Suspense Thriller Fiction

It was a normal day in the small town of Decanta. It was a working day. The situation is always like people rushing to catch the trains to reach nearby city for their jobs, children going to schools, shopkeepers opening their shops, and some people who always sit near the shops or other seats available and talking about worldly matters from morning to evening.

Today was the same. But even in such a hurry people didn’t miss to notice a stranger lying near the fountain located at the centre of the town. He looked as if he was beaten mercilessly. His exhaustion was visible on the condition of his body, with bruises and dry blood all over his body.

No one went near him. It was as if he was an untouchable creature. “I think he is a member of the anti-Utopsia gang”, someone said from the crowd that gathered near the fountain. “ Ya you are right”, “Leave him there”, “This is what happens when you oppose the dream of God” “Let him suffer. If he doesn’t go away by the evening, we will kick him out”.   

Cindy was also rushing to catch the train, but looking at that guy, she stopped for a while. She was sad, but she was helpless. She turned away and continued on her path hesitantly. 

Evening struck. The last train returned. Tired, Cindy walked towards her home. It was located at the outskirts of the town. She walked past the fountain, but found no one. “ Hope he is safe”, Cindy thought. Walking slowly, she reached home to find out the same guy lying near the door. She hurriedly took out the keys, ran her eyes here and there, quickly opened the door and pulled the guy into her house.

She took out her first aid kit and started cleaning the wounds and applying band-aids. Suddenly, he began to mumble, “ Wat…wa…”. After dressing his wounds, she sprinkled some water on his face.

“ Wake up! Wake up!”

He slowly opened his eyes. Everything was hazy. She held his head from behind and helped him with a glass of water. Slowly he recovered his senses. He looked at Cindy and held her hands, tears strolling down his eyes. Cindy slowly helped him get up. Putting his hands around her shoulders, she took him to her bed and said, “Do not force yourself. Take some rest. We can talk tomorrow.”

The first rays of the sun hit her house the next morning. The guy woke up, feeling much better than yesterday, but hungry. He stood up and slowly walked outside the room. Cindy was preparing breakfast. He bowed down his head, “ Thank you, Miss.” Cindy turned towards the guy. “ No need of thanks. It’s okay”, she said with smile on her face. “ The breakfast will be ready in some time, you may use the bathroom to freshen up.”

They both started to eat breakfast. Cindy asked, “ So, what’s your name?”

“Joseph. And you, Miss?”


There was a pause. Cindy continued, “ I suppose you are a member of the anti-Utsopia gang. So how did you end up here?”

“ Yes, I am a member. But not now. All the members of the gang are already dead. I barely escaped. I ran and ran as far as I could and ended up here. But I think I have landed in a wrong town. I think you also oppose Utsopian teachings?”

“ Yes. I never liked them. They are the reason my parents are not with me now, why I am living in the outskirts of the town.”

“ What happened?”

“ They also opposed the cult’s teachings. To eliminate the only opposition from this town, they killed both of them. I was a child back then. They let me live in this house.”

There was a long pause.

Cindy asked, “ Utsopia… Is it also prevalent in your town?”

“ It was. But not now”

“ Why?”

“ They completely obliterated my hometown from existence.”


“ Yes. They have already obliterated all those towns following their teachings as part of their final ritual. This town is the only one left. I suppose a festival is going to take place?”

“ Yes. It is going to take place today”

“ We need to hurry. This town will also get completely wiped out of existence, along with Utsopia."

" But wait, why are they doing this to their own followers?"

" This festival marks the last day of their life on earth. They believe that this will lead a path to the heaven. And they will become free from all their sufferings and get purified from their sins. You know, those shitty teachings of theirs. "

" Ya, I know"

They finished breakfast. While washing his hands, Joseph asked, "Are there any transportation facilities available here?"

" There are no trains available today and tomorrow. Then how do we..."

" Then we need to run. You are the only kind person I was able to meet in this town. It's my duty to save you."

Cindy blushed. " Okay then, let's run."

She took a bag and put in all her essentials into the bag. Joseph said, "There will be guards posted at the outskirts of the town. They might have already placed the time bombs. We need to be careful of the guards. "

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door. Their hearts started pounding loudly in fear. Cindy whispered, " Hide in the bedroom. Let me see who is there." Joseph went to the bedroom, but was worried for her. Cindy opened the door. It was two of her only friends in this town, Lucy and Grey. " Come in, quick!". Both of them entered the house. Cindy quickly shut the door. " What happened!?" Lucy asked. Cindy suddenly remembered that she had not told them about Joseph, and cooled down. " Nothing, I just got too much excited. Do you want tea?"

" Ya sure"

Cindy went to the kitchen, Lucy and Grey followed her. " Anyways, you do remember your promise, don't you?"

Cindy had almost forgotten about it. " Yes, to kill the head of Utsopia who is going to come here today."

" Yes, and we have a plan", Grey said.

Joseph slowly peeked outside towards the kitchen. Without any hesitation, Joseph took the club that Cindy kept in her room and ran towards them. Before they could realise what was happening, Joseph struck the club on Grey's head. Lucy kicked Joseph, but he dodged it and struck her head hard. Both held their heads, writhing in pain. He covered their mouths with cloth and tied them up. Cindy stood there in shock. She was not able to move. "What have you done", she said, anger visible on her face. Joseph checked their pockets and took out their ID proofs and phones. He tossed the ID cards to Cindy. Cindy saw them, and fear struck. It was that of Utopsia's elite guards. He opened their phone using their fingerprints and read their messages.

"Look at this conversation. They were going to make you the sacrificial lamb for today's festival."

Cindy read the messages. She was shocked. Tears started strolling down her eyes. She never expected her only friends to betray her like this. But this was no time to cry. She needed answers. What if they were just acting as guards, to help her reach her aim? She asked, "How do you know?"

" Because they did the same with my only friend in my home town. "

Then he narrated the story of how they befriended her, and betrayed her by making her the sacrifice. And how he was forced to watch her being raped mercilessly by each and every man in the town and finally being sacrificed into the fire to start the ritual.

" I don't want to see that happen again."

Cindy fell to her knees in grief. Lucy and Grey were lying there, unconscious. Joseph took a knife and cut their wrists.

Cindy stood again, feeling strong. Joseph saw bloodlust in her eyes. "There is no time to take revenge. Today all the Utopsia members will cease to exist, including their head. We must run. Get ready." Cindy caught hold of herself. " Yes". They got ready to run.

It was at night. Many joyful sounds came from the main area of the town. Joseph opened the back door of the house and peeked here and there. No one was in sight. They quickly ran towards the jungle. They saw a guard at a distance. Joseph hid behind a tree. Cindy gave her bag to him and went towards the guard. Hearing the rustling of dry leaves, the guard turned towards her.

" Wait. Please don't hurt me. I want your help. My puppy is missing. Can you help me?" she asked, seductively.

" What will I get?"

She opened the top button of her shirt. " Since it's our last day on earth, so maybe...".

" Ya sure, I will help. In which direction did it go?"

"Please follow me. I will show you."

The guard followed her blindly. They reached near the tree where Joseph was hiding. Joseph hit him hard with a club and knocked him unconscious. "Age old trick works in most cases" Joseph chuckled.

Slowly and steadily they moved through the jungle. Suddenly they started running. As fast as they could. No guards were nearby. Even those who heard it were far away and thought of it to be a wild animal. Also there was no time.

They reached outside the jungle and Boom! The whole town exploded. Smoke and flames rose up. They continued walking and reached a river and took some rest.

" We are saved! " Cindy hugged Joseph in excitement. She fell asleep holding him. He was happy. He was able to save someone at last. He started caressing her head. But their peace didn't last long.

Joseph heard some noise coming from the jungle. He woke Cindy up. " Someone's coming, let's hide. " Both of them hid behind a large rock near the river. A person came out of the jungle. He looked as if he was in his 60s. He seemed fully happy.

" Yaaaah. At last. What a lovely game it was, lasted long. It is really fun to see such a massive destruction and see people die. Utopsia, my own Utopsia. It's time to start a new cult." he shouted out, with his heart filled with joy.

"AAAAAHHHH", he yelled in pain. He held his stomach tight, with blood oozing out from it. Cindy said, " You must pay". Cindy pushed him to the ground and stabbed him. Joseph ran towards them, and pulled her back. "It's enough. He is dead. "

A warm embrace, and tears started rolling out from their eyes. Tears of joy. The nightmare was over. Now they can rest.

June 05, 2021 03:58

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