Stevie B signed his first record deal with a major label at sixteen. Over the years he’s produced records and composed songs for Madonna and other international stars. Since 2006 many of his music and book reviews have appeared in assorted entertainment publications. In 2012, “Pajamas on a Sun Stained Beach”, his first published novel, hit the bookstore shelves, followed by "The Freaky Fungal Family Tree" in 2021, and ALICE in 2022: ( "Chris and Her Daughters", "Beneath A Lazarus Moon", and "Between a Throuple of Friends", his latest novels, are scheduled for publication and release before the end of this year. For nearly 40 years he’s owned and managed Mia Mind Music, a successful entertainment promotion and marketing company that has accumulated multiple gold and platinum record awards in association with various record companies and artists. Born a blue-eyed, be-freckled, bewildered and bashful boy from Baltimore, Maryland, he now resides contently alone in Hoboken, New Jersey. New material posted weekly on his blog:, snd Additional information also appears on his Facebook author page (