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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2020
“I suspect that most are not just ordinary cats i mean, this one is over fat, over overfed, over strong, over cat. You need to see it in action” “ How can cat be strong enough to chase two three years old dogs away?- I don’t believe you. This is the exactly exaggeration” “ Exaggera… what?- I am telling you what I witnessed firsthand and you are doubting?” “ I heard that the cat is big from Anthony but the part about chasing two dogs and people away, this is my first time of hearing that part” “ Oh! I see. You believe Anthony's part without d...
“How do you mean by that?” “Not how do I mean, never me?. I tell you what they said is the route they are on now in this madness” “But why are people so dumb to this extent, even if you are a kid, you can tell A from B in the situation of this nature?” “Who will be the one hearing that your A from B eh? Do you think those saying that nonsense and those hearing them don’t know that all are bullshit?- they all know but knowing doesn’t favor them or able to put food on their table in the manner they have been corrupted since this guy came o...
Self-respect is what most people don’t have and don’t know how to acquire looking at things and events these days. Nothing beats self-confidence in most people's opinion. That is the route, the key to many locked doors and even open ones. But many think that the route is turning oneself into a rich man's dog that kowtows nonstop to influential people. Why some don’t even know that those influential people, most have grounded wisdom while others are just baboons, floaters. That is what Mrs. Aaron never knew. Maybe according to some, pretend...
“Houston, we have a problem. Houston, Houston, this is Waterloo calling. Is someone there? Over.” That rant, is a kind of jingle in its own right especially to kids born before the ‘70s in Houston and Waterloo Texas and today, all over US. It became so popular that every kid of ‘60s the in Texas knows how to recite it with accuracy and rhythm that beats the hick out of Christmas carols and jingles there. “Houston, Houston this is Waterloo calling, over” It was the era of fieldwork with the enormous benefits that comes from it then....
Cultures differs really. There’s no doubt about that. But, what had been surprising to Lucas is why and how people of the same tribe, same town, same village, the same kindred, geographical up bring will differ greatly in belief and behavior like Cliff and Samuel do to the level of perennial squabbles both exhibit over ideology and well-known facts. Where both of them came from and even how their parents and kindred handle certain issues like engagement with others are how many in their tribe does it. Yet, Samuel had been living by w...
“It happened again, I am not crazy, not paranoid as some are suggesting. These people are violating my privacy. This justifies my suspicion” “But how are you sure they are monitoring you and for what?” hey, they alone can answer correctly that question. I am not sure that these creatures are what we take them to be” That was Tony talking to his friend Mark. He just told him about how his privacy is being violated not by the illiterate locals but by foreigners who are supposed to know better judging from what they claimed to be and wh...
It is becoming a regular trend in the Biafra land these days. Regular in the sense that it had been existing since organized living but it was rare. This time around, it is turning out to be common practice. A man married a woman and they don’t have an issue and the man died, the woman if she don’t consider any man, many of the He-goats walking around as men in the village worthy to see her nakedness, or that she is too religious to engaged in bearing kids that isn't of the man she married, she will gather a few of her kindred, intimate th...
That is how it is. Whenever it’s the new year, people always hustle here and there, rushing like Russians only to retreat later with excuses and wreak of the highest order behind them. Why do people always work themselves into anxiety and stress every end of the year and first two weeks of the new year as if those two months are something special to compare to the other months? Gabriel Okolo knew that those two months are months the court and the police make their own money from those rushing after the money. Officers rush after those rush...
For two years now, John had been following tradition, fashion and all the other johns to embark in a new year resolutions because to him, that is how it is done by many and since he is one of those many he joined in the ritual of the resolution setting each new year. For that two years, he had failed himself or rather crossed out each item in his lengthy list he had no intention of seeing through from Day one and assured himself that it was how many does it. They betray the list not themselves. Many. Why he always add his name to that ‘man...
I have a little personal story to tell you about the unwritten convention or is it the constitution of my family I believe will interest you? You see, I have nine sisters. Before I travelled abroad, only two have gotten married and the two are the type that either felt so relaxed at their husband’s house or the type that is not all that relaxed so felt like she needs to keep close eyes on the Hawks parading as mother-in-law, sister-in-law and concerned neighbors. So, to come and stay overnight in their father’s house was out of the e...
Freedom in certain foreign prisons is subject to work, good manners( as defined by the officers), loving yourself and your neighbors as you love your mama. Funny, right? Yet that is the reality in Maduri prison. Built in 2013, one of the best in the world in terms of everything as the story goes. Building, it is up there with the best, food?- nearly there with the best, management? – nearly there with the best until you are picked on. The prison housed about one thousand plus inmates of which about three hundred were foreigners from...
He is the latest noise in the region. His fame extends even beyond the region. To all Christians that hear his name, it signifies an avenger of some sort. I could not believe it the first time I saw him live. He looked like Jesus if the pictures of Christ aren't playing tricks on us. Not big, not small, the weight equals the height. That is exactly what Reverend father Thomas is. Not big, not small. He had returned from Rome a year and life ago and was posted to the interior village where many were wondering if he will l...
He had been sitting in the waiting room for about thirty minutes. The disrespect as he sees it is getting to him. Whatever the king might think of him or wherever he is grading him, he knows who he is and that is a lesson he is not going to sit there for anyone to re-educate him on no matter what the person thinks of himself or the position he is occupying. King or not. He sighed loudly as he got up to go. Just at that moment, the door opened and the king walked in. He smiled silently to himself and shake his head at a lesson he is yet t...
The change is always noticeable in Nkpor city more than in other cities. How the city will be graded by those who know the criteria cities are graded is surprising to Mrs. Joy Ubaka. The flat she lives with her husband of six months that had been taking her about an hour or lower to tidy up, for a week now, had been an hour plus to be able to make it look manageable clean and manageable is not her thing. In her book, It equals failure. The dry season comes with it's disadvantage she doesn’t like as a person. In a city ...
Culture, is one of those things that hold people together, one of those things that differentiate people of diverse tribes and races. That is what many races have in common that none is trying to change by force. Bad ones die natural deaths. It was the new yam festival in Umugbo autonomous community. Festival that rivals Christmas in mass returns each year in the community. The festival was meant to be the thanks-given to the God and deities of the community especially that of the harvest. The King ...
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