The Labyrinth

Submitted into Contest #124 in response to: Set your story in a labyrinth that holds a secret.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Fantasy

I think my biggest fear of all is that I’ll never be remembered because in the end, what could I ever do that will make me be remembered forever.

This world I live in isn’t like yours. Sure everything on Earth is the same to some extent, but last time I checked, your world didn’t have people jumping through portals entering ancient, magical labyrinths. A long, long, long time ago... a gate opened inside our world. At the time, no one understood what the thing even was.

One day, a scientist documented all his findings in a file sent back to this side of the gate. He shared the sights of a maze, a maze seemed to stretch forever. No matter how much you walked, stone walls covered your entire path. Then one day, the scientist reported, he found treasure. He found not riches, not power, but a secret gift as he called it. Something that he felt gave meaning to his existence. 

Soon, everyone was crazy about finding the treasure within the labyrinth. Even the government was interested in this prospect and soon people were entering and exiting the maze to go treasure hunting.

I was an intern at a local journalist office, training to hopefully someday work there. But to pass an exam in order to get the job, I needed to find and report about a story that would make front-page news. I had the perfect idea, I was going to find the secret treasure of the labyrinth.

The next day, I looped my Canon camera around my neck and headed out into the portal. I went to the site of the labyrinth gate for the purpose to avoid the crowds that swarm the area hoping to have a chan

At last, I was allowed to enter the labyrinth gates.At first, there was a flash of white then my eyes were enveloped by a blue mist that circled around me. I felt dizzy and I couldn’t stand 

What are the chances? Seeing two vile bandit groups in one day. I would be amused if this wasn’t so frightening and sweat wasn’t pouring all around me.

Immediately with a single raise of his hand, Misky ordered the raid of his fellow thieves who stole, attacked, and kidnapped the explorers all while they were still in their dreams.

While the Happy Face Gang were more like a gang of unorganized criminals let out into the wild, the King of Thieves guild was an experienced and rich mob led by Erwin Misky (more commonly known as the Black Rat). Misky was infamous for owning a hundred casinos and the main seller in illegal trade. One time, when a restaurant wouldn’t serve him because he was such a notorious person, he later filled the entire building with disease-filled rats that plagued the entire restaurant and got so many people sick that the restaurant was shut down. Hence the name, Black Rat.

Now if you probably know where this was going where I’m now going to escape away because I’m such a coward, but you’d be wrong! Well, I mean, I was going to run away but then I heard one of the bandits say something to Misky. “Boss, I found something interesting you might like. It was mostly underground, so I had to dig it out.”

This spiked my interest. I used my camera to zoom in on what the thief passed onto Misky. It… was some sort of box. Completely covered in crystals it shone as the light reflected upon it. This box also piqued the mob boss’ interest.

Misky grabbed one explorer by the collar and scowled, “Where did you get this?”

“W-we found it west of here… there was a temple. I-it was full of shrines and stuff… P-p-please let me go.” The man cried out, tears in his eyes as he stared face-to-face with the monster who was the Black Rat.

The gangster gave a toothy grin. He tossed the explorer to the ground. “Place him with the others. We’ll execute them all as a celebration.”  

“Celebrate what boss?” Asked one of his men.

“This.” Misky replied, pointing to the box. “This is what we needed this entire time, because what I hold right now, is the key to find the treasure in this labyrinth.” He fiddled with the box, then twisted it to reveal a holographic image of a map, revealing the path to the treasure.

What? What? WHAT? I opened my mouth to shout but I quickly stopped myself. The key to the treasure is in that stupid box right there? I couldn’t believe it. I took a picture of Misky and the box. I know that this was just a short story but this feels way too easy to be true. Still, if there was a chance to find this treasure, I had to take it. I need that box.

“Everyone, we’re resting here tonight. But tomorrow, we are finding that treasure!”

An echo of cheers filled the atmosphere.

It took a lot of thinking (plus doodling on the sand) but I formulated a plan that could possibly get me that box. I was up back on the waterfall where I was before sitting near the shoreline on a sandy beach, whilst the raiders had taken over and were now the ones sleeping in what was once the explorers’ camp. 

During the night, hidden by the shadows, this was the best time for me to steal the treasure. But, Misky wasn’t stupid enough to leave the treasure alone. He placed two guards every hour to protect the box. I had to find a way to get rid of them first.

When I was up close to the camp, I grabbed a few pebbles and with a little aim I flicked one at a guard. Because no one was there but the two guards, he automatically assumed that the other guard must’ve done it.

“What was that for?” He cried, slapping the other guard.

“I didn’t do anything?” The other guard protested.”

When the guards settled down and went back to their positions, I continued my trick. I flicked the little stone again, this time at the other guard’s face.

“Augh! Man! You already hit me even when I did nothing, now you’re doing it again?”

“What are you talking about, I didn’t hit you! But you deserve it!”

“Oh, you wanna do this now, huh?”

A brawl broke out between the two idiots and they scruffled on the ground. Beating and slapping each other silly. I used the opportunity to simply get up, walk over, and take the box which was just laying on the ground. You know, I’m kind of disappointed it was that easy.

I waltzed out of the camp whistling into the wind, not a care in the world when a gunshot fired into the air. Then I heard the furious yell of the Black Rat. That’s when my graceful walk turned into an ugly run. 

I must’ve ran at least an entire mile. I had to have lost them by now. I thought I was safe but nope, I bumped into another figure. This time, not from the King of Thieves guild but from the Happy Face Gang. The whole entire gang.

“Well, well, well.” The main bandit who I bumped into sneered, “What do we have here?”

She grabbed me and shoved me against the wall. The force was powerful enough to knock the wind out of me. It took a minute to calm myself. Not good. Not good. My frantic mind alerted me as I noticed that darn smiley face tattoo at the woman’s neck. How do I keep meeting all these crazy people?

I looked at her. It was Nicky Hammond. Ex-accountant turned government resistance force leader turned infamous thief. Her trademark sunglasses which had a frowning face in contrast to her smiling one on her neck. She was the closest thing to a leader the Happy Face Gang had. 

The lady grabbed the box out of my hand. “Just what is this?” She looked at the box from all angles as if she was some pawn shop owner checking to see the condition of an item. “Some kind of jewelry container?”

I fell silent. Shoot, what do I say? If I say anything she doesn’t like, she’ll kill me. If I tell a lie and she asks for proof, I’m screwed. My only option is to tell them the truth but then I’ll have two dangerous bandits who I’ll have to fight against to win the treasure. Wait… I’ve got it!

“Oi! Oi!” Hammond shook me a couple of times. “I asked what this thing is! Answer before I begin stabbing you.”

“I-it’s a key.” I replied, maintaining a calm posture.

“A key to what?”

“The treasure.”

There was an awkward silence.

Then the room exploded with loud laughter from the bandits except me.

“Can you believe this?” One of the bandits asked. “‘The key to the treasure’ he says. Everyone who has a brain cell knows that the treasure is just a myth.” This only caused more laughing to erupt. I sighed.

When Hammond had regained herself, “Seriously though, before I beat you, what actually is this?”

“I told you once, and I’ll say it again. It’s the key to the-”

“That’s impossible. The key has been searched for thousands of years. No one has found it. If this really is the key, prove it.”

I sighed once more before taking the key back, fiddling with it just as Misky once did and opened the box to show the hologram. A collection of gasps and awes filled the room. Huh, I should've done that from the start. 

The infamous thief snatched the box and stared at the map to the treasure. Her eyes were wide as the map glowed. “But wait, I can’t read this.” Another bandit came up and took the box from her. 

“What’s this?” He said. “I can’t understand anything.” He passed it along to another bandit who also agreed.

“It’s Ewujlken. A language just recently studied and is thought to be the main writing system used in this labyrinth.” I answered.

“And how do you know it?”

“It was an elective class at high school.” I wanted to get straight to the point. “Look, clearly nobody here can read that stuff except me and you probably want all that treasure to yourself. Take me along as a guide, spare me from any torture, and I’ll lead you straight to the labyrinth’s secret treasure.”

“Alright, fine. You got a deal.” Said Hammond, finally releasing me but not before drawing a knife up to my neck. “If you think you can pull something while you’re at it, I’ll hunt you down for as long as you live, understand.”

“Yeah, yeah. Come on.”

I was a bit rusty on my Ewujlken but fortunately, only basic understanding was needed to get through most of the maze. All the walls looked the same, without the map, I’m sure I would’ve been stuck here forever. 

When we did make it. There I saw a large arch-shaped gate. Glistening with gold it sparked an aura of wonder. It was entrancing to stare at the beautiful gate. If the doors were just that beautiful, imagine how glorious the treasure inside was.

The Happy Face Gang rushed forward to open the gates when a bullet flashed through the air. It was the King of Thieves guild and they were back to be the ones who would reclaim their treasure. They followed me just like I assumed they would. No way would an experienced mob boss like Erwin Misky use two pathetic guards didn’t seem right. He must’ve had some kind of watcher to keep tabs over me. The watcher must’ve alerted Misky and knowing how desperate he was for the cube, he wasted no time catching up with us.

“Well, if it isn’t the darn rat himself.” Shouted Hammond pointing her sharp knife at Misky. “Why don’t you crawl back to your damp hole and nobody has to die?”

In only a couple of seconds of meeting, the two gangs broke out into an all out gang war.

It was my idea all along to get these two groups together to cause a big distraction, letting me take the box while everyone else is busy going at each other’s throats.

The whole area erupted into chaos. I ducked below machetes, ran past fists, and jumped over fallen bodies. My eyes scanned for a trace of the box. Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Oh, there! The key was just in front of me. I dashed forward reaching my hand out to just barely touch the box when a bullet came flying past, grazing my cheek. 

I turned to see Miskey reloading his gun. “So you’re the brat who stole my key.”

The black clothed cowboy fired another shot this time barely missing me by my leg. I dodged another and another and another.

“Wow, you are really bad aren’t you?” I joked.

Out of ammo, Miskey charged towards me and crashed into me driving me through a bunch of people on both sides before grabbing my arm and slamming me against the ground. I rolled away before he could do anymore and staggered up. We both stared at each other. The box was right in front of each of us.

Who was going to get there first?

We both ran at top speed at the same time towards the key. I got there first and grabbed it but Miskey was about to reach me so I tossed it into the air distracting the mob boss for a moment. A moment was all I needed as I grabbed my army knife from my bag and stabbed Black Rat right in the gut. His eyes were wide and his mouth opened but no words poured. I gave him a little push and he collapsed, dead.

I caught the box from the air and was going to open the gate when a knife came flying at me out of nowhere. Okay, what is with this story and surprise attacks? They’re getting a bit redundant now. Hammond. I guess she found me. Welp, time for another round I guess. 

Hammond wasn’t as strong as Miskey but she was faster and she had the skills to back her up. I had a much harder time dodging all her attacks. I grabbed the hand that held her knife but with a twist of her wrist she slashed at my hand, forcing me to let her go. This left me open for her to kick me right at the side. I took a step back, thinking about the situation. 

This one’s going to be harder. I pondered. Can’t distract, she’s not as distractible as Miskey. Maybe I can use the knife again, at least then I would have a weapon… no. Hammond is much more skilled at me with a knife. It wouldn’t even up the odds at all. Hmm, let's try the tripod. I grabbed the small stick from my bag and as Hammond slashed at me once more I waited for a vulnerable spot and elongated the tripod. It grew and hit the perfect sweet spot on her stomach which pushed her back. I had to make sure I kept the upper hand though. I began a bombardment of attacks from a mix-up of punches, kicks, slamming the tripod, Hammond had no clue what was my next. 

Then with a feint kick to a swing from the tripod, Hammond, just like Miskey, was done.

I was exhausted but after taking a breath I grabbed the key and opened the gate with it. A bright light blinded me and everyone else who was there and was still alive. I raced inside and closed the doors on everyone else. I ignored the bangs and cries on the outside. 

Something was wrong. 

This couldn’t be the treasure could it? It was a boring old room with just as boring quality. There was a simple wooden table at the center. A couch was at the very end with a small, junky television set next to it. There was a small kitchen area where dishes were stacked and messy. What is this?

“Who’s there?” Spoke a voice. It was very monotone and dull. Little life flowed out of it, I almost mistook it for a computer.

“Where’s the treasure?” I questioned the voice.

Out entered a little boy with a bored look on his face. “You’re here already?”

“W-who are you?”

“I am the labyrinth.”


“I am the labyrinth’s brain, its central computer. This place only exists because I exist.”

“Oh, cool. So uh, where’s the treasure?”

“For you, it is unattainable.”

“For what reason?”

“Because it is not what you wish for?”

“I-I don’t get it. What do you mean? Of course I wish for treasure. I want the treasure.”

The child shook its head and gazed deep into my mind with its apathetic eyes. “You have mistaken a dream for an empty wish.” It floated mid-air and touched me with its soft baby hands. “You dream of finding the treasure just so you can feel famous, but even you yourself will know that it will never last forever and a thousand years from now, people will forget your achievement. What you really want is people to remember you.”

I fell silent at the labyrinth’s words. I had to admit. It was right. 

December 18, 2021 04:56

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