H.G. Wells by the help of the Time Machine travels into the future and was unhappy about the way and manner in which they have been remembered. by Mr. Prince De-Grant Brempong.

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone who travels to the future, and isn’t happy about how they’ve been remembered.... view prompt


Science Fiction

My story is entitled H.G. Wells by the help of the Time Machine travels into the future and was unhappy about how they have been remembered.

Also in this story H.G. Wells travels into by the help of the Time Machine. The Time Machine also helped H.G. Wells to travel forward or backward through time.

The term Time Machine is universally used all over the world . In this story it was noted that H.G. Wells travels into the future and was not happy about how they have been remembered . In this story also it was noted that time travels through different means.

Again the time machine in general tells

of the consequences of traveling into the past or the future.

Also altering the past changes the future and creates an altered present or future for the time traveller. It is noted that the premise which is the past cannot be changed and also the future is predetermined .

There are alternate timelines that comes with Time travel.

As Time travels into the future contemporary issues are addressed and most people are not always happy about how they have been remembered. Also Time travel as according to H.G. Wells is sometimes achieved by space and time warps ,as according to the scientific theory of general relativity.

H.G. Wells also observed that time travels into the future through a time slip brought on by travelling or sleeping in other cases.

In addition ,time travels into the past through some supernatural means brought about by the Angels or the spirits.

It is in this story, that teleportation is noted as the subset of time travel being that it immediately travels from one point to the other.

Again changing the past is logical and contradictory as time travels into the future.

A.G. Wells by the help of the Time Machine travels into the future and became an old man more of a grandfather in resemblance ,he was not happy at all of how he had been remembered.

The appearance of H.G. Wells as an old man in his nineties with grey hair and white beard ,he was not happy about how he had been remembered in the future, because most of his friends have also passed away through some means of death.

H.G. Wells was also a landowner ,so he has no trouble of renting a home.

He could still live in his house with his grandchildren in the house. As time travels to the past precognition without the ability to change events that are due to happen may result entirely of. casual loops.

The entire possibility of some characters intentionally and inadvertently changes the past.

H.G. Wells engaged in Time travel to rectify the changes that occurred due to the way and manner in which they have been remembered.

However in this story it is noted that an alternative future is a possible future that never comes to pass. Whenever someone travels back into the past and alters it.

H.G. Wells, the events of the alternative future cannot possibly occur .

Also when the communication from t the past is effected a change may alter the future.

The Time travellr actually arrives within different dimensions as he changes time. The butterfly effect is a notion that small events can have widespread consequences . This term occurs in chaos theory where a very small change in initial conditions results in different outcomes.

Also the newspaper , "It Happened Tommorow" , during H.G. Wells time tells of the future . Also readers learn of future events affecting them through the newspaper delivered almost every week this tend to upset the future that spacetime is always destroyed . The Newspaper "It Happened Tommorow" is sought to change events forecasted to happen.

"It Happened Tommorow" is a newspaper from the future. Also it can be observed that the Swedish general election is the Swedish liberal party that uses election posters which looked like news items called " Framtidens nyheter that is " News of the Future. " that seek to feature things that Sweden in the future had become what the party wanted entirely.

H.G. Wells also observed that a communication from the future raises questions about the ability of humans to control their destiny.

Again the recipient is also allowed to presume that the future forecast affects them one way or the other.

Events that is described in the newspaper does come to pass. In the Newspaper , It Happened Tommorow , catastrophes are predicted in the newspaper.

The newspaper It Happened Tommorow is the type of newspaper that is apparently delivered by the postman.

Time also travels in friction. Man and Time tells of the fact that time travels to the future through dreaming which upon waking up results in some memories that the present events have already been experienced and now are being re-experience.

They cannot possibly change the past entirely as the future is not noted.

It can be observed by H.G Wells that Time travels through some successive loops. Also Time travel works explores the topic of disrupting causality leading to time paradoxes.

The most commonly referred to in time travel is the grandfather paradox.

A time traveller went back in time in the future and changed the past.

A time slip is used in fantasy in which a person or group of people seem to travel through time by some unknown means within a period of time.

There are Time travel stories, the other being the Time Machine. Time is returned by a process which is unpredictable and uncontrolled.

Again it was observed by H. G. Wells that time travels and might be used as a means of tourism with travelers curious to visit periods or events such as Victorian Era or the Crucifixion of Christ.

Time travels to meet some historical figures like Abraham Lincoln and Ludwig van Beethoven.

Finally , it is observed that H.G. Wells travels into the future and wasn"t happy about how they have been remembered because the youth and some kids were ill mannered and not well disciplined.

Lastly ,by the help of the Time Machine popularized by H.G. Wells, the clock was invented ,it tells of events that was occuring within a particular stipulated time.

In a nutshell , H.G Wells travelling into the future felt unhappy of how they have been remembered because he knew in the near future death was inevitable and most of his friends and relatives experienced death.

September 04, 2020 18:20

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