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Best Jewish Literature Book Publishing Companies

Showing 21 publishers that match your search.


Genres: Jewish Literature, Literary Fiction, Politics, History, Fiction, and Nonfiction

Part of: Penguin Random House > Knopf Doubleday > Schocken

Location: New York City, US

Website: http://knopfdoubleday.com/imprint/schocken/

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles
The Slaughterman's Daughter

Yaniv Iczkovits

To the Edge of Sorrow

Aharon Appelfeld

Thinking Without a Bannister

Hannah Arendt

De Gruyter Publishing

Genres: Academic, Architecture, Art, BIPOC, Diverse Literature, Economics, Environmental, Feminism, History, Islam, Jewish Literature, Law, LGBTQ+, Math & Science, Medical, Nonfiction, Poetry, Politics, Psychology, Religion & Spirituality, and Technology

Location: Boston, US

Website: https://www.degruyter.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Bitcoin: A Game-Theoretic Analysis

Micah Warren

Fired Up!

Mia B. Russell and Girvin Liggans

Beyond the Voting Rights Act

Gregory T. Moore

Amsterdam Publishers

Amsterdam Publishers is an independent publisher based in the Netherlands. It publishes in English, and is the premier international publisher of Holocaust memoirs in Europe. Submissions must be a minimum of 60, 000 words long.

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs and Jewish Literature

Location: Amsterdam, NL

Website: https://amsterdampublishers.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

No .docx format -

Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
The Redhead of Auschwitz: A True Story

Nechama Birnbaum

The Apprentice of Buchenwald

Oren Schneider

Save my Children

Leon Kleiner

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New Jewish Press

Genres: Jewish Literature, Academic, History, Religion & Spirituality, and Nonfiction

Part of: University of Toronto Press > New Jewish Press

Location: Toronto, CA

Website: https://utorontopress.com/us/new-jewish-press

Accepts unagented submissions


University press

💥 Hit titles
Connected Capitalism

David Weitzner

Revolutionary Visions

Stephanie M. Pridgeon

The A–Z of Intermarriage

Denise Handlarski

Koren Publishers

Genres: Jewish Literature, History, Biographies & Memoirs, Religion & Spirituality, and Nonfiction

Location: Hartford, US

Website: https://korenpub.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Book proposals - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Koren Talpiot Shabbat Humash

Emanuel Cover

Judaism's Encounter with Other Cultures: Rejection or Integration

Jacob J. Schacter

A City In Its Fullness

S.Y. Agnon

Stanford University Press

Genres: Business, History, Jewish Literature, Law, Politics, Religion & Spirituality, Academic, and Nonfiction

Location: San Francisco, US

Website: https://www.sup.org/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Book proposals - View guidelines →

University press

💥 Hit titles
Guns, Guerillas, and the Great Leader

Benjamin R. Young

Changing on the Job

Jennifer Garvey Berger

The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals

Katja M. Guenther

University of Illinois Press

Genres: African-American, Jewish Literature, Architecture, Art, Business, Environmental, History, Humor, Law, Math & Science, Photography, Religion & Spirituality, Sports & Outdoors, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, and Nonfiction

Location: Chicago, US

Website: https://www.press.uillinois.edu

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Book proposals - View guidelines →

University press

💥 Hit titles
The Revolt of the Black Athlete

Harry Edwards


José Ángel N

Dockworker Power

Peter Cole

Ben Yehuda Press

Genres: Jewish Literature, Education & Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Biographies & Memoirs, Self-Help, Nonfiction, and Children's

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.benyehudapress.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Return to the Place

Jill Hammer

Beside Still Waters

Rachel Barenblat et al

Down to Earth Judaism

Arthur Waskow

Halban Publishers

Genres: Jewish Literature, History, Politics, Biographies & Memoirs, Fiction, and Nonfiction

Location: London, GB

Website: https://www.halbanpublishers.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Elusive Prophet

Steven Zipperstein

Death & Texas

Clive Sinclair

The Lover

A.B. Yehoshua

Ktav Publishing House

Genres: Jewish Literature, Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction, Fiction, and Children's

Location: New York City, US

Website: http://www.ktav.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Tree of Life Haggadah and Songbook

Deborah Weiss

Eclectic Thoughts of Meaning

Shmuel Kaplan

DNA in Halakhah

J David Bleich

Jewish Literature Publishers in Other Countries 🌎

What do book publishers do?

Sure, a book publisher prints and sells your book. But what they do behind the scenes encompasses much more than that. Publishers handle the entire publishing process for books, including: 

  • Editing the book, i.e. developmental editing, copy editing, and proofreading; 
  • Designing the book, i.e. book cover design and any necessary interior book design;
  • Promotion and marketing, i.e. writing the book’s blurb, email marketing, setting up media interviews, etc.; and
  • Production and distribution, i.e. formatting and distributing hardback, paperback, and ebook versions of the book to stores, both online and brick-and-mortar. 

Note that the structure of publishing companies may differ, depending on their size. Bigger book publishers may be made up of publishing houses which may, in turn, be made up of imprints — each of which will have its own brand identity in terms of the type of books it publishes. 

However, regardless of a publisher’s size, the scope of their work shouldn’t change. Once you sign with a publisher, they will do everything that it takes to bring your book to market. 

What are the most prominent book publishing companies?

If we define success by sheer sales volume, then we might point towards the "Big 5" presses and educational publishers (who rake in a LOT of money). Over the past few decades, these giant publishing companies have merged with and acquired most of the mid-sized publishers in the industry. However, a few still remain. Here are today's biggest book publishing companies:

  • Penguin Random House (Big 5)
  • Hachette Book Group (Big 5)
  • HarperCollins (Big 5)
  • Macmillan Publishers (Big 5)
  • Simon & Schuster (Big 5)
  • Scholastic Corporation
  • Pearson Education
  • McGraw-Hill Education
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Cengage Learning

Together, these largest publishers dominate the publishing landscape. Countless beloved books come from their imprints, many of which you’ll find in our directory. 

The rest of the publishing landscape is largely made up of small publishers, or independent publishers. Most big publishers don’t directly accept unsolicited submissions without a literary agent — but smaller publishers do, making them a realistic and worthwhile route to publication. 

I have a long list of publishers. What next?

Congratulations! Now take a moment to thoroughly vet every publisher on your longlist. Scams are a dime a dozen in the publishing industry, and you want to make 100% sure that you’re dealing with a legitimate publishing company. Again, we strongly recommend reading this post and Writer Beware to know what red flags to watch out for.

When you’re confident in all of the publishers on your longlist, it’s time for the most nerve-wracking step: submitting your manuscript to them. 

Check out our free resources if you’re feeling daunted by what comes next. Whether you’re learning how to research publishers or how to personalize a submission, we've got you covered.

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