Rebecca Miles

Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2022

35 Stories

2859 karma pts


Author bio

If you're a reader, writer, agent or publisher, please feel free to contact me: Among other things, Rebecca teaches courses in creative writing, is working on a second novel and an anthology of stories. You can read her latest published long story here: She is actively on the trail of an agent to help shepherd all her ideas, stories and fledgling novels. Teacher by day, writer by night and lover of stories every minute of every hour. Writing success: One step at a time, Eggplusfrog website First place in The Writer's Forum: Blackout. Winner on Reedsy: Letting Go. Shortlisted on Reedsy: How the Leopard Lost its Spots, The End of the Line, Castles in the Clouds, The Keeper of the Flame, The Poison Tree, Cinderella Respun. Copyright © 2024 Rebecca Miles - All Rights Reserved. Using content for commercial gain without written permission is prohibited.

Winning 1 story 🏆

Shortlisted 5 stories ⭐️