Doormat's First Flight

Submitted into Contest #239 in response to: Write a story where a regular household item becomes sentient.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Funny

"Guess it's time to wake up," I said this out loud after the light came on as I also finally opened my eyes for what seemed like a long time.

I made a quick yawn, and looked ahead. What I found was all kinds of home decorations. From "Welcome" signs to garden gnomes, to wind chimes, etc. Anything you know about home decors, they were all here. I was placed on the other side of it on an empty rack, just hanging there waiting for someone who wanted a doormat.

Yes, a doormat you can simply place in front of your door and yes, I am sentient but very friendly. No need to worry about feel like you are being haunted at all or whatnot. I'm one of those doormats you love to greet people no matter who walk past me on a every day basis as my other brethren get picked up first. 

There were a good dozen of us when we first got here. One went with a sweet old lady, the second with a newly wedded couple, third: a businessman. Eventually all eleven of them were all picked for the taking and I was the last one on the rack now. Now, mind you, I ain't taking this seriously as some would think. I don't think I'm getting picked last. On the contrary, I'm feeling like I'm being saved best for last. Pretty exciting, right? 

It has to be at least a good week since my last brethren left the rack who was in front of me. I bid him a farewell while he didn't say anything as a mother of 3 took him. Which didn't bother me at all. He wasn't always talkative anyways. In fact, all eleven of them didn't talk so much now that I think about it. They must be mute or I am completely deaf.

So anyways, there I was waiting patiently for the day when I get picked up from any random stranger. I wonder who could it be? A married couple, a college student, a dog owner? So much endless possibilities, I could hardly wait!

Now, hold on Matty, you must be patient. Your time will come and you know it.

A few hours after the lights came on, not a single soul went down the home decor lane. Guess everyone else needed other stuff elsewhere for today. I heard the crafts lane is a real hoot. It did however surprise me that no one came through. Normally we get like at least 20 people a day over here to get something for their home decorations. It's still early though but let's give it time.

Another hour passed by, and still no one came down the aisle just to look for any decors that would fancy their homes. Was I in the twilight zone? Did time somehow froze on me? I started questioning myself. Why are the people? Intermediately after asking that last question, I saw him.

It was a young man in a hoodie, about in his early 20's, who was in my peripheral vision. He came up to the lane looking for something. Probably something that spoke out to him. He was wondering aimlessly, just scanning around the area. That's until he saw me. 

The young man in the hoodie looked at me and then look at my price tag. I am sold for 20 bucks for those who want to know. The young man was still looking at me and the tag as if he was contemplating on if this was a wise choice to pick me out. 

"Of course it was! I'm one of a kind" is what i want to say but I didn't want to scare him. Instead I continued sitting there on the rack acting all pretty. 

The young man then checks his wallet and I could have swore I saw moths coming from it. I didn't know those little guys could do that. I even side-eyed the moth decorations to see if they wanted to commentary but of course I received no answer, as per usual. 

He then looks around as if he was planning on something. Was he having second thoughts about picking me? I mean sure I am just a doormat but I'm very durable, and I can be used outdoors or indoors so I was very versatile. Was there something else that caught his eye? I swear if those throw towels upper-hand me, there's going to be a beat-down after this. Was he worried that he couldn't afford me? He can always put me on hold until he gets back; I ain't going anywhere.

The young man eventually eyed upwards as he looked around his surroundings. What's up there when everything is all down here in front of you, pal? Just grab me. 

As if he actually heard me say, he grabs me rather quickly and roughly. The next thing he did was curl me up and shove into his backpack. What on Earth is going on? Am I being stolen? Oh, this is rather exhilarating! I feel like I am a million bucks right now! 

I didn't see anything however. All was dark and there was nothing significant other than a few Twinkle wrappers and some pencils. I tried to greet myself, but of course they were silent like everything else in the store. Hopefully, the objects at this young man's place are more lively than these posers.

It was a rough ride, considering the young man was just shoplifting without anyone noticing, but after a good half hour, I was finally out of the lonely backpack and into the open.

Once the young man lifted me, he uncurled me and that's when I saw where I was now relocated. It was rough around the edges studio! It all came with a small mattress laying on the floor, a folded table with a couple of steel chairs, and a small kitchen with a big pile of dishes towering over the sink. On the opposite side was a door opened to a small bathroom with a tub and sink along with a closed closet door along the living space. 

To most people, some would be in disgust with how the place was kept, but for me, all I could think of was "this is my home."

After I had my sights on my new home, the young man then dropped me down next to his entryway door. A little bit of warning would be advised but okay, I'm still on the high that this was all happening to me. He next turns and leaves to do his own routine within his studio. By which I would be memorizing his patterns the longer I stay here. Here where I can finally be the object I was made to be. A friendly greeter to all who come through the door, in and out of my now called home.

For I am Matty, and this is my life as a doormat. 

February 24, 2024 02:11

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Alexis Araneta
11:06 Mar 04, 2024

A literal doormat telling the story ! Super creative. Lovely job !


Sean Sorce
02:49 Mar 09, 2024

I just recently came up with it so I'm pretty excited. Thank you so much for your kind words.


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Dana W
13:46 Mar 03, 2024

I also like the idea of the object telling the story.


Sean Sorce
02:48 Mar 09, 2024

Thank you. Me too. I'm glad you and several others like it this much.


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Kristina Aziz
15:15 Mar 02, 2024

I didn't think of telling the story from the object's point of view! Well done!


Sean Sorce
02:26 Mar 03, 2024

Thank you. Much appreciated. Yeah, I just came up with it not too long ago. In fact, I had the concept and idea in the middle of February. So once I saw this prompt, I automatically knew what type of story I wanted to write. I love how it turned out and I'm excited for more stories such as this. I'll be sure to follow you and read your work.


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