’s in this article, why do you even bother reading it, let alone telling me all this silly stuff?

Oh, I guess because sometimes I feel really frumpy and dumpy and I have so many favourite dresses in my closet that never get worn, either because we never go anywhere or they don’t fit me anymore. I have never quite gotten over how upset I was when I tried on that dress that I’d worn only two years earlier and I got stuck in it. Do you remember that? I couldn’t pull it off over my head and I couldn’t pull it down over my hips. I wanted to die when you heard me crying in the closet and had to come and get the damn dress off me. I was so embarrassed.

Oh, I do sort of remember that. It was actually rather funny.

Maybe for you, but I died 1000 deaths. Needless to say the dress is long gone along with several bags of others that I knew I’d never wear again. 

Well, is there anything else in that article you want to share with me or can I go back to my paper now? I think I’ve forgotten which article I was reading. 

Did you take your finger off the spot in the article that you were reading? I’ve noticed that you do that whenever I interrupt you.

Which is pretty often, but hey, it’s OK. I know you love to talk. I’ll find it again.

Well, thanks for indulging me.

So what are you gonna do next?

I think I’m going to log into Amazon or Temu and see if I can find myself a nice new housecoat…

December 12, 2024 17:34

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Rochelle Rosales
05:29 Jan 01, 2025

I loved reading this new Banters story, it's fun keeping up with them! Too bad Matthew is having trouble with his new hearing aids (he should probably get those re-adjusted, unless his true goal is actually to stop hearing Martha blabbering? 😂) Also, I'll have to agree that baggy clothing is actually very "in" nowadays (not frumpy), Billie Eilish is a great example of that!


Viga Boland
13:48 Jan 01, 2025

Thanks for dropping by, Rochelle. Hope everything is going well for you. Wishing you all the best of everything for 2025


Rochelle Rosales
16:49 Jan 01, 2025

Thanks Viga, happy new year! Looking forward to reading more from the Banters in 2025 :)


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KT George
21:16 Dec 31, 2024

Yay for the return of the Banters! Boy, is this story relatable! The thing with fashion is, hang on to your favorites, and in about twenty years, the styles come around again. I see my daughter wearing jeans that I would’ve worn while dating her father years ago! Also, why are there double standards with ‘age-appropriate’ attire? Who are these fashion police?! Lol. Great read, as always, Viga.


Viga Boland
13:50 Jan 01, 2025

Thanks KT. So glad you could relate. It felt good to finally get inspired enough by a prompt to write another Banter. Sure hope I can get inspired a bit more often over 2025!


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S. Hjelmeset
17:48 Dec 16, 2024

I just love when the word "Gobbledygook" is used. I should definately adopt it into my everyday vocabulary. Those characters are beautifully written! (New on reedsy, and I don't comment that often because I want to read as much as possible before the winner is announsed. I try to guess which one it is, but have yet to guess correctly.)


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Shirley Medhurst
14:46 Dec 16, 2024

I enjoyed this so much. You really nail the 'dialogue only' on the head. Well done! Great beginning: the misunderstanding about FR/GR-umpy. Fantastic character building of both the speakers through their own speech. "Let’s get back to what you were talking about. What was it anyway?" & "don’t let it get you all riled up Martha. It’s not good for your blood pressure". Ha ha


Viga Boland
16:05 Dec 16, 2024

Oh Shirley! Finally someone who does more than just “like” a piece i.e. actually comments on sucessful execution of the prompt and what it does for characterization etc. I must admit, dialogue only is my favourite way of writing. As a reader, I enjoy quick, short reads and fall asleep during long narratives. Must be old age 😂Thanks so much. Grateful.


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Helen A Howard
09:02 Dec 15, 2024

Hi Viga, Happy to see you back again. I have missed you on here and hope you are well. This is a lively and fun piece. I loved the back and forth between the Banters. Humorous, engaging and realistic. When are we too old to stop dyeing out hair, wearing too tight or too loose clothes, or just relaxing in our housecoats? Answer. Never. Seriously, I do think that it doesn’t matter what age a person is so long as they wear colours and styles that complement them, but only if that matters to them. I knew a lady who had immaculately dyed hair a...


Viga Boland
14:25 Dec 15, 2024

Of course I’ll read The Social Worker Helen…and I’ll comment too. I’m saddened to see after being away from here for so many months that people come in, hit “like”, but don’t leave any comments, not just on my pieces, but on other writer’s pieces. I think the comments are an important part of contributing to Reedsy writers. Perhaps the latest bunch of arrivals are reluctant to comment on other pieces, but how are we to grow as writers? A simple “like” is wonderful to receive…i wish I had more on this piece… but the comments help help us hon...


Helen A Howard
14:42 Dec 15, 2024

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been plagued by health issues. I think you have a great deal of writing in you. Although there are fantastic young writers on here, nothing beats a wealth of life experience. I also agree that while it’s nice to get likes, it’s good to receive feedback to help grow as a writer. I know people are busy but it can get a bit depressing if people don’t respond after a while. However, there are writers on here who time and again do respond and comment. Reciprocating makes the world go round.


Viga Boland
16:59 Dec 15, 2024

Exactly! 👏👏


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17:00 Dec 13, 2024

I think im frumpy these days too😂 the ending where she decides to login to Temu was a good one! I haven’t bought a single piece of clothes from ecommerce yet so good on her.


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Alexis Araneta
16:57 Dec 13, 2024

As someone quite keen on fashion, well, I suppose it's just...find clothes that make you happy. I don't follow trends. I wear what I want (which is often..involving ludicrously high heels. Hahaha !) Lovely work !


Viga Boland
22:41 Dec 13, 2024

Nice to meet you Alexis…love that name. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting. much appreciated.


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Lois Corey
15:08 Dec 13, 2024

I can definitely empathisize with this conversation, as can many other women I'm sure! very cute, love the ending!


Viga Boland
15:20 Dec 13, 2024

Thanks for popping in, reading and leaving me a comment. Much appreciated. You know the funniest part? Writing the dialogue was easy: it was coming up with a suitable ending that was hard! Took me 36 hours to think of that! 🥴 Ain’t writing the strangest thing? 😂


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Anita Joldersma
12:55 Dec 13, 2024

Ahh, they are back. I was wondering what they were up to. You capture their conversation as if you were a fly on the wall. Martha could go to Value Village and bring home some ridiculous finds.


Viga Boland
12:58 Dec 13, 2024

That sounds lime a great sequel…except she’d probably find her past donations there 😂 Thanks so much for reading and leaving me a comment Anita. Feels good to be writing again. Hope Reedsy prompts me again soon. 🤞


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Harry Stuart
01:26 Dec 13, 2024

You’re back, Viga! I’ve been waiting for your return. And you’ve brought with you a perfect slice of life with this dialogue. I do hope Martha finds her fashionable housecoat 😊 Hope you are well! I’ll be looking for your next story!


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Karen M. Wood
19:41 Dec 12, 2024

Loved this story Viga. I'm finding this helpful for someone (me) who has trouble thinking of something for two people to say. Thanks for sharing. And I'm happy that you're back. Karen


Viga Boland
21:56 Dec 12, 2024

Karen, you couldn’t have left me feedback I appreciate more. I know dialogue is so difficult for so many writers. I guess because I’m a naturally born chatterbox it comes more easily to me.LOL. Thanks so much for reading. It means the world to me.


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Mary Bendickson
19:19 Dec 12, 2024

Ah. They're back! So good to see you on here again. Of course we have missed you. Pray all is well with you. I'm finding this an easier prompt also. Because it was a favorite of mine I want to bring back one of the first ones I did because so many people here now weren't here when I did it. But you were so I'll apologize to you. Not that it is important but I am closing in on 100 stories so thought I might try for more than one this week. I have two series going I think I can come close to wrapping them up. Then I may take a break from wr...


Viga Boland
21:59 Dec 12, 2024

Well, Mary, you certainly have been incredibly busy.. good for you. I’m envious. I’m a favour when I stopped. It was like I hit a brick wall. My health issues really blew my mind and continue to do so. Whether I will write any more banters is to be seen. I really need a good prompt to get me going these days. 4 more entries by tomorrow? Holy smokes.. good luck. I can’t stay awake during the day long enough to even read let alone write a single story. You go, girl!


Mary Bendickson
00:36 Dec 13, 2024

Have only done two stories in a week at most and this is a crazy idea I might not get done. I started too late in the week. Usually I have no ideas and this time I kept thinking of ways it might work:) Best of health to you.


Viga Boland
00:41 Dec 13, 2024

Thanks Mary. Keep writing my friend.


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