The Baby Apocalypse

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a funny post-apocalyptic story.... view prompt


Adventure Funny Kids

                    written by Daisy Olivo Heller (10 years old)

Hello, my name is spring.  Though everyone calls me DaDa.  Let me catch you up.  Right now It is the apocalypse, and I can't talk.  You see, I was born one week ago, and That's when the apocalypse started.  I’m sure you are wondering how it started. Well I’m going to tell you even if you are not wondering.  It all started yesterday when I was getting back from the hospital.  My mommy and daddy were driving home. When there was a big explosion.  I tried, and tried to tell them NOT to go even close to it but all that came out was “Da Da.”

 Apparently, my parents liked the way that sounded Because Mommy said “Your first sound!”

Then Daddy said “I think Our little precious wants us to call her that,” 

Dad said in a cooing way, Misunderstanding what I meant altogether.  They were so caught up on this that they mist the explosion, and we're heading right towards it. GREAT.  At least when they saw smoke, they realized something was wrong.  

“Oh No!” Mommy said, a worried look on her face. 

“I think there was a explosion.  That's what I said before! I said, but it sounded more like this.  

“Gana sala DO”  I decided to give up on trying to talk for now.  

“What?”  Mommy said in a baby voice. 

“Is my little DaDa Grumpey?”  She asked, trying to give me a pacifier. We were home now.  Though you can barely tell through all the smoke. Mommy carried me in with a bewildered look on her face. Daddy closed the door behind him, the same look on his face. Then he said “what happened?”  

Okay, you're caught up, now our story begins. 

“ I don't know, turn on the news, and move the baby in the kitchen” Mommy said. 


 Said Daddy.

“Because If it is scary, I don't want her to see”

Mommy said.  I was annoyed by this, and I knew if I tried to talk all that would come out would probably be something like “OOOOB CAD.” So I did what babies do best. I cried, and when I say cry, I mean cry. It was loud too.  I think this worked because  Mommy said 

“ you what to stay with Mommy and Daddy, okay okay, it’s okay you can stay.”  At these words, I stopped crying and smiled. This made Mommy and Daddy smile. Then Daddy said to turn on the news and Mommy did. 

“Breaking news” the TV roared. “There was a natural disaster, a tornado and a lightning bolt combined, causing an explosion, that  will make babies grow up in 24 hours.  Though there is a twist folks. They will still talk like babies.  And babies can understand other babies.  

 “What” Mommy said shocked

 “Wait!” Said Daddy

 “There’s More!” 

 “Grownups will talk like babies too, and technology, everybody will talk, which is known as baby language.  It is the apocalypse.”

Daddy turned of the T.V. and said “Wow, what now”

“I Don’t know, but I think it is time for DaDa’s bedtime”

 I didn't want to go to bed, but I was tired, so I let Mommy carry me to my new crib.  It was nice, but it felt different then the hospital crib.  So instead of trying to sleep, I listened in on Mommy and Daddy’s combination.  

“I don’t want to talk in some gibberish language!”  Mommy said, with a hint of worrisome in her voice.  (I didn't like the fact Mommy called it gibberish language, it’s called baby language!)

“ what about the baby, nick, she’s going to grow up to the age of forty tonight” (Mommy's real name is Nicki, though, I call her Mommy)  

“How do you know that age is forty?”  Mommy asked.  

“If you look up, it said that babies will grow to forty. It said it was caused by the smoke, or something.” Daddy said, with a proud/horrified hint in his voice.  Then he said with a happy hint in his voice,

“The effects will wear off if you go to a rock called the rock that heals and touch it.”  I think Mommy liked this idea, because she said,

“Where is it”

“It’s in outer space” Daddy said

“Okay, how do we get there”  Mommy said

“Tomorrow at 9:00, they have a spaceship leaving Canada, and It's free!” Daddy said happily

“Okay” Mommy said,

“Tomorrow at 6 we leave to go to Canada, it’s a 3 hour drive from here.”  Mommy said

“Okay” said Daddy.

This is all I heard,  Because I fell asleep.  Not for long.   I woke up at about 2 am the next day, and I felt sick. I started to cry.  I heard Mommy and Daddy screaming.  I started to grow first, I hand a 10 year old body, then 20, 30, and forty years old. I called for Mommy and Daddy, though all that came out was 

“Goo No.” Though this time, I think they understood because they came in and said; 

“are you okay?”  They said this in baby language, so instead of two loving parents, kindly asking if there baby was okay, it was more like two loving/scared parents asking a forty year old naked woman if she was

“Da no Ka Sa?”(I was naked because my P.J. where for new born babies, and ripped in the process of me growing) I understood what they said and replied in baby language

“Yes, and you” Mommy and Daddy looked so shocked, I thought they might explode.  After about a minute, the both said yes.

“Okay, let me g-go get some c-clothes for y-you.” Mommy stuttered.  Then she left, and came back with a pair of jeans, underwear, a bra, and a Tee shirt.  Mommy helped me get it on.

“Do you know what happened?’’  Mommy asked in a baby voice.

“Yes, and you don’t have to do a baby voice.” I said.  Mommy looked embarrassed, so I said

“If it makes you more comfortable, you can, you just don’t have to though.”

“No, it’s okay, right Bill.” (Daddy’s real name is Bill)

“Yeah…” said Daddy slowly.

“I overheard you last night, and I think we should leave right now.” 

I said this in baby language.  Mommy agreed and so did Daddy. It was decided, we were going to Canada. We took a few hour breaks.  

“So…” Mommy said, sitting in the passenger seat. 

 “How is it, you know, being a baby?” Mommy asked. I replied

“ It’s just the same, you know? Though you can’t talk to grownups.  Or walk. Pulse, people treat you nicer than a grownup.”  Then Mommy said

“Can you talk to other babies?” Mommy asked. 

“Yeah, Like Lily and Lola.”(these are my best friends) Than I asked

“What is it like being a grown up?” I asked

“Well, I go to work.  I Wish I could talk to you all the time, but you deserve a normal childhood.  You know one of the best things about being a grownup?” she asked 

“No, what?”  I said

“Being your Mommy” She said.  Everything was quiet until I said 

“I love you guys too,” I said. Then Daddy started to cry and pulled over.  When he did, he hugged us both, and said 

“I love you both!”  Okay, I know this sounds sweet, and it is too.  But in reality, it sounded more like

“Da Na coo? Jm LaLa NNk GE”  Because It was all in baby language.  We got back in the car and drove 1 more hour.  When we got to the space station, It was 8:45.  We got on, relieved we made it.  

“Okay,” Mommy said

“We will get there in one hour, I suggest we take a nap since we got so little sleep last night.” I agreed and so did Daddy,(who looked half asleep already.) It was loud and you could hear happy and sad noises, but I was so tired I didn’t care.  I laid down on a bench and fell asleep.  Next thing I knew was Mommy rocking me back and forth.

“Wake up honey”  Mommy said.  She was dressed in a spacesuit, and so was I!  

“Where here, and Daddy wants to tell you something.”  I went over to Daddy and he said;

“I’m going to miss you,”  Daddy said.

“I’m going to miss you too,” I said.  

“There was something else, the rock of heels will not erase anyone's memory, but sense you're still a baby,(I don’t like being called a baby, but I know he did not want to offend me, so I kept quiet) you still might forget as you get older, so I wanted to get a family picture.”  Then he called over Mommy and said 

“Cheese!”  though it sounded like;


We made it to the rock of heels.  We got out of the spaceship.  All around you could see families saying goodbye.  Then they touched this giant, lumpy, rainbow rock. 

“ I am going to miss you guys,”  I said.  Then we all started crying and hugged

“ I love you guys.“  we all said together. Then I said;

“ here goes nothing” as we all touched the rock.  I turned into a baby.  

“Ja na fs” I said meaning can you understand me? Then Mommy said

“ Do you know what she said?” in normal language.  Then Daddy said

“ No and I am speaking like a grownup! '' Then I said I love you,  and even knew I was speaking another language, they understood me and said I love you back.  We got home safely and all was restored.  The End. 

September 25, 2020 19:16

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