Cracked Glass and the Scene Maker

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Center your story around two people who meet at a wedding.... view prompt


Funny Romance

Dear Lord, there's the nod. Be confident. Be cool. No tears!

Abby suggested I get everyone's attention by tapping the glass with a spoon. She said, "The glass clinking gets me every time." So, of course, I agreed to clink. It never crossed my mind to practice. How complicated could it possibly be?

I stood and nodded back to the wedding organizer. I grabbed the spoon and swung. My shaking hand careened out of control, and instead of a tap, I hit the glass so hard it cracked. But that's not all. No, no. I hit it again, which extended the crack in multiple directions. But wait, folks, there's more. I hit the stupid glass again. The break was big enough this time for the wine to flow out. The newly created fountain took five seconds to empty. Five seconds! In embarrassment time, that's equivalent to a two-hour lecture on paint. I stared at the now-empty cup, and the crowd stared at me in horror.

I stammered, unable to form words. Roman took my glass, placed it on the table, and whispered, "Hey, Dennis." I turned to him, and he smiled, "The show must go on." He then broke the tension with a perfectly proportioned laugh. Seeing the groom laugh, the crowd felt they had permission and joined in.

We've been friends since sixth grade, yet he still amazes me. He restored my confidence with just a few words. The man's a genius.

I resumed, "May I have everyone's attention?" The crowd burst out in laughter.

I said words—enough to take five minutes. Then I sat. I heard clapping and cheers, and then the orchestra resumed playing.

People grabbed partners and pulled them onto the dance floor - willing or not. Roman and Abby sat for a bit, having finished all the obligatory dances with father, mother, brother, sisters, and each other. I don't dance, and I have no girlfriend to force me. And it's a good thing I didn't.

Tracy! She was standing in the entrance. My mind went into action before my feet could move. She must leave! I have to stop her! My feet finally caught up to my brain, and I swiftly approached the entrance. Was she always such a knock-out babe?

She scanned the room, looking for someone. I knew who. I also searched the room. I saw Roman with his back to the entrance. Thank the Lord. I intercepted the goddess in time.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper-shouted.

Tracy instinctively placed her hand on her stomach. "Oh, my! You startled me." Smiling, she said, "Dennis, the trusty sidekick. How have you been?"

Her beauty stunned me, and I lost my words again. She wore a red evening gown that would have caused a cartoon's eyes to pop out. I gulped and hunted for something to say. "I see you haven't lost your wit or ability to show up in places you shouldn't."

"Now, don't be grumpy. Just because Roman and I broke up doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"You have to leave."

She glanced over my shoulder towards Roman. "I will soon."

"Why are you here?"

She continued looking over my shoulder, "I had to make sure."

"Sure of what?"

Her eyes locked with mine, "That he loves her."

My stomach flipped while I gazed into her eyes. "He does. He really, really does." Seeing the disappointment and resignation on her face pained me.

She quit looking over my shoulder and stepped back into the hall. "I knew he would be. I just had to make sure. You know?" She searched imploringly for a sympathetic nod.

"I get it." I made sure to stand between her and the entrance. "What you two had was special. Heck! I would have bet my Mustang that you two would have been married with two kids by now."

We laughed.

"Me, too." She lifted her teary eyes to me, "What went wrong?"

I fought the urge to hold her, to pull her in so tight that she'd forget all about Roman and turn her attention to me. But instead, I just shrugged. I've always refrained from showing her how I feel about her. I couldn't let her see back then, and now I'm paralyzed by her beauty – she's ten times more gorgeous than she was back in college. Besides, she's clearly not over Roman.

"Part of me wants to barge in and make a scene," she said.

"No, no. We'll have no scenes. Well, any more scenes."

Her ears perked up, "Any more scenes? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing, really bad."

"Are you going to force me to twist your arm like I used to?" Her expression brightened.

I crossed my arms. "There will be no twisting either."

She lunged towards my arm, giggling. Her giggles melted my heart.

"Okay, you win."

I recounted the wine glass incident in colorful detail. I watched her expressions change from fake concern to sincere laughter to failed sympathy. She was so cute. Lord, I was falling and fast.

While telling my story, I leaned against a wall, leaving the entrance unguarded. I gulped. Did she notice the opening but chose not to take advantage, or did my story so preoccupy her that she failed to see it? We looked at the open space between the hall and the reception room.

"You know," she said, "Before your story, I would have made a break for that opening. I was determined to make a scene before the night was over."

"Why did you change your mind?"

She relaxed and leaned against the wall with me. "Your bet."


"You said you'd bet your Mustang. I wish I had taken you up on that bet. I've always loved your car."

I smiled and chuckled, "You had a funny way of showing it. You never wanted to ride in it."

"True, but you see, I didn't want to ride in it. I wanted to drive it. Also, I didn't want Roman to see that I liked your car better than his."

Two couples walked into the hall, chatting away. I took a peek into the large room and saw Roman and Abby dancing. They loved each other, and it was obvious to everyone. How did they get so lucky? I turned back to Tracy.

"Thank you for not ruining this night for them," I nodded towards the dancing couple. "I'm also sorry he didn't see what he had."

I'm not a ladies man. Lord, what am I saying? I'm a bumbling idiot when it comes to the ladies. But I thought I saw a change in how she looked at me - like she saw me for the first time and liked what she saw.

"So, do you still have your Mustang?"

"Lord, yes. You never let a '65 go."

She smiled up at me with a mysterious expression.

"Do you want to drive my car?" I asked.

A twinkle flashed in her eyes, and she nodded, "And this time, I don't care if Roman knows I like your car better."

August 24, 2024 02:07

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McKade Kerr
04:24 Sep 01, 2024

This was a great one, as always! I actually ended up marrying a girl who was with my best friend for a short time (very different details, but same overall idea), so this was especially fun for me!


Daniel Rogers
02:01 Sep 13, 2024

Thanks, McKade. That's funny. Fiction meets reality.


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Suzanne Jennifer
18:14 Sep 01, 2024

Very sweet meet-cute, although they already knew each other. 😉 I loved the line: “In embarrassment time, that's equivalent to a two-hour lecture on paint.” Really “feel” what the main character is experiencing. Also, I am a long time Mustang enthusiast. My first was a Lime Gold 1967 coupe. Since then I have owned and driven everything from a ‘70 Grabber Blue Boss 429, to a ‘09 Candy Apple Red California Special. I love the role the car plays on your story. ❤️


Daniel Rogers
02:03 Sep 13, 2024

Thank you. Wow! You're the real deal. You know your mustangs 😀👍


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14:16 Aug 30, 2024

Great little story full of humour and feelgood factor!


Daniel Rogers
02:53 Aug 31, 2024

Thank you


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Rose Lind
05:57 Aug 30, 2024

Laughed at the wine glass incident. Well done 🌷


Daniel Rogers
02:54 Aug 31, 2024

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.


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Kaitlin Hanson
22:59 Aug 29, 2024

Love the story line!


Daniel Rogers
03:18 Aug 30, 2024

Thank you


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Kylee Nixon
12:26 Aug 29, 2024

Great story! The line “ In embarrassment time, that's equivalent to a two-hour lecture on paint.” Made me laugh. Looking forward to reading more from you!


Daniel Rogers
03:19 Aug 30, 2024

Thank you, I'm alway glad when my stories make someone laugh.


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Dragon The Poet
03:30 Aug 27, 2024

This is such a cute story. This feels like a scene from a movie, very well written!


Daniel Rogers
00:45 Aug 28, 2024

Thank you, and by the way, I love your pen name 😀👍


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Rachel Ermutlu
01:45 Aug 27, 2024

This was a great story!


Daniel Rogers
03:06 Aug 27, 2024

Thank you


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Carol Stewart
12:51 Aug 26, 2024

Sounds like she might be responsible for one or two smashed glasses in the future. (Yes, I am being deliberately ambiguous haha!) Had me chuckling along through that entire scene. I remember something similar happening during a play once when I was in the audience. Everyone thought it was intentional. The Comedy of Errors never fails. Good story.


Daniel Rogers
03:07 Aug 27, 2024

Thank you, and yes, I'm sure more glasses will be cracked. 😂


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Mary Bendickson
22:40 Aug 25, 2024

Way to go, Dennis. Saved the day. Won the girl. Held all the horses.


Daniel Rogers
03:11 Aug 27, 2024

Thank you, Mary. I'm sure you meant to say, "Held all the ponies?" 🤣


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15:41 Aug 25, 2024

Ha! Great twists. I could see myself breaking a glass like that.


Daniel Rogers
03:11 Aug 27, 2024

Thank you


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Heather Rogers
23:57 Aug 24, 2024

Aww so sweet! The wingman gets his girl!


Daniel Rogers
03:14 Aug 27, 2024

Thanks, Babe. I always have you in mind when I write sweet stories.


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Darvico Ulmeli
19:15 Aug 24, 2024

You got me with a Mustang. I'm crazy about Mustang from the first moment I saw that car. My favorite is from "67.


Daniel Rogers
03:17 Aug 27, 2024

I've owned a '97, 2000, and '06, but the '65, red, white top convertible is my dream Mustang. Thanks for reading


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08:26 Aug 24, 2024

Really entertaining, a good picture of how a night can go up and down really fast. Likes it, well written 😊


Daniel Rogers
03:18 Aug 27, 2024

Thank you very much 😀👍


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Kristi Gott
03:43 Aug 24, 2024

Hurray! After all these years they will take a spin in the mustang! A fun story and a happy ending. I enjoyed reading this!


Daniel Rogers
03:19 Aug 27, 2024

Thank you, Kristi


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