Asian American Inspirational Sad

It's been twelve years ago when I last saw here. Now that I'm already in college, I couldn't visit her. I don't have much communication to her either. Today is a special occasion so I came to see her together with my mom. I can't help thinking of her every moment as I slowly approaching her place. I remember so much her baked those signature cookies of her. The memory is still fresh as if it happens yesterday. Now I'm already a teen I will visit her in her house on her birthday. I want to make her happy just this once by giving her something that she will remember me. It will be a few minutes when time will come. I'm so much excited about her reaction and if could she remembers me. Slowly I approach and give her the box containing my present hoping her memories can recognize. She then accepts it and stares at me without giving a word.


I used to live with my grandmother when I was young. My grandma's house is a bit far from the town with so many flowers plants and bees. My mom and dad were always at work so they don't have much time to spend with me. We have our own house at the town but I live together with my grandma. My parents couldn't take care of me because of their job but I don't hate them. I'm always watching her bake some cookies but the bees that surrounds her house always irritates me. They even perch on the flour.

"Grandma, the bees!" I said. I hesitated to eat it at first but she eased my worry.

"Why? They have nothing to be worry about, have they?" then she laugh like a witch. "Grandma, your laugh is creepy."

"Here have some cookies."

"Grandma, what is your secret, I don't see any sugar but your cookies taste so sweet, is there a secret?"

"Of course not, it's not about the ingredients, it's about the way you bake!"

"Ehhh, maybe you're doing some enchant, or using some spell" then slaps the bees that's flying above the flour.


"This place bring back memories" I said. The memory of the place is still so fresh. The feeling being in a place I used to live gives me goosebumps. The sound of the wind that blows my skin is really nostalgic. The flowers I used to play and picked was still present as well as the annoying and irritating bees. "These bees still present?" I whispered. I remember how I hated those bees every time she baked. I can as well imagine myself picking up the different flowers that surrounds her house and gave it to her. Every inch of the house that my eyes set upon will reminisce myself. I really love the flowers but the bees are irritating. As I step inside the house, I saw her sitting on her chair, not doing anything but watching the old photograph she have.

"Good day grandma, happy birthday and I love you. I miss you so much!" But she just stared at me then asked if who I am. "She can't recognize you anymore" my mom said. "Mom please help me I want to see her smile. I want to talk to her hear her laugh." "Then do something that will remind of her of you."


I'm not prepared at all. I didn't expect that meeting my grandmother would be like this. It hurts me so much that she can't remember me. I want to make her smile even for this moment and recognize me at least. And now I decided to went to her kitchen to bake some cookies she used to gave me when I was young but there is a problem, there's no sugar and the bees are still dwelling in her place. Her place is far from town so purchasing sugar is a bit difficult. "How could grandma bake some sweet and tasty cookies without using sugar?"I wonder. "Remember what your grandma told you about baking?" mom said. "Nope,only her creepy laugh and some enchant."

"Hahaha, it's not about the ingredients dear," my mom said.

"Try to look at your surroundings and take a deep view" my mom added.

"Yeah, so many freaking bees."

"Then try to bake without thinking of the bees."

I started baking but the bees are getting in my way, they've been flying and perching and sometimes touching the floor but I continue to my work and didn't give attention to the bees.

" Hmmm, it's sweet and tasty and delicious and taste like grandma's, how come?"

"Then thank them?"

"Thank who?"

"Your little friends."

"Little friends? Is there anybody here that I couldn't see like elves or dwarves or fairies?"

"Of course not. Hahaha, your little friends that help you to make your cookies sweeter and delicious. Can't you recognize the taste?"

"Yeah,it tastes like honey, wait don't you mean?"

"Yes, it's from the bees who's been carrying nectar from the flowers, remember what your grandma told you? It's not about the ingredients, it's about the way you bake. Upon focusing your attention to baking, these bees have been making your flour sweet."

"So it's my grandmother's secret, I thought it was some kind of enchant, thank you little bees, sorry for being so simple-minded."

"Aren't there something you would like to do?"

I then put the cookies in the box and run out of the kitchen and headed to my grandmother.


The moment is exciting, I want to see her reaction. I give her the cookies but she give me a hostile look. "Come on grandma, have some, it's your signature cookies." At first she threw it and it pains me. "Come grandma,it's me, Ariel, remember? Have some, I baked these myself." She threw it again and made me tears. "Grandma please just a single bite." She wouldn't really eat it and continue staring at the old photo she have. "Grandma just once please." Upon seeing me tear,she then started to bite some and her face change. She grab and hug me tight. Tears then started to drop.

December 11, 2020 21:20

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