Michelle Oliver

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2022

79 Stories

5214 karma pts


Author bio

I write because I have always told stories to myself, some would say I’m crazy like that. I write because I need to get those stories down and out of my head. I don’t always make time for myself to do the things that bring me creative joy, but I’m a work in progress. I’m a mother, a wife, and a teacher, not always in that order, (and now I quietly add writer to that list.) I live in what his been described as the most isolated capital city in the world. I love reading the comments, sometimes more than reading the stories, because I admire the insightful responses to creative fiction pieces. I am always happy to read other people’s work in progress. You can drop me an email at moliverwriting@gmail.com Copyright © 2023 Michelle Oliver - All Rights Reserved. Using content without written permission is prohibited.

Winning 2 stories 🏆

Shortlisted 5 stories ⭐️

Contest #269
Left – read story