The Book of imagination

Submitted into Contest #38 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a magical portal in their home. ... view prompt



The term had finally come to an end. Jane was all packed and ready to go home. A home where she hadn't been to in years, since her grandma had passed away. She rushed out of the dorm in a hurry to catch the last bus for the day.

Well you see, she was running a bit late. "Nevermind" she said, she took out her list and crossed all the points she had made. "Ah! Keys, here they are."And she was good to go. She gave her mom a call before she boarded the bus.

"Have fun, sweetie!" said mom. "I think there's more cleaning to do than having fun." Jane grumbled to herself, sitting in her seat. She was very tired as she had to pack her own things, recheck on the main items. It was a task which her mother always used to do for her. Her mind was racing with thoughts of the town. Five years had passed by so fast, now Jane was a beautiful nineteen year old college sophomore. After moving from the town to the city so many things had changed. It was a busy life for Jane, thankfully her first year had passed by quickly. Finally vacation had started and she had found time for herself amidst this short trip.

Jane sure had regrets, she wanted to return to being her old self but she never found time. Living in the city had worn her out, now she only wished to breathe in fresh air of the town.

Soon, in no time the bus journey had come to an end. "Finally I'm back in the town", said Jane. She could smell the fresh air, the early morning mist hid the sun away. Though she had just arrived at the bus stop, she felt like she was home.

She sniffed in the fresh air which had a slight fragrance of the flowers that surrounded the path as she walked her way up to the cottage, it was a mere five minute walk for her. As she was getting near to the gate, all the old memories were running in her mind. "Right!"She said. "I've got lots to do in this place." Jane had practically made a list of things she would do in the next ten days. She had obviously planned to meet her old besties and catch up with them.

The cottage from the outside looked just as beautiful as it has been five years back. To Jane it felt like déjà vu. Someone had been looking after all the lovely plants in her grandma's dream garden she though to herself.

Jane was now opening the lock. Just as she opened the door, a cloud of dust brushed past her face. (Coughing)"Oh boy! That's a lot more dust than I imagined", said Jane.

As soon as she got in, she started with the cleaning business. In no time was she almost done. "Just the bookshelf is left",she said to herself.

The bookshelf was one fun place where Jane and grandma would love to hang out, the memories returned. Jane was now getting all emotional thinking of those silly adventures she used to have with grandma.

"Alright, it's okay!" Jane comforted herself. She soon got back to cleaning.

Jane dusted the books one by one, in the process she found a few pictures of hers that grandma had sneaked between the books. "Oh! Silly me", Jane was now caught up in the old memories. She knew exactly when and where those pictures were taken.

As she was looking through the old pictures one book out of the lot caught Jane's attention, she soon picked it up and flipped through the pages. The book title was pretty peculiar, "strange!"Said Jane. The book was called"Ask away and I'll take you there!"

Well you see, Jane was one of those who loved experimenting with things.

So,she soon got to do what she was best at. Thinking from the book's point of view, Jane wrote -take me to a place where the sunrise is the most beautiful.

"Aha! Nothing changed. The book is just a bluff! "Said Jane. Little did she realize that she had been teleported to a tree house somewhere in the hills.

"Why are the lights suddenly off, where am I? Why is there just that book in my hand? Where's the table? "Jane was all confused.

-turn around, replied the book. The words were shining like they were written using gold, soon they faded into the dark. Jane was in shock, she couldn't imagine what had happened. "Oh my! A book with glowing letters, that just disappeared poof! I'm surely dreaming ain't I?" Grumbled Jane.

Mumbling on, she turned around. The next thing she said was"oh!this should be real, it's the best thing that has happened to me."

What Jane had witnessed was the best sunrise, she could never have even imagined of something more spectacular. The sunrise had taken away all the gloominess from Jane's beautiful face. The first light of the day was shining on her, Jane was smiling ear to ear. All of a sudden Jane felt energetic again, her past worries and regrets were all gone.

Jane spent some time in the tree house, she used most of it by writing the day's experience in the empty pages. She concluded by saying,"now I believe in miracles".

The next thing she wrote was -take me home. And she was back in the room where it all had started. That day ,she had quite an adventure.

She wondered what all places her grandma might have travelled using the book as a magic portal because she had found a few of her notes in the book.

Grandma was someone Jane thought she knew well, but now Jane had seen a new perspective of her through the book.

"Well! "Said Jane, "I've got time and time to know more about grandma and her magical secrets hidden in this house."

"For now I must recharge my energy so that I can meet up with tomorrow's plans", said Jane. She soon went to bed wondering what other surprises she awaited in the mysterious cottage.

April 20, 2020 15:32

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Dhriti Prasad
12:03 Apr 23, 2020

I enjoyed how simple this story was- no unnecessarily flowery language or confusion. I also loved the metaphor that you based this story on- the imagination that a book gives us is like a portal to a whole new world! Why didn't I think of that? I absolutely loved the idea and sentiment.


Thea Piper
12:12 Apr 23, 2020

Thank you soo much Dhriti. It really means a lot.


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