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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2019
Submitted to Contest #45
Angelique heard the crunch of hot sand mingle with the deep base beat of the tune that blasted forth from her phone. The headphone buds she had picked up from the airport back home in America fed the latest track by artist Jay-Z direct to her ears, but still allowed the caw of the gulls above and the crunch of sneaker on sand to filter through. Angelique had the current song on repeat, trying to become intimate with the way the artist had constructed the rhyme and rhythm. She had to know this song by heart as the young girl had been selected...
Submitted to Contest #44
Who are the children that never get born? Who are the ones who are born but are gone before they ever get a chance to live, to learn, to grow up and have a life? How many of us have a story to tell of a little life unlived and eternally unknown?I am a father of three beautiful children, inquisitive, intelligent and each one their own character. I am also the father of two other children, children who for whatever reason never got the chance to be, to experience life and to share my life as their father or in the life of my wife as mother. Th...
Submitted to Contest #43
Dan had blue eyes, a dark mane and eight legs. The son of a Centaur and a Fawn he was born with four more apendages than Centaurs should and a multitude more limbs than all the other Fawns. The Centaurs would chase Dan through the forest, teasing him for his difference. Extra limbs meant extra fast though so Dan could always out run them and their hurtful words. The Fawns were worse, not wanting to tackle such a broad shouldered creature they threw their taunts from afar or hidden behind whispers. Such it was then that the Sylvan forest was ...
I found it while dusting, a strange cup that definitely did not belong to me. It was nestled behind a number of photo frames. As I took the photos down off the mantle in my tiny kitchen I noticed the cup. Taking it down the first thing I noticed was its complete lack of dust. Who knows how long that thing had sat where I had found it but there was not a single speck of dust. The cup was white, cut from some kind of stone as it had no joints, nor any other signs to show that it had been man made. Yet it had two handles, one on either side of ...
Submitted to Contest #42
It was almost five, so close to knock off that I was tempted to steal those precious minutes and already call it a day. The name's Donald by the way, Donald Ronald PI. I'm in the mystery business, but for now my bread and butter has been coming from finding lost dogs, cats and the occasional bird, you know, the feathered kind. I needed some honey. I was desperate for something, anything to sweeten the monotony. That's when she walked in; five foot two with shoulder length hair the colour of purity. She wore Gucci knockoffs and a cheap perfum...
Submitted to Contest #41
“Spawn!” yelled my father. “Go tend the fire!”It is hard to respect someone, even your father if you do not get respect in return. I learnt that early on in my seven years of life and it has bugged my dad and my older brothers so much that someone so young looks upon them with such contempt.I’m Pawn, Pawn O’Dell. My dad is Patrick, a foreman at the local slaughter house. My mum is Michelle, the Principal at my school. Mum is the one who named us all, dad was away at the factory. A lover of all things chess and chess related me ma named us al...
Submitted to Contest #40
Travis McBattle-axe tapped the bar with a scroll case while he smoothed his luscious blond beard.“This is it lads,” he rumbled. “Oh and lady of course!” he added swiftly, remembering the sorceress just before she zapped him.“What have you got this time?” moaned Dwayne the Shadow, unconvinced that anything the dwarf found exciting would be of interest to him.Sarah smiled, giving the feisty warrior a boost in confidence. He thought she looked great in her crimson gown.Popping the top Travis thumped the bottom of the scroll case firmly and what...
Tod was all smiles as the jeep pulled up to a stop and the five friends all piled out. It had been just over a year since last time when they’d made their hurried escape.“Where do we want our tent setup, Honey?” he asked, catching Samantha’s eye as he started to unpack.“You can set up your two person love nest as far away from me as possible, please!” Samantha’s brother Andrew quipped, making kissing noises before screwing his face up in disgust.After the failure of last year’s attempt Tod had focused on Andrew’s sister tenfold. Chocolates a...
Submitted to Contest #39
1914 - JuneA cloudless sky, the blanket above twinkled. Annie cast her sea green eyes above and thought how lucky she was to be spending this perfect night with her best friend. She had caught Herbert’s eye during their collage years and they had been close friends ever since.“Annie, darling,” coughed Herb, drawing those sea green eyes back to his own and away from those twinkling specks.Annie gasped as she discovered the young man was on his knee, a tiny box in his hands opened and thrust towards her. The diamond set upon the ring within wa...
That view, I tell you I’m the lucky one. I’m the first to experience actually living on the terraformed planet Mars. It was my Great Grandfather who was one of the first to start transforming the red dustbowl into something that could sustain life. He and his buddies made several trips back to Mother Earth for supplies, they even mined asteroids for gold and silver, but more importantly copper and aqua too. Great Grandfather was in charge of gathering water from specially created Earth reserves and then extracting the same precious commodity...
Submitted to Contest #38
I knew she was the one. Sarah Sollustrum. Every time I thought of her I could see a blonde river that splashed playfully across her slender shoulders. Ice blue eyes that caught mine in third grade continued to tease me for the remainder of my primary years. She was the girl that lived at the end of my street and I rode up and down that street regularly hoping to catch even just the briefest glimpse. She was truly beautiful, body mind and soul. Sarah was just the kindest girl in class and a true friend of everybody. She was the friend of ever...
Submitted to Contest #37
The day had been the same as always, a suit and tie kind of day where the shirt didn’t quite fit and the tie was way too tight. I’d survived though and chalked that up as a victory of sorts. I shielded my face as I watched the sun vanish from the sky. Like the click of my fingers or the snap of a bone breaking suddenly I found that my world was both bland and cold. It was like the very moment the orb of day had hit the horizon I was attacked by the night, a bitter and cold darkness. It made the world outside feel like it was reflecting my ve...
Submitted to Contest #36
Monday, April 7th 1851A surprise letter arrived today from a past comrade, Professor Peter McDonald. I had mixed feelings upon receiving the letter as this man had been a fellow student at Oxford University around a decade ago. We had been friends of sorts while at school but seemed to have little in common. He had followed the path of archaeology and I that of psychology. We had kept in touch for a year or two after graduation but once I set up my practice in London and he had begun adventuring around the globe we just lost touch. To paraph...
Submitted to Contest #35
It was finally here, the first day of the season of Spring. Four, almost five years of Sally’s childhood life had been waiting for this special day. For this would be the day she would lose her thick head of wavy chestnut hair and help raise desperately needed funds for the Cancer Council’s hunt for a still illusive cure. Since the tender age of eight Sally had truly hated cancer. She had watched her dad’s own battle with the dreaded disease attacking his lung. An adoring daughter, Sally took it hard as she witnessed her father losing his ow...
Submitted to Contest #34
I awoke to day five. There were the same walls, ceiling and floor of my tiny bedroom in my tiny flat. I had not paid them much attention but now I was forced to see them hour after annoying hour I recorgized little cracks that were forming and places where paint was pealing. Venturing slowly, tiredly down my flight of rickety stairs I looked into the kitchen and discovered that the dishes from earlier in the week still sat like a precarious castle upon my sink. In a day, two days max I would have no clean dishes left and would need to open t...
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