67 likes 29 comments


Imagine your worst enemy ringing your doorbell. Don't tell me you don’t have a worst enemy. We all do.  

Have you ever been jealous of them? Have they ever made you feel small? Have they ever hurt you? Have you ever just gotten bad vibes from this person?  

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. The pain and heartache she makes me feel is unbelievable. It feels as if a sword has been pushed into my heart. She makes me want to slide into a corner and stop trying.  

So many thoughts run past my mind when I see Isabella through the peephole of the door. I don’t want to open it, but my body takes over my mind and I reach for the doorknob and twist.

She's wearing a pink dress and has her hair up in a perfect bun. At that moment I start mentally comparing our differences. I'm wearing pajamas and my hair looks so greasy. Her make up is so perfectly done, and I look like I just woke up. I can smell her sweet strawberry perfume. My face starts to get hot and I'm on the verge of tears. Why can't I be more like her? 

“Hi! I would have opened the door myself but I accidentally left the key at Rachels house” she says in her perfect British accent. When she smiles dimples appear on both sides of her face. 

“Hey come in” I say leading her into my apartment. If I knew I was having visitors I would tidy up, especially if I knew she was coming. 

We walk into the living room and she takes a seat and I do the same. She's the one who knows how to keep a conversation going. The conversations I have are either awkward or filled with “yep’s” and “yeah’s”.  

“Nia, I'm pretty sure nobody came to your birthday party so I brought a happy birthday teddy bear to make you feel better” she says with a smile. The expression she has on her face and the words she just spoke don’t match. She thinks I have no friends. 

“Actually, Lilly and Dave came over to celebrate, but you wouldn’t know because you weren't here” I snap back. I compliment myself in my head and try not to smile. Lilly and Dave are my two best friends. 

“I wanted to come, but Rachel and I went shopping that day” she says. She makes a pouty face and pretends to be sad. 

“yeah, I totally get it” I reply trying not to sound too sarcastic. 

I hear a buzz from her purse, and she pulls out her phone. Her phone case is pink and has a bunch of glitter on it. It also was a star on the bottom right side of it. 

“I like your phone” I say trying to start a normal conversation.

“Thanks, it's one of a kind! Well, I got to go. I have a nail appointment at 3, and Rachels coming with me so I gotta dash.” she says examining her nails. She slips her Pink glittery phone back into her purse and stands up to leave. I follow her lead to the front door. 

“Bye!” she says with a fake smile. 

“Bye. Have a great day!” I reply back hoping she would leave faster so I could get back to my game. 

She gets into her blue Lexus SUV, and I watch her drive away. I sigh with relief as I slide back into my apartment. I don’t hate anyone more than her. My mom, well our mom always told us that hate was a strong word but, in her case, I have to use it.  



I look down at my watch after finishing another level of StarCraft it was already 5 o'clock. My foot was falling asleep so I get up to move my legs. I walk into my small spaced kitchen and open the fridge to take out my left-over pasta from the day before. As I head back to my gaming desk the doorbell rings. Oh, come on not again. I head to the door and turn the doorknob once again to see 2 policemen standing outside. 

I can already feel my face start to burn up. Why are they here?  

“Hi my name is officer Rimier, and this is officer Palmer” the blond-haired policeman says pointing to the other officer with a brown mustache. “There's no need to worry we are just here to ask a few questions. Can we come in?” 

“um, yeah sure” I say leading them into the living room. 

Once we all sit down, I start to crack my knuckles hoping whatever this is about isn't bad. Both the officers look me in the eye. 

“So, Isabella dandier is your step sister. Correct?” the man with the mustache askes 

“Yeah. is there something wrong?” I ask with a nervous voice. 

The blond man takes moment before he answers. It seems as though he's deciding whether or not to tell me the truth. 

“There has been an incident, and the last person Isabella saw was you. That’s why we wanted to ask you if you know where she was headed” The blond officer replies in a calm voice. 

“yeah she was going to her nail appointment” I say recalling the conversation I had with her in my mind. “is this incident bad?” 

“She um has passed away. Well, we will stop bothering you now. Have a great night” The officer with the mustache answers in a slow voice. 

“wait!” I practically yell at the officers “how did it happen?” 

They glance at each other, then the one with blond hair speaks up “she was stabbed multiple times” 

I stay still on my couch not able to move. I hated her. I should be happy she's gone, but this doesn't feel right. The officers walk out of my apartment and shut the door. I'm frozen on the couch. I feel paralyzed. 

I hated her for stupid reasons. When we were young, she would be the perfect one. I was jealous. She used to make fun of me. She made me feel small. At school, she would spread rumors about me. She had hurt me way too much.  

I walk into the bathroom, and I try not to let the tears slip away from my eye. My whole body Is shaking so I sit on the edge of the tub and try to calm down. I open the top drawer expecting a box of tissues but I see blood. I freeze once again.  

I see a knife with blood.

“How did it happen?”  

“She was stabbed multiple times” 

Posted May 29, 2020

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67 likes 29 comments

Kate Jones
10:53 Jun 11, 2020

Really well written, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story :)


Lata B
14:34 Jun 11, 2020

Thank you!!:)


Evelyn ⭐️
16:41 Jun 10, 2020

Loved this story! The twist was unexpected! You are very very talented!!! Keep writing!


Lata B
17:10 Jun 10, 2020

Thank you so much!!😊


15:14 Jun 10, 2020

WOW...great story, Lata! Such a suspense filled story! Loved it!😊

Keep writing and have a great day Lata!❤️️


Lata B
15:29 Jun 10, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to read my stories!😊


01:34 Jun 11, 2020

No problem Lata! Your stories are really nice to read through!😊

Keep writing!❤️️


Jason Heiser
12:39 Jun 08, 2020

Awesome job what a twist so good...


Lata B
14:59 Jun 08, 2020

Thank you!!


Corey Melin
00:53 Jun 06, 2020

Very well written. Good read


Lata B
01:03 Jun 06, 2020

Thank you!!


Deborah Angevin
22:27 Jun 05, 2020

Wow, the twist at the end! Loving it!


Lata B
23:03 Jun 05, 2020

Thank you!!


Kelechi Nwokoma
02:25 Jun 05, 2020

This is so wonderful! I enjoyed reading, and the twist at the end was really amazing. Great job!


Lata B
02:43 Jun 05, 2020

Thank you so much!!😊


Kelechi Nwokoma
02:56 Jun 05, 2020

You're welcome! Please could you also read my story, 'the man with the key to her heart' and give me feedback? I'd really appreciate that.


Lata B
15:11 Jun 05, 2020

Yeah, Sure!


Derek Brown
21:18 Jun 04, 2020

the pacing is amazing.. it looks like a long piece.. but it is so easy to read.. i was more or less thinking she was caught shoplifting or something like that.. not murdered by the narrator.


Lata B
22:55 Jun 04, 2020

Thank you so much!!


Sandeep T
10:55 Jun 03, 2020

Ohhh! It's a pretty good one but It's too sudden, the fact at the end, maybe a little hint or a subtle trait would help for easy flow.. The police reaction isn't proper either, It'd be more like 'sorry for your loss' not 'have a great day..' and they'd tell the people related to the victim the reasons of harm right away. Keep writing, Good luck ✌


Lata B
14:35 Jun 03, 2020

Ok thank you so much for the feedback!


Annora Chen
22:58 Aug 12, 2020

Oh goshhh, i never knew she would be the killer! Imagine if she actually hates her sooo much until shr just subconsciously killed her, venting all her emotions out through each stab, woahh


Lata B
23:54 Aug 12, 2020

Haha, you made this story seem so much better! So sweet!


Annora Chen
22:53 Aug 13, 2020

Its rlly good! <3


Jen Park
09:27 Jun 19, 2020

The ending just made me freeze over! I love this story:)


Lata B
14:14 Jun 19, 2020

Thank you!!:)


20:56 Mar 29, 2022

This was such a great story! I liked it a lot and I really enjoyed the twist at the end. Could've seen a little more regret but overall it's great.


Ryan LmColli
14:30 May 11, 2021

Great story: Pls join this link... https://www.guilded.gg/i/6pR8goy2


Zoey Hailey
23:32 Feb 22, 2021

Wow, that was intense! I loved it so much! Great job, keep writing!


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