Fantasy Mystery High School

It had been twenty-four years since she’d last seen it, but the place looked exactly the same, it's like she never left, it felt like time had frozen and nothing changed, but then again freezing time wasn't weird at all in her life, she had seen it all, all the supernatural and unnatural.

this place was as big as a mansion, so full of green and so vintage, back then it was so full of life, this mansion was Autumn's home, her school, and pretty much where she was most alive.

it wasn't just any school, it was a school for the special ones, the gifted, basically, anyone with special powers went to this school.

Autumn was 15 when she first came here, along with her parents who told her it would be better to stay at a place like this other than at home.

unfortunately, her powers weren't the best, they were evil and she hated herself for having them at the first place, they first showed up when she was 14 years old and she was at school, there was this girl who hated her guts and she never understood why, she never did anything to her, she was a bully!

that day Autumn was feeling weird when she first woke up and wasn't feeling any better throughout the day, and she made it worse, she kept insulting her and Autumn tried to just ignore her and keep on walking, but that girl threw something at Autumn and she was furious!

Autumn turned around and everyone was laughing at her, but suddenly the laughter became silence and mostly shock.

she could hear people say: "look at her eyes!" "her eyes are entirely black!"

suddenly that bully stepped forward and called her a freak and Autumn lost it.

one second she was standing there mocking her and then she was on the floor, Autumn thought she had killed her!

the girl went into coma for two weeks and Autumn felt so guilty and bad!

that's when after a while her parents found out about this school and told her about it and she decided to go.

when Autumn first arrived at this school, she found out she wasn't the only weird one, she wasn't the worst!

she saw powers so wonderful and so unique, but still hated her own power, for her it was pure evil.

but Autumn's time at this school was the best time of her life, she made so many friends and memories and learned more about her powers.

she stayed at this school for four years and it was more home to her than her real home.

but that didn't last for long, because one day they were attacked!

there were many people who hated people like them and thought they were not meant for this world, that they were an abomination.

these people that attacked them were military, they had guns and powerful weapons that can destroy the strongest ones, so many of them died and others escaped, that day was very messed up in Autumn's head she remembers only bits and pieces of it!

she remembers seeing some of the best people she had ever met, laying there on the floor with blood all around them, somehow everything else seemed untouched by their bullets, it's like those weapons were only meant to harm people not objects.

she remembers how the bodies were all over the floor and there were screams and until this very day, after twenty-four years, Autumn still has no clue how she came out alive, how she escaped!

it was like someone took that memory away from her.

after that day she went back to live with her parents again but it was too dangerous so they moved to another town and stayed hidden as possible as she can, she had lost contact with her friends that made it out of there safely and she never tried to reach for them because it was too dangerous, but this time she had full control on her powers that she learned to love, her time at the school taught her that this power belonged to her, it was who she was, her friends made her love it and she regrets that day that she was not able to do anything for them, so many special ones died.

now this day after twenty-four years Autumn is 43 years old and she had a dream last night about this school, she didn't even know how she ended up at this place that was living inside her heart.

it was so weird how normal yet not normal at all this was!

she felt like she was a student again, Autumn can suddenly remember all the fun and happiness she had here.

and here she is after all this time standing in front of the place that she kept on dreaming about for years, and longing for it!

and then suddenly she can hear someone behind her call: "hey summer!"

that voice and that name, the memories!

she turned around and it was one of her best friends back at school, it was jack!

when Autumn first came to this school he knew her name is Autumn and yet never called her Autumn, he would always call her Summer or Winter or Spring or even Fall but never Autumn, and each time he would call her one of those names she would be so annoyed but she grew to like it!

but then seeing him again was weird, he wasn't old like her, he looked the same, the same boy that bothered her every day!

Autumn looked at him so confused then she pointed at his face, she was so shocked to even speak and then he said: "well your face is the same as well!"

Autumn didn't understand what he meant because she had changed so much, then all of a sudden he held her hand and said that they should hurry up because everyone else is waiting!

Autumn was still feeling shocked and confused by this, what was happening?!

they went into the school and there was everyone, every one of her old friends, her teachers as well, they all looked exactly the same, did Autumn travel into time?

she took a look around and remembered something, everyone in front of her died in that attack twenty-four years ago!!!

but why is she here?

they all looked at her and welcomed her, Autumn was hugged by everyone and it still felt so weird, is she dead?

as Autumn was walking inside there were those mirrors on the walls, then she noticed she was that same 19-year-old girl that she was when she left this place, she isn't 43, she isn't that old, she looked young.

jack looked at her and said: "I am sorry... Autumn"


after understanding everything, Autumn figured that this was no dream, no trick of any kind.

she died last night and thought it was a dream and now here she is at the place that was living inside her heart all those years.

she is finally home, where she should be!

she is dead, but here she feels most ALIVE!

she is at home with her family, and that was all that mattered."

November 15, 2020 00:13

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