#209: Road Trippin'
The open road is a beacon of possibility. Who knows what you’ll discover as you navigate across boundaries, familiar and unfamiliar: maybe it’s the world’s biggest ball of twine, a hidden gem of a diner, or a new truth about yourself. Whatever it may be, a road trip provides the opportunity to indulge your curiosity, going wherever the wind may blow you. There’s no limits or obstacles, only what you’re willing to do.
After all, road trips are hardly ever about the destination. The journey is what matters most, and what you discover along the way, whether you're taking a vacation or setting out into the unknown. This week, we want to explore those unique feelings that only a good, long road trip can conjure.
This week's prompts
Set your entire story in a car.
Dramatic – 95 stories
Write a story about someone going on a life-changing journey.
Adventure – 56 stories
Start your story with someone walking into a gas station.
Dialogue – 52 stories
“Never Follow the Lights” by Caroline Tuohy
Submitted to Contest #209
“The Drive In Time” by Hansi Saputhanthri
Submitted to Contest #209
“I never felt so much alike” by Luca King Greek
Submitted to Contest #209
“Unspooled” by Shahzad Ahmad
Submitted to Contest #209
“Get Your Kicks on Route 66” by Murray Burns
Submitted to Contest #209
“Overpass” by Elizabeth Hall
Submitted to Contest #209
“Seven Series Saloon” by Chris Miller
Submitted to Contest #209
“Submerged” by Martin Harp
Submitted to Contest #209
“CKLW AM 800” by Lily Finch
Submitted to Contest #209
“Behold, A Black Horse” by Geir Westrul
Submitted to Contest #209
“In the Passenger Seat” by K. Espinola
Submitted to Contest #209
“Goat-Man's Bridge” by Kristin Johnson
Submitted to Contest #209
“Inheritance” by Hannah Polis
Submitted to Contest #209
“Walk in the Woods” by Taylor Petska
Submitted to Contest #209
Prize money
Contest entries
Ended on 23:59 - Aug 04, 2023 EST
Won by Kyle Sager 🏆
Title: The Driving Snow
Submissions must be between 1,000 - 3,000 words and will be approved and published on Reedsy Prompts within 7 days of the contest closing.
Read the full terms & conditions or check out the FAQ if you have any questions!