Inspirational Mystery Sad

The name of the girl was Noelle.

With a swish of her hair she arose from the water, one might even believe she lived there underneath the stars.

But despite all the rumors, Noelle was a simple human, a simple girl with the world in her eyes. Kindness on her hands and intelligence in her brain and determination filled her lips.

Some stared in awe and whispered “there is no way a girl like this can be of this world.” “How can a girl with nothing claim to have no anger?” “she is a phony.” They whispered in jealousy but alas Noelle smiled with grace and responded–

“One can only have anger when there is hatred, sadness comes from memories yet there are happy ones in there too. One can only have happiness when there is joy. Joy is everlasting.”

The truth of the matter is that the citizens were afraid, jealous…uncomfortable. A girl made of visible stick and bones could achieve more than them with just a smile. A girl with medium beauty could be asked of marriage two times a week, a girl in a world of sadness could only smile with joy.

Curiosity was her nature, she wished to jump into the sea and would stand still, Noelle wanted to feel the water across her skin without pushing against it. Noelle, the girl who almost died twice yet jumped again into the stream of terror, gasping for air only to say…“There are little fishes.”

Noelle was a star, a line that could not be crossed. She had protection like a princess, yet had clothes of a slave. Most days I would stare at her and wonder why she was always alone, a girl of intelligence and kindness could not make a single friend, no matter how much she tried.

Noelle scared them, see, children want someone to match their level of understanding, someone alike or someone inarticulate, voiceless, mute. Not someone with light, elegance, intelligence. Noelle realized this and with a sad smile she walked away and whispered, “It wasn’t meant to be.”

Noelle had her fair share of flaws, she was reckless and way too often the beauty's of the city caught her jumping from trees. Too often she walked with cuts on her face and a scar on her finger. To many whispered,

“Ah, there she goes again.”

“oh dear, where is this poor child’s mother?”

“Shhh, didn’t you hear? Her parents are gone. We mustn’t talk about it.”

Noelle was well aware of her parents death, she was well aware of how they died, her curiosity lead her to the answer. She never stopped asking until she received an answer. Noelle was sweet but even the stars could not stop her tears, not the spotted moon, and not even her soft smile. It was the first time anyone had seen her cry, terror filled the streets as some laughed viscously at her,

“She was not an angel, she was a child. With no parents.”

The women laughed at her puffy eyes, the children smiled at her tears and some walked with pity for her in their eyes. One even dared ask…

“How does it feel to have no parents…”

Noelle, the next day, responded…

“Normal. For I have never had, or do not remember the love of a parent so regrettably, I do not know what I am missing.”

Another asked…

“My mother says your parents died a quick easy death…they left without you.” the civilian said in humorous tone.

“I suppose they did, but if my parents are anything like I, if they are strong and wise…to have left me behind, they must have known that I could and would be just fine on my own. Right?”

Even the priests couldn’t understand why she thought the way she did. Noelle came across as dense and unaccepting of her reality. Truth is Noelle was neither, she accepted her fate and realized tears flowed and eventually fell…but that's all they were; tears. Tears fixed nothing so she immediately changed the way she saw her life. Instead of crying for her parents she knew they were in a better place, instead of walking with her head down she realized she was hurting her rear and stood up tall.

Noelle wasn’t dense, no, she was an optimist.

Noelle was top of her classes, she was perfection in the making. Great at everything she touched and when not so great she tried and tried. At heart she knew she could never be perfect at everything but nothing told her not to try. So she would spend nights awake trying her hardest to be everything she wasn’t.

Everyone always saw her perfect sides, they never saw the work…they never saw the sweat, they never saw the tears. They saw her and thought she was born unlucky but had the smarts without trying. Society did not like Noelle because they didn’t understand her, they couldn’t be her. Yet she smiled…and said…

“I believe being you is so much better than being me.”

Noelle was everything and nothing, so many looked up to her yet sometimes everyone remembered her position on the chain of life. Noelle didn’t fit anywhere, sometimes when buying bread shop owners would give her food for free for having a smile worth a hundred gold coins. The poor would say she would never understand their pain, no one ever gave them free food no matter how much they smiled.

The rich were at the top and when they walked their back was straight with elegance. They’re fans worth more than her life would open with beauty, when they walked by, people moved out of the way. While Noelle tripped over her own feet and her clothes were nothing too fancy. When she walked by some would stop and stare then proceed to grab her ear in annoyance…

“Its rude to stare!”

Noelle nodded with a throbbing ear, she was respectable. No matter how much they disrespected her she never once raised her voice at someone older. Yet, many labeled her as disrespectful, discourteous, unmannerly, uncivil and insolent.

The poor elders knew Noelle, they knew she wrapped her hands around their weary old fingers as they walked the street, they knew Noelle broke her bread in half and shared with them when she had nothing. In return they sat her down and taught her about the world, they thought her about their life and she fed off of them…

“The best teachers are the ones who have lived life and are about to leave it…”

Noelle was smarter and wise because of her undying kindness, whether the others realized it or not Noelle’s kindness brought the world to her footsteps.

In the sun she was a beauty, an angel almost everyone adored and envy. She was unnatural and curious yet no one knew what she was at night… No one knew what she spoke off under the stars, no one knew what she told the ripples in the water.

Once I came across her, and I finally deprived myself of the fear inside of me. Noelle gave off a beautiful aura in the moonlight, it was like she was supposed to be there. She stared at the moon with the stars glistening in her eyes, and held her knees up to her chest.

“Hello.” I whispered, she didn’t look at me.

“Why are you staring at the moon, Noelle.”

“It keeps my secrets.” you whispered as your tears started to fall. “The sad ones.”

“You said ‘sadness comes from memories yet there are happy ones in there too.’ Just think of the happy ones.”

You glanced at me with your glossy eye lids, the tears threaten to fall…

“Sadness is temporary but when you continue to push them away they find themselves right in your heart. Though they have always been there. They will always be there.”

“But…sadness is temporary?”

“Yes, sadness is temporary, but so is happiness. Sadness exists when there is happiness, its the circle of life just like you cannot have black without white, one cannot exist without the other. Joy is the only thing in this world that is permanent…you must remember.”

“But…your always happy. Why must you cry, its a beautiful day, a lovely night. You must smile like you always do, or the villagers will make fun of you. You must smile.”

I cried out to her, I only wanted to see her smile like she always did. Noelle the girl with the world in her eyes had eyes filled with the sea. That night she looked at the moon and that was the only thing she wanted. The moon saw her tears and the sea kept them.

Noelle shook your head and the sea seemed to follow…“No…no more smiles.”


Noelle looked up at me for the first time and I saw her, I saw her kindness and her smile, I saw her curiosity and I saw her recklessness. But these were all things I saw before, so I looked a little closer and I saw something no one saw, something we failed to see, something she didn’t want me or anyone to see.

“Because… I am only human.”

Alas, I saw her sadness.

Noelle disappeared that night, I never saw her again. Right under the moon I saw her presence vanish.

That night, I stopped seeing her because my view on her changed. She was someone I looked up too someone I thought had no sadness. She wasn’t an angel.

We saw what we wanted to see, the idea that someone could be so angelic was beautiful to us. Yet we hated to see it, we hated her for being so beautiful and innocent in a world of ugly and sinful.

We were the ugly and sinful, we watched her filled with jealousy but we looked up to her…when humans see things that are alluring we try to take it, and once we realize we can’t have it, we hate it.

We plot to kill it.

Maybe Noelle disappeared because we pushed her away…perhaps we stopped seeing her because she was no longer anything to us…perhaps we killed her.

Some say she was a myth, a spirit from the sea…

Some say she never existed, ‘a made up tale the crazy elders filled us with.’

But I know, I know her secret. Under the moon, Noelle revealed who she was. All the fish in the sea listened carefully and it seemed like the waves stilled.

Noelle was a girl of beauty, curiosity, grace, elegance, kindness, and joy…this was how I saw her, yet she revealed to me that she was only human.

The moon and all the waves knew that, Noelle was only human. We, the humans failed to see it because she was perfect.

We thought she was perfect, we thought she was an angel. So we treated her anyway we wanted too because someone who’s perfect will always be…perfect, they say.

Truth is Noelle was not perfect.

No, Noelle was just a girl.

A girl with stars in her eyes.


Posted Mar 01, 2021

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31 likes 27 comments

14:16 Mar 01, 2021

Wow, this was so beautiful and heartfelt. I like the suggestion from Sia for the title "Starry eyes". This story was so moving and sad, and it made it just...perfect. Reading your stories truly brighten my day, and I'm so glad you're going to be posting more often! Great job Ugochi!!!


18:04 Mar 01, 2021

Thank you sooo much Owly!
Yeah I think so too~ I just changed it.
Aw that means so much to me!
Thank youu!


05:17 Mar 01, 2021

Hey guys,

I really wanted to bring out a story this week because everyone has been leaving, seriously, heartbroken. Especially since Laila/Hari left too.
Anyways! I'm truly trying to not let this get to me, but its so sad🥺. Focus on your writing people.

But anyways..

Anyone ever have to start writing to finally get an idea for your story? I started with 1 page with two paragraphs, then I didn't like that idea so I made another page..then I made another page which eventually became this one.

Do yall like the title? Any ideas for another? I kind of want it to be a 1 word type of title.
I was thinking - Noelle. But I sorta like this one I have.

Do yall think the genres fit? Tell me what you think it should be? Cause I personally don't know if it fits lol.

But like always thanks for reading! And I'm doing better at posting more so I'm gonna try to keep that up!
And tell me what ya think! Thank youu!

Stay safe!


Ru .
20:04 Mar 11, 2021

I like to think I'm strong. My heart's been broken by so many stories that I love sad prose. I can enjoy it without the pain, since I'm: heartless. But this broke my heart over again. Dreamlike, yet lucid too. I loved so many lines and you handled Noelle's characterization well. Critique would be structural/POV changes, but otherwise, keep writing like this. This world needs it.


23:27 Mar 11, 2021

Thank you soo much Ru!! Yeah I need to work on that..
Thank you for reading it!


Kate Reynolds
00:57 Mar 08, 2021

This is so freaking good!!!!! HOW... HOW DID YOU EVEN COME UP WITH SOMETHING THIS WELL WRITTEN???????????
Also, it reminded me a bit of Stargirl (which is good, bc I LOVED that book)
And the ending just broke my hearttt


04:19 Mar 09, 2021

Aw thankkkk you so much Kate!
That means so much!
Well technically she didn't die but she kinda did! if thats how you intepreted it then its fine that way lol. The reason why she disappeared is because everyone stopped seeing her as perfect, well at least the narrator. When he realized she wasn't as perfect as he realized it was like she died.
That was one translation I knew some of the readers would come up with!
Thank youuu for reading!! I appreciate it!


Kate Reynolds
20:05 Mar 09, 2021

I really reallyyyyy loved ittttttttt


Anna Mosqueda
18:50 Mar 03, 2021

I loved this Ugochi! You did such a great job at the end with the narrator realizing That Noelle wasn't perfect.
My only snippet of critique (cause I'm not too good at it ;)) would be to make sure that you stay with the same point of view. You switched around a bit near the end but overall, I loved this story!
Keep Writing:)


19:46 Mar 03, 2021

Thank youu Anna!
Oh no! I was worried I would do that... I read it twice over before posting seems like I missed some. Can you just copy the part you noticed this at, if its not too much trouble! Thanks!
Thank youu for reading!!


Zahra Daya
18:04 Mar 03, 2021

Oh my gosh. I absolutely adore this story. Recently, I've had a (not-so) slight infatuation with the moon, so this story really felt like a godsend. I also wrote under this prompt but this story amazed me. I love how well you described Noelle and how you build this character with such intricacy and attention to detail. Very, very well done. P.S - One of my fav lines: "Noelle was sweet but even the stars could not stop her tears, not the spotted moon, and not even her soft smile."

- Z


19:44 Mar 03, 2021

Ah I get that so muchh! One time I had an absolute infatuation with the clouds, like everytime I would see one I would take out my phone and just take a picture. They looked soooo beautiful to me.
Aw thank youu Zahra! I love that line too, its crazy how I even wrote that😂.
Thank you so much for reading!


Zahra Daya
23:07 Mar 05, 2021

Yes!! Clouds are absolutely gorgeous! And no problem, this was a great piece :)


20:10 Mar 02, 2021

This is me.


20:41 Mar 02, 2021

This is who??


20:42 Mar 02, 2021

This story reminds myself of me.


22:07 Mar 02, 2021

Oh, wow, well that isn't good. I hope everything is good with you now..


10:52 Mar 03, 2021

The good parts do. Not the sad.


14:06 Mar 03, 2021

Oh okay!


Sia S
05:35 Mar 01, 2021

Too beautiful, too aching for my heart. :)
Starry eyes
Under the moon


05:41 Mar 01, 2021

Aw thank you Sia!
I actually like Starry Eyes
But I'm gonna wait but Starry eyes is definietly on my list! Thank youu!
Alsoooo are you back? Like officially, probably not lol😥


Sia S
05:45 Mar 01, 2021

Edward is out, and I'm baccccc (most prob)


05:47 Mar 01, 2021

Oh really? How did you get rid of him? Or did he just decide to leave you alone?


Sia S
05:55 Mar 01, 2021

Radhika did it for mr :)


06:22 Mar 01, 2021

Aw thats so nice of her to do! I'm happy your back!😌


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